How can i win back a girls heart?

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Inactive User
Nov 22, 2006
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hey all

i really really need your help

i made 2 stupid mistakes in the past 7 days

now i'm paying for it big time!!

what can i do to win back a girls heart?

i'll tell you what happened

i used to go out with this girl, she means everything to me, we fell out over a daft wee things then last week she asked me tae kiss her pal so i did then after it she hated me told me never tae go back near her again etc

the next day we talked it over etc and tried to sort it out

the following day her pal came onto me and kissed me again

now i should have said NO the second time and i've completely fucked it up

she still talks to me kinda but i really want her back shes the most amazing person in my life and now i've made a huge **** of it :(

i need your help what can i do?

hey all

i really really need your help

i made 2 stupid mistakes in the past 7 days

now i'm paying for it big time!!

what can i do to win back a girls heart?

i'll tell you what happened

i used to go out with this girl, she means everything to me, we fell out over a daft wee things then last week she asked me tae kiss her pal so i did

why ,............i know she told you,but if i said go suck Gordy Strachan off would yaa gav m8?????
cause i thought she wasnt interested in me i was told that she was going with some1 else so i kinda done it to make her jealous

you should have seen it coming, its been tried on me before but i didnt fall for it, i questioned why there and then.

my suggestion is (and it worked for me) stay clear for a couple of weeks, i no its hard, no texting or phonein or anything. then if she hasnt text or phoned you in that two weeks phone her and she if she wants to meet up then work your charm on her. im still with mine, been 5 yr now.
one things fro sure i wont do it again!!

i txt ehr but never fone her, she fones me :)

A big mistake there Gav...the oldest one in the book...I'll test this barsteward out, see if he really loves me...if your gonnae try and pump her m8 best not to do it in front of her will only piss her off, now I feel a massive amount of grovelling and a huge gesture maybe the way to go buddy and perhaps a wee glittery sparkly thingy that can cut glass? just a thought m8...hope it works out for you. :proud:

my suggestion is (and it worked for me) stay clear for a couple of weeks, i no its hard, no texting or phonein or anything. then if she hasnt text or phoned you in that two weeks phone her and she if she wants to meet up then work your charm on her. im still with mine, been 5 yr now.

Bearing in mind she is a he and he supports man utd as well.......pmsl
i'm no proposeing tae her!!

i said al take you out whereever you want i'll pay for it

she said a want tae go wie ye but a dnt want you tae pay for it

i would do anything to have her back

one things fro sure i wont do it again!!

i txt ehr but never fone her, she fones me :)


atleast shes talkin yo ya. ive been in worse situations mate and turned it around and i was bk in manchester and she was in newcastle. itll all work out in the end mate. then you will have learnt ya listen, woman are crafty
i'm no proposeing tae her!!

i said al take you out whereever you want i'll pay for it

she said a want tae go wie ye but a dnt want you tae pay for it

i would do anything to have her back


say alright then just pay for it mate.

@phfiller, youve confused me. lol he she, whose who? lol
first thng u need to do it STOP sepnding soo much time on your computer / games consols, then you have to give her a right good licking and show her what she'd be missing.

failling that PM me her number i talk to her, (is she nice looking ;) ) lol
my suggestion is (and it worked for me) stay clear for a couple of weeks, i no its hard, no texting or phonein or anything. then if she hasnt text or phoned you in that two weeks phone her and she if she wants to meet up then work your charm on her. im still with mine, been 5 yr now.

This man is talking sense, and is exactly what i would do.
she is fuckin beautiful

btw i am a cnut :(

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