Gordon Brown 'stepping down as Labour leader'

we'll see what happens in the emergency budget that's supposed to occurring sometime soon - then we'll see the true colour of their intentions.
Have a blast on this. Chop or Not

Whoever had got in, some severe belt adjusting was/is necessary.
Most chopped: the military (£16950m)
Most cherished: the NHS (£9660m)

Well, you're a bit of a pacifist - possibly even a commie - -
but you'd give a run-down NHS some TLC.

Nice axe-work. But you've only cut 80%...
'Cut adult literacy classes. If they haven't got it by now...'

PMSL! That's definitely going.

Any sane government would hold a series of mini referendums using that either/or set up.

Power to the people. Then we can't complain to the government when a service we would like is not there, or limited.
I was going to cut my balls off but remembered saying I'd only do that in protest at a tory majority so my hairy danglers are safe and sound ;)

I can't remember what I cut for the 'Chop or Not' I got bored after 2 slides!