Mystery time - the room

it was an ice gun and an ice bullet they both melted

Ice bullets have been disproven on Myth Busters. :)

I'd imagine that ice guns would also be impossible.
@Witchy your pretty close really but keep guessing lol.The conversation with the police wasnt important as the person who was in the room was adment he didnt do it.The manger was shot but the truth wasnt revealed untill a year later.Just to add a lil bit more to this story the police didnt find the murder wepon they searched outside the premises and all round the building.I really cant give nemore information with out given it away but Witchy has been the closet yet but the wepon wasnt made of "Choclate".

Ice bullets have been disproven on Myth Busters. :)

I'd imagine that ice guns would also be impossible.
electric ice?
ok, im curious. u havent actually said the manager died of a gun shot wound. the shot was heard and you said it was done with a small caliber gun. was the manager shot? or did he die with a heart attack or fright?
Ok to clear things up the manager WAS shot.

Ill give people another 24hours for an answer then ill reveal all.ill also adda bit more info it was first belived it was a caliber but then the police got a phone call and it turned out to be a zip gun(home made gun).I know this dont really add much to the story but may make you think a lil more but dunno lol.
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did a bullet get put in a light socket or a fire or something. what about a booby trap on a safe door?

Ok so heres the answer to this lil mystery.

The policeman walks into the office and he says to the Chief inspector "Do you rember that case we had where the bank manager was shot" the chief inspector answers "Blimey that was over a year ago" and the sergent says "you will never guess what ive just found"(as he says that he puts a poster on the message board) "there he says read that"

whats on the message board is a poster for the travlling circus and on the bottom is a picture of the same guy they had suspected for the murder and by the side of him it says in big bold letters SEE THE MAN WHO CAN EAT ANYTHING FROM GLASS TO METAL

so in the end he did commit the murder he broke the gun up into tiny pieces and ate the whole gun.

Hope you enjoyed this and keep an eye out for my next one hehe

Ok so heres the answer to this lil mystery.

The policeman walks into the office and he says to the Chief inspector "Do you rember that case we had where the bank manager was shot" the chief inspector answers "Blimey that was over a year ago" and the sergent says "you will never guess what ive just found"(as he says that he puts a poster on the message board) "there he says read that"

whats on the message board is a poster for the travlling circus and on the bottom is a picture of the same guy they had suspected for the murder and by the side of him it says in big bold letters SEE THE MAN WHO CAN EAT ANYTHING FROM GLASS TO METAL

so in the end he did commit the murder he broke the gun up into tiny pieces and ate the whole gun.

Hope you enjoyed this and keep an eye out for my next one hehe

ffs , he would have had to be a quick fookin eater.
what did he use to break the gun up?
wheres the tumbleweed piccy?

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What a fooking terrible explanation.
Would have been better to stab him in the neck with an ice dagger. Once it melted no weapon, no finger prints and no trouble going for a shite!
sorry m8, this one blew chunks big time. give us another but dont leave us as long, a day or two is enough.
Well that dragged on a bit and ended up being an edible gun, give us some descent ones with solutions that a plausible.
Like Witchy said could just as well been a Chocolate Gun that was eaten.
Well im sorry if i pist people off truly didnt mean too :(.It was one i saw on tales of the unexpected so sorry if i annoyed people.

Well im sorry if i pist people off truly didnt mean too :(.It was one i saw on tales of the unexpected so sorry if i annoyed people.


It was just shite mate, lol

Usually when you get the solution to these things you say "ahh, yes ofcourse!" and get a feeling of satifaction as it all adds up and makes sense, but I don't think anyone thought that made sense at all, lol.