Latest EMU - Mgcamd_1.27 (see last post)

When I try to swap to evocamd it comes up with a message saying bitte warten but doesn't change.
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The emu will have changed after the message goes away. The active emu will be at the top of the list.

You can't update the emu automatically on the DW UK images. :(

If you want to update it to 1.18, unrar this file and copy the mgcamd file to /var/bin/emu. Overwrite the one that's there and CHMOD 755.

Make sure you select evocamd as the active emu first because it won't let you overwrite the file if it's in use! ;)
The emu will have changed after the message goes away. The active emu will be at the top of the list.

You can't update the emu automatically on the DW UK images. :(

If you want to update it to 1.18, unrar this file and copy the mgcamd file to /var/bin/emu. Overwrite the one that's there and CHMOD 755.

Make sure you select evocamd as the active emu first because it won't let you overwrite the file if it's in use! ;)

Whats the CHMOD 755??
On your ftp client, right click the file and select ATTRIBUTES or PROPERTIES or CHMOD (depends on the client).

Make sure the EXECUTE box is checked for the Owner/Group/Public sections. The number should change to 755 the hit OK.

That's you! :)
it is written into the /var/tuxbox/config/shellexec.conf.

I don't suppose that they thought a new version of the emu would be out before the next release.

Normally images update more often than emu's :)
Nice1 devilfish i also have had freezing issues with dwuk1.5 image using mgcamd so switched to evo :THANKS:
I have now transfered mgcamd to var/bin/emu and then changed chmod to 755. It still says 1.17 in menu but it seems thats correct judging by earlier response but the emu now doesn't work at all. Box now only works on evocamd. Have I done anything wrong?
The bit where it says 1.17 is only a title for the menu! It won't change.

After changing the file, leave it on a BBC channel for 5 minutes then switch to a premium channel. It may take time for the keys to autoupdate.
I've just updated to 1.18 on a dwuk1.5 image without any problems, followed the instructions in post above.

'unrar this file and copy the mgcamd file to /var/bin/emu. Overwrite the one that's there and CHMOD 755'

also changed menu entry to say 1.18 instead of 1.17 by editing
and changing the 2 places where is says 1.17 to 1.18

all working fine now
Put dreambox on bbc1 for 15 mins then put it on sky sports 1 for 2 hours. Still no picture. How long should it take?
I set up as per above, rebooted and then put onto BBC1 for a couple of minutes then switched to other channels and all working.
Put dreambox on bbc1 for 15 mins then put it on sky sports 1 for 2 hours. Still no picture. How long should it take?

Try switching to evocamd and see if the channels will clear!

Try copying the file over again and make sure it's CHMOD 755.
Channels do clear with evocamd. I'm probably just being picky wanting them to both work for future re-assurance.
Here's the latest emu out at the moment...

To install on a Gemini image, unzip and copy the .tar.bz2 file to the /tmp folder on your dreambox. Go to the Blue button menu and select Addons then Manual Install. Select the file then GREEN to install.


i have a 7025 with gemini 2.10 image installed. i tried to install the new mgcamd.

i ftped the tar.bz2 file over to /tmp, changed attributes to 755 then when to manual install selected file and installed....install was succesful...

but when i go into activate it it doesnt seem to be there...any ideas?

cheers in advance
