Racism on site

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No excuse now, take them out of your search functionality.
Unless of course you want to see them to have something to moan about.
It's not my choice, my wife (goldie) has mrs pikey and she isn't happy. It goes back to this thread
As a mod I cannot change this and will never beg to have it changed so it stays.
As you can see the op also had his changed.
All it takes is to have a sense of humour and ignore it.

Having a sense of humour and having a racist name is not the same but i get the point pity others don't
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I can't believe that people think that these jokes about race and women are okay to tell to anyone and everyone.

In the real world would you tell them to your granny, your mother, the vicar, an old arab gentleman, the two old ladies sitting on a bench in the park?

Any of these could be a member of this site. It's not just a bunch of lads down the pub.
and every 1 on this site knows certain member's me included post jokes and thats all they are
no reply then nara ???
Sorry, been away doing Sunday Dinner. I've now settled down with a nice glass of something red. Fire away. What was the question?

I will not move any of sticky's jokes to the adult room
Good. I've never seen the point of putting childish jokes in an adult room. :Clap:

Funny how these threads always attract the same members.....
True. Digi, Sticky, miggy, Speedy, manic01, nara, hamba, IanB, emarald....... :err:Hang on, where's emarald got to?
True. Digi, Sticky, miggy, Speedy, manic01, nara, hamba, IanB, emarald....... :err:Hang on, where's emarald got to?

yep, once emerald gets here, then all the true racists are in the house, its just that some of us are only seen as racist when it suits others, youve also left out a few others m8

PS, i check out just about EVERY post, its just some i tend to post on, afterall, every thread like this needs someone from a minority group (which officially, i am) to get their point across as well ;)
Sorry, been away doing Sunday Dinner. I've now settled down with a nice glass of something red. Fire away. What was the question?

Good. I've never seen the point of putting childish jokes in an adult room. :Clap:

True. Digi, Sticky, miggy, Speedy, manic01, nara, hamba, IanB, emarald....... :err:Hang on, where's emarald got to?

And we love you to as well man ;)
I have never got involved in these threads before, satellite threads for me.
Get your facts right.

you called me a welsh twat!!! that now makes you a racist :proud:, deal with it, english bitch :salute:

believe it or not, before all this PC stuff, DW was ALWAYS fun

I remember those days way back 10 years ago when I joined this forum :)

There was loads of remarks then that if these where now there would be hell to pay.

All this moaning is part of the reason I don't spend nowhere near the time on here I used too, back in those days I used to be on hear practically 24/7 now I pop on have a quick look and fook off cos it just all moan moan moan.

Thats my bit anyway.
im still waiting from someone who has been offended to answer the one question i posted god knows how many pages back, about which one was 'most racist and offensive' as well as to answer my latest question about why indiand get so offended by being confused with pakistanis when english and welsh get mixed up all the time, and just like india and pakistan, theres only an imaginary line dividing the 2 peoples

2 VERY good points to be answered, that 'a westerner' could not answer

and god knows how many pages later, still waiting
and every 1 on this site knows certain member's me included post jokes and thats all they are

Could you reply to the question I asked?

In the real world would you tell them to your granny, your mother, the vicar, an old arab gentleman, the two old ladies sitting on a bench in the park?
Nearly there, nearly there....c'mon 18 pages at least....I have to have one of my predictions come true after the last one failed miserably. Last time I predict an orgy with the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders...