Latest EMU - Mgcamd_1.27 (see last post)

i did try that, i still only had common interface with nothing to go left or right for

there was another mgcamd posted for the 7025.....i tried that and it worked first time..


Latest EMU - Evocamd 2.13

Here's the latest emu out at the moment...

To install on a Gemini image, unrar and copy the .tar.bz2 file to the /tmp folder on your dreambox. Go to the Blue button menu and select Addons then Manual Install. Select the file then GREEN to install.

To install on a neutrino or enigma image, locate the existing evocamd file, usually in /var/bin/emu or /var/emu. Unzip the evocamd.rar file and copy the evocamd file to the location and overwriting the previous file. CHMOD 755 then restart the emu.

Remember to load another emu, i.e. mgcamd or newcamd, before altering the evocamd file or it won't work.

Latest EMU - Evocamd_2.14

Here's the latest emu out at the moment...

To install on a Gemini image, unrar and copy the .tar.bz2 file to the /tmp folder on your dreambox. Go to the Blue button menu and select Addons then Manual Install. Select the file then GREEN to install.

To install on a neutrino or enigma image, locate the existing evocamd file, usually in /var/bin/emu or /var/emu. Unzip the evocamd.rar file and copy the evocamd file to the location and overwriting the previous file. CHMOD 755 then restart the emu.

Remember to load another emu, i.e. mgcamd or newcamd, before altering the evocamd file or it won't work.

Installed on my DW UK 1.6 image and working ok.

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thx DF cant get this to au on cryo's neutrino image :(
do you have to enable all the roms then donnie i use mgcamd & only enable rom 10!
ive just tried it donnie still the same m8 just freezes after about 1 min then nothing on encrypted channels! :(
Been pissing about myself and getting same prob.Channels clears then goes blank,then comes back on???
Had to edit cfg,replace yours with this all working ok at my end.
cheers donnie ;) just tried it but it still freezes here 4 some reason!
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For an easy option use an older cfg from an earlier emu.This i did but only had trouble with 2.14 cfg.At that point i opened both cfg in notepad and noted the differences from the working one and the freezing one,and made the changes to mirror the working cfg on the freezing cfg.
Also worthy of note i've gone back to mgcamd 1.16 to solve minor issues with 1.18.
Its on here somewhere posted by DF.
i was happy with mgcamd1.18 and evocamd 2.14 have same problems, 2.13 works flawless
Latest EMU - Mgcamd_1.19

Here's the latest emu out at the moment...

To install on a Gemini image, unrar and copy the .tar.bz2 file to the /tmp folder on your dreambox. Go to the Blue button menu and select Addons then Manual Install. Select the file then GREEN to install.

To install on a neutrino or enigma image, locate the existing mgcamd file, usually in /var/bin/emu or /var/emu. Unzip the mgcamd_1.19.rar file and copy the mgcamd file to the location and overwrite the previous file. CHMOD 755 then restart the emu.

Remember to load another emu, i.e. evocamd or newcamd, before altering the mgcamd file or it won't work.

Version 1.22 came out 2 days after 1.21 so their must have been something wrong with it.

another tps fix.
via1 au fixes for mips.
for openbox users: tps au NOT working on my boxes due to (buggy?) driver,
which only pass short sections from pid, and not long one.