Help in the Research to Cancer

static said:
What do I register as or do I reigster as me then do you get the option to join a team ?
I had a little problem registering at first cos my username was already being used.
But if you,ve successfully registered with one name or another.

Just click the link Mairyhinge posted m8, and you should be able to join the team:
Sorted, Im member number 5 then :) I think my problem was the user name...
Good one m80! :)

Not showing yet, but I think it takes a little time to update.

But it looks like you did register as Digital Worlds as number 4 also :)

No matter :Hit: you're there now :)
done it i think i done it

Jim, are you crunching at the moment m8? cos nothings showing yet.

@Madbomber Still not showing you there. Wonder if you did set it right m8 :)
dont know it says my task excution time 57%
madbomber said:
dont know it says my task excution time 57%

K m80 so its running right then :).

Maybe it'll wait till its 100% before you get added to the team. But Jim is showing with no results yet ???
Maybe it just really needs time to update those member lists.
Give it 24h and see whether u r listed then
Yae, maddbomber should be in then. Haven't checked the stats for ages. Just took a look at them when i registered and ever since i am just crunching numbers :p
Yeah Bombers there :) and you are top of the table Bad Karma[CORE] . Great! :)

But still only 6 members :( Thats shameful :confused: :confused:
thought more than that would have joined up off here than that :grayno:
I've only got my laptop up and running at the moment and it's slow at the best of times, I should have my new hard drive for my main PC very soon and once thats up and running I'll be joining for sure :)
come on members this is a worthy cause.i am sure you can spare a small bit of cpu power on the advert says e will all have someone that is affected with this at some time so cmon show the .DIGITAL WORLD SPIRIT AND JOIN UP WITH OUR TEAM ..
and no reply was the answer of our loyal members .