
Whilst I respect the help that you are giving to members with medical problems I really do feel that distant healing is not possible, do you not think that members are just receiving the benefits of the placebo effect?

I've studied various soft arts under under different teachers and whilst there is no doubt that chi exists, I doubt a single master would testify of chi being sent long distance using the thought process. If it were possible and it's a big if, you would have to be some kind of zen grand master.

How long have you been practicing Reiki and what other soft arts do you practice?

The most important question of all, who's your master?

I'm going to be meditating for an hour tonight between 7-8pm and would love for you to send me something. An exercise we used to perform in Master Lam's class was 'breaking energy' whereby a student would stand in a meditative position with their eyes closed and their partner would break their energy by circling a body part with empty hands causing a tingling sensation in that area. Do you think you could send some chi my way? I'm very receptive and should pick it up pretty quickly, I'll let you pick the body part.

Are we on?
Whilst I respect the help that you are giving to members with medical problems I really do feel that distant healing is not possible, do you not think that members are just receiving the benefits of the placebo effect?

I've studied various soft arts under under different teachers and whilst there is no doubt that chi exists, I doubt a single master would testify of chi being sent long distance using the thought process. If it were possible and it's a big if, you would have to be some kind of zen grand master.

How long have you been practicing Reiki and what other soft arts do you practice?

The most important question of all, who's your master?

I'm going to be meditating for an hour tonight between 7-8pm and would love for you to send me something. An exercise we used to perform in Master Lam's class was 'breaking energy' whereby a student would stand in a meditative position with their eyes closed and their partner would break their energy by circling a body part with empty hands causing a tingling sensation in that area. Do you think you could send some chi my way? I'm very receptive and should pick it up pretty quickly, I'll let you pick the body part.

Are we on?

I've been practising Reiki since 2003 and became a Reiki Master myself in 2004, i have been teaching Reiki since 2005. The type of Reiki i do is called Tera Mai Reiki and the head of Tera Mai Reiki is a lady called Kathleen Milner who lives in America, her lineage (and mine from her) goes back to Dr Mikao Usui, who was the original Reiki Master in Japan.

Not sure exactly what you mean by what 'soft arts' i practice, if you are referring to energy work i also do crystal healing and angel work, if you are referring to chi or prana i am a Tuina (chinese medical acupressure) practitioner and also do indian head massage (ayurveda), i also have studied Tai Chi, Qi Gong and yoga and practice meditation.

I have no problem with sending you energy now, but i won't be sending it to any specific body part, it's up to the reiki to choose where it wishes to go. :)

And no it's definitely not a placebo, i have had people who were seriously ill and baffling the doctors in hospital make dramatic improvements in their health at the exact time they were having distant healing sent to them, but unfortunately it's not something that can be proved to be because of the reiki.
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Naughty girl, that part didn't need healing ;)

I must admit that I'm highly skeptical after reading Kathleen Milner's myspace page, anyone that claims to have seen Buddha in their front room is a nutter.

I was going to play nice and say 'each to their own' but I'd much rather speak my mind as I feel it is important to do so, plus why should I take it easy on you just cos you're a girl. I feel false prophets such as Kathleen do more damage to the world of alternative healing as their foundations are based on pure fantasy. I find it hard enough trying to convince people to try alternate healing practices such as Tai Chi or Qigong which have been proven to reduce stress and blood pressure as well as anxieties, without these chakra peddlers clouding an already murky picture. Honestly that myspace page is embarrassing.

I was born with psychic and healing abilities, which are extraordinarily predominant in my natal astrology chart. In 1991, the walls and ceiling of the room I was in became cathedral size, and a higher being presented himself to me. Later, he revealed himself as Buddha. In the initial consciousness-raising experience whereby my physical body was in the Otherworlds, Buddha gave me what he said had been missing from the Reiki attunements Takata brought back from Japan. He didn't give me energy; he gave me initiations that work.

Buddha also told me that he was the only one who would alter these initiations in any way, and that he would unequivocally show me when the time was right for change. He has only made corrections on a few occasions to the Tera Mai Reiki initiations: The second time Buddha came to me, he substituted HARTH for ZONAR and extended ZONAR to create another symbol, HALU. Another time, he changed the name of RAMA to MARA, because he said this name connected more strongly to the Earth, and he added an initiation at the feet in the second attunement. Yet again, he substituted HUNG as the symbol used to seal at the crown for the first and second degrees, and the TIBETAN OM to be used to seal the crown in the third degree.

Buddha also told me that these initiations, which I was guided to trademark as Tera-Mai, could not be mixed with other Reiki, other Seichem or manmade attunements. When Tera Mai initiates keep the standards, the healing energy is kept pure, and remarkable healings happen. Tera Mai is the only healing system trademarked as a healing system and not a meditation system.

I won't lay into you too much as I also believe that if someone believes a load of nonsense to be true and that it helps or benefits them in some way, then hey that's good but it's usually only a question of time before they are found out.

