Made a Multisat section


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
if you could go here and tell me what you think it would be helpful :)


there is gonna be a whole huge section on multisat when davidh gets the time to finish off the stuff... and i will turn it into a php page you all to see :)

but for the time being tell me what you think and any errors aswell cheers all
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looks good mickie cant wait till its up and running ive got into the satallite side of things since od went t**s up and will help out with info if i can
might be an idea if members can put a rating next to it like u get on cnet. looks good though.
what like rate this box ??/
i got a few more projects im working on m8 ps2 and xbox chipping guides :) etc then i will sit down and work a rate box out ok m8y
i have had my ps2 second week it come out moded with messiah and works perfect now. (huggi will tell u :p :Frog: )

But then again i had a great installer :cool:

Ps2 chips are very relieable so long as u get someone the can do it right :)
yeah i think goldberg will be the best guy to talk to about the ps2 etc :) his site is very good and he will give all our members a discount :) cant row with that :)

but with the diagrams and install pages im gonna make they are used by goldberg and his people so they will be 100% safe :).