leave your net work open? .....


Premium Member
Premium Member
May 18, 2005
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chaps, Ive tried and tried to tell who ever it is that they have no key on there network, call me a bad person but i cant stop logging in, I'm going to print "i see dead people" on there printer at a daft time, well i have tried to explain to who ever it is!, i live in a complex, so there signal is all over ! ive even tried me phone to get a better signal, the best i can get is 77% east? i dunno, but for now I'm quite amused at the fact of printing something off on there printer, lol well they have shared it! ......ok call me bad and that but ffs I've told them! OK, im going to set my alarm clock for 3am, I just cant help it!the old cannon fires up at 3am printing that, 1000000 copies of bruce sir willis!.i see the deed..lol...is this bad ?,

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defo go for it mate, maybe when u'v cleaned there printer ink out they'll realise they need to protect it, muppets!
seeing that you have tried to tell the person that there network is open,

i see no harm done .....
i put a notice up! saying who ever is blahblah please protect your network....man i was thinking of setting a password on there netgear, summit like !secure me!.....but that be bad, if they cant secure there network what chances have they got?
Change their desktop to, "you need to secure your network, I'm using it to download beasty porn, thanks, your concerned neighbour."
Do you also go around trying peoples windows & doors to see if they are secured?

"Oh yes officer, I was only checking my neighbours car door to make sure he was safe, and to warn him that there are bad people out there".

what does that mean seedy ? im not following?
so is it a bad thing to teach them to secure there network?
If you want to teach them a lesson, lock down their router, password protect it, and restrict access to everything.

Then next day, walk around the street wearing a sandwich board stating that you will repair computers/networks for a nominal fee, and when they click, you can make a fe extra bucks & protect their network for them.

Make sure you clear the DHCP history beforehand though, don't want them venturing in there and seeing Dibbers_PC on the list :)
dude, i like you i really do, but what's your problem man, it's just a bit of fun like, i guess you dont know what that is? grow some balls man....have a laugh for fucks sake...:proud:
OK, so it's a laugh now? Here was me thinking you were doing the lone vigilante thing going around ensuring the neighbourhood networks are secure?

BTW, two of the things you mentioned in your last sentence were taken directly from advice I gave to you about another post you started.

How about growing a fecking imagination? :proud:
If you want to teach them a lesson, lock down their router, password protect it, and restrict access to everything.

Then next day, walk around the street wearing a sandwich board stating that you will repair computers/networks for a nominal fee, and when they click, you can make a fe extra bucks & protect their network for them.

Make sure you clear the DHCP history beforehand though, don't want them venturing in there and seeing Dibbers_PC on the list :)

whats wrong like? he showing them there network isnt secure so they realise that and do summit about it.

there network doesnt say what door they live at so how the **** can he go round and tell em.

chill out, stop gettin irrate and have a few tinnies, its weekend ffs
OK, so it's a laugh now? Here was me thinking you were doing the lone vigilante thing going around ensuring the neighbourhood networks are secure?

BTW, two of the things you mentioned in your last sentence were taken directly from advice I gave to you about another post you started.

How about growing a fecking imagination? :proud:

i have that's the whole reason i posted this thread....i guess you can give but cant take mate?
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im not sure what spooked you like, if it was all to do with that other conversation, guess you didn't like it...
come on ppl back off

is it worth all the hassel
lets all be good :)