Latest EMU - Mgcamd_1.27 (see last post)

If you're getting freezing issues or channels not clearing (and the SNR is ok and you know your signal is ok) then it could be an emu problem.

Only then would I think about changing it. But you have two option in the DW 1.6.5 image, evocamd & mgcamd, and at least one usually works ok.

Latest mgcamd_1.27.

Unzip and copy MGcamd_1.27.tbz2 to the /tmp folder and install via manual addons feature.

Also added single emu file and cfg file for manual update.
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just downloaded from dramboxworld and the file aint looking like the one devil usual pops up am I missing something or do I just manually copy the files into the right locations?
anyone got the mgcamd 1.29a ? cant connect to the server for a download.