Poppy-burning Muslim protesters


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Aug 29, 2001
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Poppy-burning Muslim protesters mar Armistice Day commemorations as millions fall silent to remember war dead

Islamic protesters sparked fury today after they burned a model of a poppy and deliberately broke the silence at Armistice Day commemorations in central London.

As millions of Britons fell silent to remember those who have died in war, members of a group called Muslims Against Crusades clashed with police during an 'emergency demonstration' in Kensington, west London.
As the clock struck 11am, the Islamic protesters burned a model of a poppy and chanted 'British soldiers burn in hell'.


Mail Online **Read More Here**
This scum should should be arrested and charged with treason.
Treason still carries the death sentence!!!
If they don't want to live the British way why the hell are they here?
I don't normally comment on scum like this, but actions like that really pee me off.
This kinda of behavior does not help the muslin community.
I should of posted in post#1

this is a News Story....please can we try to debate it as adults :)
cheers guys
Treason still carries the death sentence!!!

Unfortunately it doesn't m8,

i agree these scumbags dont deserve to be here living with the benefits of the ppl who gave the sacrifice to give us those freedoms, something they don't get in their own idea of a civilization.

at the end of the day, you either stand behind our troops 100% (regardless if you agree with that conflict)


Stand in FRONT of them!!!!!!!!!!
Poppy-burning Muslim protesters mar Armistice Day commemorations as millions fall silent to remember war dead

Islamic protesters sparked fury today after they burned a model of a poppy and deliberately broke the silence at Armistice Day commemorations in central London.

As millions of Britons fell silent to remember those who have died in war, members of a group called Muslims Against Crusades clashed with police during an 'emergency demonstration' in Kensington, west London.
As the clock struck 11am, the Islamic protesters burned a model of a poppy and chanted 'British soldiers burn in hell'.


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if they dont like us british or the way we run our country/army then send them back to where they where from if they where born here to me they dont like the way we run our country. armed forces then let them go to a country that they agree with
now there is no race problem with me
there are things i dont agree with but i dont threaten anybody or say go burn in hell
shame stuff like this stirs racism and hatred.. i for one think anyone from outside the country who doesnt like it should go back to the country the feel so much for... but im not a racist in the slightest... just hate folk coming over and having a pop all for them coming over to offer something and integrate but the above is a joke!
Unfortunately it doesn't m8,

i agree these scumbags dont deserve to be here living with the benefits of the ppl who gave the sacrifice to give us those freedoms, something they don't get in their own idea of a civilization.

at the end of the day, you either stand behind our troops 100% (regardless if you agree with that conflict)


Stand in FRONT of them!!!!!!!!!!
at the end of the day, you either stand behind our troops 100% (regardless if you agree with that conflict)


Stand in FRONT of them!!!!!!!!!!
Kruger, totally agree with your stance on the troops and as you say regardless if you agree with the conflict. Everybody should remember these guys are laying down their lives for our freedom and safety.
stuff like this makes you wonder how intelligent some of these people are. they are obviously fanatics that believe the dogma and lies fed to them by their extremist leadership. :(

easily led and expendable pawns, like the suicide bombers, you have to feel sorry for them really. just puppets being used to stir trouble and incite hatred. if at all possible try and ignore them, an angry reaction and a backlash by british citizens against the ordinary muslim community is what they want.
At the end of the day they hate all Christians or non muslins.
i will never understand why these lunatics stay in a country they hate so much.
whether they are first, second or third generation brtish, it's make no difference.

they should go back to which ever country they consider home (and it certainly does not look like britain to me) and try expressing the freedom of speech which they enjoy, yet abuse in this country....
see how they get on then.....

if that was a british soldier or ANY white british person with a banner saying "death to all muslims" or "death to all extremists", there would be hell to pay.....

ignorant beyond belief.....
Stuff like this makes my shit itch..Wheres that pocket NUKE!! Cowards,hippocrites need i go on? id sooner be done with all the middle east.Lets face it,isnt it where all the worlds trouble manifests? except those N korean nutters of course.It seems as it one rule for one and one for another.Someone says they are gonna burn the Koran and they go mental.But it seems its ok for them to burn the bible,chastise the pope and son on.Why is it ok for them to do this? Ill tell you why,because they are pond scum with no intelligence,simple one would say.Unlike the rest of us who seem to have broad shoulders.Now ill shut up before i get my self in trouble.
Re: Remembrance day...spare a thought at 11am

'We want the Government to pull the troops out from these countries and to stop interfering in our affairs.'

Then why dont they just feck off back and sort their affairs???
why do we as a country have to put up with this , they should be sent to prison;
[on 2nd thoughts sent to the front line as prision is to good ] but our weak willed powers that be will let this go unpunished as usual , why are muslims allowed to do this in Britian our bloody counrty , the trouble is if we say anything they play the racist card .
Are you sure it was a poppy protest. Looks like harmless X-Factor fans.


What can you expect from a pig but a grunt.
Poppy-burning Muslim protesters mar Armistice Day commemorations as millions fall silent to remember war dead

Islamic protesters sparked fury today after they burned a model of a poppy and deliberately broke the silence at Armistice Day commemorations in central London.

As millions of Britons fell silent to remember those who have died in war, members of a group called Muslims Against Crusades clashed with police during an 'emergency demonstration' in Kensington, west London.
As the clock struck 11am, the Islamic protesters burned a model of a poppy and chanted 'British soldiers burn in hell'.


Mail Online **Read More Here**

one word "respect" not a lot shown there at all,remeber these guys laid there life on the line to keep ALL the world free sad really sad
This scum should should be arrested and charged with treason.
Treason still carries the death sentence!!!
If they don't want to live the British way why the hell are they here?
I don't normally comment on scum like this, but actions like that really pee me off.

Copied from the EDL facebook page LOL.

Apparently there was news that this was going on in manchester but couldn't find where.. or else i would of gone to counter demo..