Lego Indiana Jones.....

I cant find this game any where (for a resonable price), been to the library, blockbuster and all the game shops in town,:sad: bid on a few on ebay but i cant afford to pay the prices that they eventually go for and right at the last minute im usually in the lead :) then it all goes to stupid prices ha ha

but i will keep lookin i'm sure its out there somewhere, Indy wouldn't give up and nor am i ha ha
so edogg if i fit a drive key to the drive a copy will work then take of the drive key? what about black wii and red wii will this work on them?

it wont work for the black wii I dont know about the red ones if they have the same drive as the black ones then it wont work

it wont work for the black wii I dont know about the red ones if they have the same drive as the black ones then it wont work


Hi what about if I swap drive to one with chip play copy of Indiana jones hack it and then swap it back? Would that work?
yes slyboy that would be ok; lot of screws to undo though i know cause i changed my case for chamelon case

Didnt see this post,if anyone could lend me Indianna Jones would be very grateful.

Theres no way i wouldnt post back lol ive been here long enough i think for people to trust me so any helpful souls out there with a spare copy i would be extremly grateful.

LOL pay for it you tight b@stards, i did a few days ago, £43 robbing fecker, he was a solicitor, argued with me over £3 tight fisted feck, got to his house, its a massive detached house with brand new saab and brand new alfa romeo on drive.

as slyboy says though use a chipped drive to run it, lot cheaper (why didtnt i think of that?, ive got one sat here)
and sell it on afterwards - you'll make your money back
Just picked up a copy this morning for £22! Was only by chance I saw it in the shop...Bargain...
i mailed a guy who was selling it on auction on the bay, asked him if he would sell it me for £22 cash on collection could pick up that night (he had no bids) had my tea, came back got a message and he said yeah, put it on BUY IT NOW for you................needless to say someone else got my bargain lol.........gutted
Just got round to modding my mates Wii...Gotta be honest it was as simple as it's always been...Gonna keep the disc just incase any of the others I've done upgrade