help on setting up internet radio


Member +
Dec 21, 2003
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iam trying to setup a internet radio station i have the link all set up but i cant get it to work from another computer i have tested the computer that is broadcasting and its fine any help pls
you will need to stream to the server using software m8. what system are you using
Try shoutcast I think thats probably the most simple to use but then again I havent used any others and it has been a few years..
use jet audio mate it uses jet cast , it works well
ive uploaded jet audio to the download section under misc
i have an online radio station...can i be of help?
ok i have downloaded jet audio and instaled it how do i give it a name and how do other people listen to it. i have a router so i need to now how to set up thanks
got the jet cast plug in for winamp i set the name of the station klick on broadcast i do a search and cant find it any help please
i use shoutcast for winamp, i can maybe help you with this if you like...
ok mate go to this link and download the 2 files.

You have to create a server on your pc.

once you have it installed go to C:\Program Files\SHOUTcast and edit the ini file.

juat edit the

Required stuff

all you need to do is the port and the password, then save the ini file.

then double click the sc_serv.exe

this should then give you a screen shot like below.


So thats your server side of things set up.

then run winamp and go to options and select options, preferences and select shoutcast source DSP you should see a box appear like the one below.

go to the yellow pages button and put in your options like i have done.


then select connection and put your ip address of your computer in ( go to cmd and type ip config this will give you your ip addy )

make sure where i have the red dots that your settings are exactly the same or it will not work.


now on this tab along the top this is what is going to zap your bandwith and will depend on what your connection is like but you must have it on encoder option one or it will not work


after that put some songs in your play list and then thats it.

I use an internet host so i stream to them and then they push it out to my listners at 80kbps so everyone that listens has a good sound.

then all you have to do is give out your link, for example if my ip addy for my pc was then the link i would use is http:/

( if you want to hide your ip address so your not given it out in links then have a look at no ip, it will let you create an ip mask so for example you link would then become


Good luck
ok mate all good but dont want to put out ip addy i want to call it dream fm. thanks i am getting this server unavailable, disconnecting help ples
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ok so go here and create it and then when the dns is active then it will be


Easy man !

let me have a listen yeah and then you can hear mine....lolol..

i play underground hip-hop .......word.....
i cant get it to start up says not conected . where abouts do i change it to dream fm thanks
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ok so once you have registered with no-ip go to the add button

make sure its an .org it's the only one that seems to work

next download the exe file from no-ip and run it so you see the following


now for example when i run this the link would be

or to get to the admin page you would use
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still cant get it to go maTE i got a no ip address thing still cant get it conected thanks
have you got msn mate ?

Whats your no-ip addy ?

What happens when you run the no-ip software ?
