Go 520 Map Activation


Inactive User
Oct 12, 2008
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Hi all

This is my first post and i have been trying to update my TT 520 with a new map United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland_v810.1870 My problem is i have tried following tutorials and it is a pain because i keep getting You cannot use this map on this device then the map details. I have tried (i think) all options to activate .. I think im failing on the meta file as im not sure if i need to put meta.txt or United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland-15.meta into the maps folder. I have a valid backup and have had numerous attempts to follow the tuts and install this map.

Im running out of ideas and did originaly come here to download what i thought was v8 tools but my download is disabled untill i make 5 posts it seems. .not 100% this is the problem.

Any Help would be great :Cheers:
Hi all

This is my first post and i have been trying to update my TT 520 with a new map United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland_v810.1870 My problem is i have tried following tutorials and it is a pain because i keep getting You cannot use this map on this device then the map details. I have tried (i think) all options to activate .. I think im failing on the meta file as im not sure if i need to put meta.txt or United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland-15.meta into the maps folder. I have a valid backup and have had numerous attempts to follow the tuts and install this map.

Im running out of ideas and did originaly come here to download what i thought was v8 tools but my download is disabled untill i make 5 posts it seems. .not 100% this is the problem.

Any Help would be great :Cheers:
u cannot use the version 8 maps on the 520 unless u install the version 8 software
Sounds fair to me :) i have App 8.010 running OS: 190943 UK & RI v720.1803 and am still 100% legit atm. I have a spanking new TT code for a map download and speedcams but was looking to donate it at a later time to someone that is developing if you get me :)

I have gone back to my backed up settings for now and have wasted another day. I realy should RTFM lol. Im looking to get the IQ routes and lane guidance going .. guess i will keep reading till something works.

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I have also only space on my TT for UK & ROI map as the internal memorey is only 1gb i believe. But i do have a 2gb sd running an older version of Europe maps atm. I never had these problems with my V1 or V3 TT's i used to update those np

Sounds fair to me :) i have App 8.010 running OS: 190943 UK & RI v720.1803 and am still 100% legit atm. I have a spanking new TT code for a map download and speedcams but was looking to donate it at a later time to someone that is developing if you get me :)

I have gone back to my backed up settings for now and have wasted another day. I realy should RTFM lol. Im looking to get the IQ routes and lane guidance going .. guess i will keep reading till something works.

easytools here u need to crack the map and also the ttsystem file
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Hi David

I have honestly tried cracking using those tools more times than i care to remember. It is i think something to do with the navcore 8.010 i have installed. I think if i roll back to the older version 8.002 i believe it would all work. As it is unless someone with the 520 has made a complete walkthrough then i will just have to stick to my v7 maps for the time being :(
newer easytools

if u can pm me pm me ur unit id and the meta of the map
also i will need a copy of ur ttsystem file attach the ttsystem file here
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