help on setting up internet radio

in my groups/ hosts i have

and underneth that at updating to ip:nat/router/proxy 172.159.and so on
router and proxy? mmmmmm is this what your using ?
ok i have one as well....the best i can do is try and set up the radio station using it and reprot back to you the results..
I could be on the wrong track here, but if you are trying to set up a web server to 'stream' the broadcast, you will need to tell your server software (eg Apache) that the files are media streams.
Otherwise, when people connect to your site, the server will pass the stream as an unrecognised file type, hence being useless to connecting people. (Internet Explorer won't know what to do with the file the server passes to it).

If you run your own web server, try checking out the Apache docs.
i think it's all working now........i think so......