Help With DM7025 C no channels Found


Inactive User
Jan 10, 2007
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Hopefully someone can help?

Flashed a DM7025 with the rudbox dm7025_n32plus_v0.02beta_20070304 now i am trying to do a service scan, i get the signal strenght ok and i know the connection is good as i have had a Starview working ok.

I know my symbol rate is 6952 and the provider is Telepest i have followed the instructions on another thread about full scan etc, but no transponders are found, any ideas?

cheers davo

Hopefully someone can help?

Flashed a DM7025 with the rudbox dm7025_n32plus_v0.02beta_20070304 now i am trying to do a service scan, i get the signal strenght ok and i know the connection is good as i have had a Starview working ok.

I know my symbol rate is 6952 and the provider is Telepest i have followed the instructions on another thread about full scan etc, but no transponders are found, any ideas?

cheers davo

Hi try this cable xml make sure scan mode is full not fast let me know how you get on***PUT THE CABLE XML IN VAR/TUXBOX/CONFIG***THEN REBOOT
cheers for the reply i am not sure what you mean can you explain in thicko language!
cheers for the reply i am not sure what you mean can you explain in thicko language!
Hi unpack the cable xml to desktop using winrar ftp to your box put the cable xml file in var/tuxbox/config unplug your box and plug it back in then go to servive menu choose full scan mode not fast or manual then just scan ****
ok i have unpacked to the desk top, ftp to box now stuck on thta! how do i do that m8?
ok i have unpacked to the desk top, ftp to box now stuck on thta! how do i do that m8?

You need ftp software to connect to your box and crossover cable you can download cute ftp or flashxp just google search ***
ok i will go and find them now on google cheers for yor help so far!
in the downloads there is a programe dcc,dreambox command centre that has an ftp programe .it might be a bit more user friendly: colors1
Alt method - do a manual scan. Locate your old services file and enter the details of any valid transponder on the manual scan, select network search if the option is there. Thats sorta how I did the one I had. Had to enter 15 trapsponders though apparently network search will yield them all automatically.
has your box got a sat tuner as well as a cable tuner?
if yes is the sat tuner in the first slot?
rudbox dm7025_n32plus_v0.02beta_20070304 only see's the first slot so if you have a sat tuner in slot switch over tuners.

btw use an enigma image they are so much better on the dreamboxs.

Hi cheers 4 that yes the dcc interface is much easier to understand, i have downloaded the s/w connected my box to the router with which the dcc has found also has found the box, how do i transfer the cable xml file to the dreambox, again cheers guys for the support!
i have gone with the dcc interface but am struggling to understand how to transfer the cable xlm to the receiver how do i get the file into the receiver?
Just a quick thought if anyone is in the Portsmouth area and would like to help this dumbo out with a demo i will of coarse be gratefull in the beer and petrol department
are you still using rudbox image m8?

so is dcc connected to your dreambox
then press ftp on the left hanside at the bottom
then on the on the main page you should have a screen split in half on the left should be the files on your dreambox

double click var
double click tuxbox
double click config

after each double click you should see the file tree change

on the right hand side that is the files etc on your pc
navigate to where the folder with the xml is on your pc
double click on that folder and you should see the cables.xml file
then in the middle of the page is two arrows click the arrow pointing from your pc to the dreambox
then the transfer should start
once transfer complete
close dcc then reboot the dreambox hopfully it should be in your service scan
i only used this image once long time ago so this should be right lol
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Just a quick thought if anyone is in the Portsmouth area and would like to help this dumbo out with a demo i will of coarse be gratefull in the beer and petrol department

i lve in reading but would cost you to much in beer and petrol:roflmao:
Worst case ....if your computer has an onboard network card that you have connected to the 7025, and a wireless network card and you are using the wireless for the internet you could go to and set yourself up. Then someone on here could remote control your machine and do the ftp for ye.
yes still using the rudbox image would you recomnend another image?

Right iam not doing

double click var
double click tuxbox
double click config

i will try this later after me hangover subsides, if no joy looks like i will be filling yor petrol tanks up and weighing you down with larger for the return trip, LOL
right it looks like i am not connected to the dreambox when i open up the dcc and perform the auto search the program finds the dreambox and router ip address's, but comes up dreambox login failure??? also comes up error 10057 in function socket not connected