Just Found Out


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
hi everyone just to let you in with my happyness... my girlfriend has just found out that she is pregnant again

so i am going to be a father again lol (poor sod)

so i might not be doing as much as i like to with her being pregnant i might find myself being a slave again :(
congratulations m8;)

sum good names David if its a boy:Clap:

Victoria if its a girl:Clap: ,

CONGRATULATIONS M8......all the best:Clap:
i didnt think you had time for that sort of business :Frog:
:) well done M8, all the best to u and Mrs D :Clap:
congradulations all the best,
wishing you all plenty of
:Clap: :Clap: :Clap: :Clap:
well done m8 congratulations to you and the misses


lets just hope its a :littleang
well done m8

hope you have many more little arsenal supporters or are they toon armyyyyyyyyyyyyy.................lol
i dont think i could imagine a little mickie-d running around lol
nahhhhhh m8

all the best to u and ur family

if she/he is anything like u m8 ur on a winner
congratulations m8 hope eberything runs smoothly for you.

you take care of the misses now and get her all pampered up she needs m8 when those sleepless nights come in and you can't be bothered to get up (lol) so get pampering m8.

:Cheers: :Cheers:
:Clap: :Clap: CONGRATULATIONS :Clap: :Clap:

i see you have been :Smileysex

now your missus will be :puke: in the mornings

at least at the end you will have a :littleang

Congratulations Mickie!! Well done m8ty.......
More little Mickie's...To Help make DW better & better.

I hear the first eighteen YEARS are the worst....just got to year 12 with the eldest......I'm goin' grey!!!! lol:confused:
Congratulations mickie to you and your good lady . this could be my chance to get the hemeriods crown from you as you will have less time to improve your score still 6 k behind you lol
thanks everyone for your kind words :)

i really appreciate it :)

i already have a 3year old who will be almost 4 when this one arrives :) so we wanted to have a brother or sister for him.

but the funny thing is i had to goto the doctors because i had a lump in my testicles (dont say a word scoot lol) they found out it was varacus vains but it was stopping me and the mrs from having another lol we was trying for about a year lol and found out it was a waiste of time .... well the doctor said it was possable to have children with the lump but not much hope there !!!

well i had the op about a month and 2 weeks back lol ... and look what has happened lmfao (i am getting him to put it back i swear)