Mystery time - the room


Elite Member
Oct 11, 2010
Reaction score
southeast uk
Ok so ill start posting lil mind benders for people to try and solve.just for a bit of fun and to get your brain working and give the cogs a bit of working in your head lol.

MinD bEnDeR No1 -The room

The sectary is sittin at her desk and all of a sudden she hears what appears to be a gunshot come from the other room where her manager is having a meeting with a client.She trys to enter the room but the door is locked she knocks and the client unlock,s the door and over the desk is the manager dead.She immdietly calls the police.They come and start to question the client he is adamint that he never did it so he keeps being questioned.Two policemen are searching the room and they search throughly only to find nothing they strip search the client and find nothing on him apart from his wallet.The police look out of the window to see if the shot could of been fired from another building or from the window ledge.Now take note at this time that they are on the 6th floor of an office and the brick ledge just,s out a lil bit and covers half of the window.But there is no break in the window and no sign of a wepon and it was done with a short range caliber gun.

Now who did it and where is the murder wepon?

Answers on a postcard.........only joking lol see if you can work this out and i will give you the answer once people have given answers if they want too.
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weaon fired from other buildin ice block holdin the window open
good try and good mind useage but NO lol its a hard one and its one what will really annoy you for ages lol.
it was the window cleaners on a cradle outside the window,
the window was open, they shot the man then they closed the window and raised the cradle out of site...
The client shot him and then threw the gun out of the window:proud:
It was a pigeon, flew into the window making a loud bang that sounded like a gunshot and the manager had a heart attack.
He shot himself with a gun in his pocket
Someone came through a Time Portal, shot him, then went back. :)
An accomplice exits the building through another window, walks along the ledge, shoots the victim through an open window, closes it to cover there tracks, and escapes back to where they came from returning through the window back to there desk.
Ok so ill start posting lil mind benders for people to try and solve.just for a bit of fun and to get your brain working and give the cogs a bit of working in your head lol.

MinD bEnDeR No1 -The room

The sectary is sittin at her desk and all of a sudden she hears what appears to be a gunshot come from the other room where her manager is having a meeting with a client.She trys to enter the room but the door is locked she knocks and the client unlock,s the door and over the desk is the manager dead.She immdietly calls the police.They come and start to question the client he is adamint that he never did it so he keeps being questioned.Two policemen are searching the room and they search throughly only to find nothing they strip search the client and find nothing on him apart from his wallet.The police look out of the window to see if the shot could of been fired from another building or from the window ledge.Now take note at this time that they are on the 6th floor of an office and the brick ledge just,s out a lil bit and covers half of the window.But there is no break in the window and no sign of a wepon and it was done with a short range caliber gun.

Now who did it and where is the murder wepon?

Answers on a postcard.........only joking lol see if you can work this out and i will give you the answer once people have given answers if they want too.

He wasn't shot, he died from a heart attack?
He was shot from a room directly below on the 5th floor. The bullet came through the floor
lol all good gusses but still no where near the truth who wants the answer cause this is one tricky riddle lol.ill be honest its from a seires i used to watch.
Ok so ill start posting lil mind benders for people to try and solve.just for a bit of fun and to get your brain working and give the cogs a bit of working in your head lol.

MinD bEnDeR No1 -The room

The sectary is sittin at her desk and all of a sudden she hears what appears to be a gunshot come from the other room where her manager is having a meeting with a client.She trys to enter the room but the door is locked she knocks and the client unlock,s the door and over the desk is the manager dead.She immdietly calls the police.They come and start to question the client he is adamint that he never did it so he keeps being questioned.Two policemen are searching the room and they search throughly only to find nothing they strip search the client and find nothing on him apart from his wallet.The police look out of the window to see if the shot could of been fired from another building or from the window ledge.Now take note at this time that they are on the 6th floor of an office and the brick ledge just,s out a lil bit and covers half of the window.But there is no break in the window and no sign of a wepon and it was done with a short range caliber gun.

Now who did it and where is the murder wepon?

Answers on a postcard.........only joking lol see if you can work this out and i will give you the answer once people have given answers if they want too.
he took a bullet into the room in his pocket and put it sticking out of his wallet he then banged the bullet on the desk fireing the bullet no gun was needed
Appeared to be a gunshot. Maybe thats the bit that is the key. Perhaps it was not a gunshot.

Something on him or he did something.

If it was silent then the pong would be a dead give away but it must of been really loud. Can you die from your own farts?
LOL well thats another story about the fart lol but ill tell you that another time lol.Well there was deffinitaly a gun and no one as come even close the the answer yet.
I'd like to know what the client/Witness actually said to the Police, what was his version of events and why haven't we been told this?
He was shot earlier that day and died of a heart attack when the client closed the window too fast which made a loud bang? :)

He shot himself with a chocolate gun which the client then ate? :)

He was pretending to be dead, he's such a practical joker!!
@Witchy your pretty close really but keep guessing lol.The conversation with the police wasnt important as the person who was in the room was adment he didnt do it.The manger was shot but the truth wasnt revealed untill a year later.Just to add a lil bit more to this story the police didnt find the murder wepon they searched outside the premises and all round the building.I really cant give nemore information with out given it away but Witchy has been the closet yet but the wepon wasnt made of "Choclate".
@Witchy your pretty close really but keep guessing lol.The conversation with the police wasnt important as the person who was in the room was adment he didnt do it.The manger was shot but the truth wasnt revealed untill a year later.Just to add a lil bit more to this story the police didnt find the murder wepon they searched outside the premises and all round the building.I really cant give nemore information with out given it away but Witchy has been the closet yet but the wepon wasnt made of "Choclate".
it was an ice gun and an ice bullet they both melted