Maybe Kathleen Milner is a Shree Rajneesh in the making.
lol that's very kind of you munkey 'not to lay into me too much'

Tbh i haven't read Kathleen Milner's myspace blogs, but why is it not possible to have spoken to Buddha while in an altered state of consciousness. It's no stranger a claim than numerous other ones made by thousands of people.

I have had people in my home that have seen and heard a tall man in red standing in my kitchen when there was definitely nobody in the house. This was at 9 am while they were standing having a smoke in the back garden and i was driving my kids to school, and they would both swear to hearing a cough and seeing somebody standing looking out the window at them. I have seen this figure myself before, still not sure who it is though, but they always wear red, are tall and it appears to be a male.

Anyway you didn't say whether you actually felt anything or not, which was the purpose of the exercise?
I started out with the usual balloon on water malarky and stuck with it for around 45mins until my alarm clock scared the crap out of me and woke me up from my trance like state.

It was the usual session I'm afraid, the tips of my fingers were tingling and my dantien felt like it was throbbing or pulsating. Most of the time I like to practice the same technique over and over, breath into naval/dantien and exhale into finger tips and toes, unfortunately I didn't feel anything out of the ordinary.

I wanted to believe but 2 mins into breathing I'd completely forgotten that I was expecting some energy from you. Maybe next time.
I started out with the usual balloon on water malarky and stuck with it for around 45mins until my alarm clock scared the crap out of me and woke me up from my trance like state.

It was the usual session I'm afraid, the tips of my fingers were tingling and my dantien felt like it was throbbing or pulsating. Most of the time I like to practice the same technique over and over, breath into naval/dantien and exhale into finger tips and toes, unfortunately I didn't feel anything out of the ordinary.

I wanted to believe but 2 mins into breathing I'd completely forgotten that I was expecting some energy from you. Maybe next time.

No problem, it might be better to do it while you are in a normal state of consciousness and not meditating? Anyway let me know if you want to try again.
Normal state of mind? I'm either meditating or intoxicated so we're both out of luck :(
Yep, I'm up at 6ish but need a few mins to clear the cobwebs.

edit -

Nice one.


It worked.
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You could say it's akin to praying for someone. There is lots of info on the net about experiments into the power of prayer. Theories into why things like pray and distance healing might work? I suppose a simple one might be where they take, I think it's, 2 atoms from the same particle, and no matter where they are in the univervse they spin in the same or polor directions - change the spin of one of the atoms and the other, even if it is on the other side of the galaxy, will instantly change its spin in response. That's scientific fact. And so snice everything came from the same place (for the sake of argument call it 'The Big Bang'), that means everything in the universe is conected to each other.

Thoughts being like radio waves is another. Science has some pretty crude devices to measure thoughts at the moment, like the ones where you have sensors strapped to your head and you can play a basic computer game with thoughts. I'm sure most of us here have seen this equipment in action in different situations.

These are just things I mention that you may want to look into more yourselves, the world of quantum physics etc... Saves me ransacking the garage looking for the relavent books ;)
You could say it's akin to praying for someone. There is lots of info on the net about experiments into the power of prayer. Theories into why things like pray and distance healing might work? I suppose a simple one might be where they take, I think it's, 2 atoms from the same particle, and no matter where they are in the univervse they spin in the same or polor directions - change the spin of one of the atoms and the other, even if it is on the other side of the galaxy, will instantly change its spin in response. That's scientific fact. And so snice everything came from the same place (for the sake of argument call it 'The Big Bang'), that means everything in the universe is conected to each other.

Thats a very interesting idea until you consider that we can't physically travel to the other side of our galaxy to test the theory.

Considering that it if we could travel at the speed of light it would take us 30000 yrs to reach the centre of our galaxy then putting anything on the other side of it is well beyond our capabilities.

So how can it be scientific fact?
So how can it be scientific fact?

Same as black and worm holes. Fact still stands if one atom was in Australia and the other in the UK, their spins instantly compensate. Don't you think that's fasinating? What is conecting them?

They are just rhetorical questions you can look into yourself if you want to, we don't want to flood this thread with too much debate; you can buy little quick guides to quantum physics outlining the the basic rules and theories.
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Same as black and worm holes. Fact still stands if one atom was in Australia and the other in the UK, their spins instantly compensate. Don't you think that's fasinating? What is conecting them?

They are just rhetorical questions you can look into yourself if you want to, we don't want to flood this thread with too much debate; you can buy little quick guides to quantum physics outlining the the basic rules and theories.

That's convenient.

Might be a better idea if you refrained from using unsubstantiated scientific theories or "rhetorical questions" as you put it to try and back up your rather strange beliefs.
That's convenient.

Might be a better idea if you refrained from using unsubstantiated scientific theories or "rhetorical questions" as you put it to try and back up your rather strange beliefs.

It's not convienient mate, it's just good manors to the OP as you are obviously sporting for your weekly slanging match. No matter what I say you are going to contest it, so that's why I am saying it's down to you to look at the science for yourself - that's all... Thanks for the spelling check as well, I realised before you replied back though, just so you know ;)
Have we not been through this before, if you want to try Reiki grand you're welcome, if you want to start a debate on whether it works or not i'd appreciate if you could start your own thread. :)