Latest EMU - Mgcamd_1.27 (see last post)

iv still got neutrino uk05 beta 90 image installed its been working ever since i installed it first time. jst since a passed few days its been sticking and freezing. i need to update it to latest mgcamd i can only find how to change it on engima/gemini but nuffin bout neutrino. can any1 tell me how to update mgcamd on neutrino my 1 is very old lol.
FTP to your box and find where the mgcamd file is. It's usually /var/bin or /var/bin/emu.

Unzip any of the versions in this thread and find the mgcamd.ppc file. Extract it to your desktop and rename it to remove the .ppc extention and leave it as mgcamd.

Copy it to the location on the box overwritting the original file and chmod 755.

If it comes up with an error, it's because mgcamd is running, you'll need to stop it first.

Open a telnet session (START > RUN > telnet
Username: root
Password: dreambox


killall -9 mgcamd

Now copy the new mgcamd file over and chmod 755.

To chmod, that means change the permissions of the file. You need to right click on the file and select attributes or properties or chmod (depends on the ftp client you're using). Check the three execute boxes so that the number changes to 755.

Now, in your telnet session, type...


...and it should start. Or simply restart the dreambox.

That's you...hopefully no more freezing. :)
i jst replaced mgcamd via ftp telnet dont work 4me 4 sum reason. ant freezed yet.
froze twice so far jst for 2 secs which is is pretty good.. i do have signal booster in my room so i dont think this is a signal issue mayb virgin :(.


Extract the evocamd_2.15_upd_070620.tar.gz file and copy it to the /tmp folder.

Telnet to the box and type these commands...

cd /
bunzip2 /tmp/evocamd_2.15_upd_070620.tar.gz
tar -xvf /tmp/evocamd_2.15_upd_070620.tar

Should install and be available in the emu menu.
Is this right?

See Attached?

I didn't stop any services or anything
What image are you using? The DW images won't have an EMU manager so the emu will be installed but you won't be able to select it. In this case, take the evocamd.ppc file, rename it to evocamd (without the .ppc extention) and overwrite the evocamd file in /var/bin or /var/bin/emu and chmod 755.

If you have an image with an emu manager, you should be able to select it via that (usually the blue button).

Sorry if I've confused the issue with posting this method. :(
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Yep, Sorry mate too many Rum n Cokes!!

I'm on DW 1.6.5, trying to install the evocamd emu.

mgcamd, doesn't seem to work down here in the south very well. 1.18 that is or 1.16??

If you can give me some instruction on how to install the emu on DW 1.6.5 that would be great!!


Sorry m8, I've fooked this up big style.

Unrar this file and copy the evocamd file to /var/bin or /var/bin/emu...wherever the current evocamd file is.

You will need to load mgcamd first (DW MENU > EMU SELECTION) as it won't let you overwrite the current evocamd file if it's running. Remember to chmod 755 after you copy it across.

Restart evocamd via the DW menu and that's that.
Hi Devilfish,

Many thanks for that, I have done it. If I wanted to put the latest mgcamd on as well. Is it the same process?


Yes, just overwrite the existing mgcamd file with whatever version you want. Remember to change to evocamd first and chmod 755.
Hi Devilfish, I have seen on another site that there is an evocamd2.16 fix? Dreamboxworld?

Something wrong with 2.15??



Extract with winrar and copy .tar.gz file to /tmp file and install via manual addons.

evocamd file is also attached, simply overwrite existing file and chmod 755. Remember to change to another emu before copying over new file.

Extract with winrar and copy .tar.gz file to /tmp file and install via manual addons.

mgcamd file is also attached, simply overwrite existing file and chmod 755. Remember to change to another emu before copying over new file.
devlish.. Im hopless in FTPing the box.. I dont it one but it took me about 4 hours..

I was wondereing if the new versions are included in the 1.6.5 image, if so I can reflash it which is alot easier :)
I can't remember what version is in 1.6.5 but it's about 1.16 I think. It should still work ok in all areas.