Help in the Research to Cancer

Ya, sad to see though, as crunching some packets to find sumtin against cancer is really worth the effort :(

Shame on u all heheh
delstar welcome m8ty nice one
Good on ya Delster m8 ;) and Bronto soon! That'll be 8 :)

Does'nt look like the team will even make it into the top 5000 lol. But who cares? :Hit:
Every single bit, helps. :) :)
cmon m8s lets get digital world at the top of this as well...
Just 2 more needed to round it off to an even 10 :) which is a perfect team size :) lol :)
do i join team and then start proggy?
or just start proggy with my own login?
ive done the latter but clicked 'join team' on the website.

Ive left it runnin on my server which is nver switched off aprt from emergencies.
You've probs done it correctly m8 :)

Just have to wait a while for the team update.

Nice one m80 :) :)
Keep crunching m8s :)
And some more people join in please :)
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

Just made it past 10.000 points this morning.
Catch me if u can :p
he has it running in all the machines at work i bet they are never off
Ya, mb is right. Currently crunching on 3 machines, 24/7 unless security comes around and shuts them down after i left (damn them hehehe)