Getting over a girlfriend

if she cheated on you mate then forget about her...she wont change,
if people do it once they will do it again and again,
with me ya get 1 chance and if ya feck it up well thats that.
no matter how much you love her do not get back with her you will regret it,
if i cheted on a girl i would expect her oo feck me off too.
dont be a fool`ll will meet someone else.

sorry, but I don't agree with this. People make mistakes but it doesn't automatically mean they will keep repeating them. they are both young, hopefully they have learnt from this.
sorry, but I don't agree with this. People make mistakes but it doesn't automatically mean they will keep repeating them. they are both young, hopefully they have learnt from this.

lets just get this right your bird cheats on you but its ok because everybody makes mistakes she wont do it again,

321 your back in the room.
To be honest lads, I cheated on her after 3 months of this relationship and its the worst thing I ever did! I learnt from that and will never do it again to any woman in my life as its really not fair.

I know how sorry she is, she says she will do anything to get me back literally. She even talks about hurting herself and I know she would.
So emotional blackmail is the way to go?

Is she going to threaten you all through your life? You're 19 man, you could do without all this 5hit.

Self harm nowadays is a fashion statement, you can't go anywhere without seeing kids with scars on their arms, usually Emo's Screamo's & Pete Wentz fangirls, she'd fit right in.

Bin her...get her help & bin 'er.
adam you have both played the field a bit now and both agree it wasnt for any of you.Give it another go m8 you are both hurting from all of this. Set some ground rules take each day at a time and dont see each other everyday thats a big mistake.Play it cool and you will be fine.

Best Wishes m8 and enjoy your holiday:proud:
To be honest lads, I cheated on her after 3 months of this relationship and its the worst thing I ever did! I learnt from that and will never do it again to any woman in my life as its really not fair.

I know how sorry she is, she says she will do anything to get me back literally. She even talks about hurting herself and I know she would.

Adam, people say stupid stuff to try and make you feel bad. Just get off to holiday, and sow some oats. Meet some people and enjoy yourself, your 19 mate, enjoy your life a bit.

What will be will be, and if she is making threats like that, then your clearly better off without her. Get her sectioned or something. lol.
She was willing to forgive for your mistake, not its time to return the favour. If you really want to be with her then its time to give her a chance.

If you don't want to be with her then go on your holiday and fook every bit of tail you can.

Your choice, you are the only one who can make the choice.
oneman's right - people can change if they want to. everyone makes mistakes and learn from it as you have. don't want to sound patronising but you're both still young with stuff to learn about yourself and others. you will always remember your 1st proper love.

the 'hurting herself' bit is more worrying, i know people can be desperate but blackmail like this is no way for you to both accept whats happened and rebuild your trust.
Happened to me. Cheated on me, i left and had here back swearing she made huge mistake........never again
In my opinion this girl is very stupid to of done what she did, she of course will be extremely ashamed in herself not to of told anyone for so long, but i'm sure she is very sure of that already, girls only cry for good reasons and if he says he's never seen her like that, then that must mean something huh?

Everyone makes mistakes & should be given another chance, if they are truly sorry for what they did then why shouldn't they have one, of course people can say 'once a cheater always a cheater' but thats a SAYING, it's not true for everyone is it, in fact it's probably only true in a really small number of situations. Sure, there are people who will cheat and say they're sorry etc but not really mean it, and do it again, but at the end of the day that doesn't mean every person is the same, if someone shows absolute remorse then that must mean they are totally meaningful when they say they wouldn't do it again.

If Adam still loves her, it's hard for those feelings to just be turned off. Loads of you say just go on holiday get with abunch of girls, go out with his mates etc but thats not 24 hours of the day, what about the times when he's at home on his own just thinking about things? He can't spend every hour out with his mates, or playing xbox, etc. If he feels his life is missing something then it must be missing her, and if he's missing her he needs her, and if he needs her he loves her, and if he loves her, there may be a way to work past things.

Its obviously not easy and takes a hell of a long time but if two people have been through alot, and she's been there for him, they are best friends and maybe even soulmates, why shouldn't they be together? It will be hard for him to forget about what she did but like I said before, time will make things better.

She made the wrong decisions, which were terrible ones, but she knows that and i'm sure she feels as low as she can possibly get because she let herself down in such a way, and let everyone else down. I bet the guilt is eating her up inside and she must cry everyday. But if she hasn't let Adam go by now there is still a lot of love there, enough to be together.

By the sounds of things these two people would be much happier in the long run being together than being apart.

Just my opinion.
Hmmm great first post you sure your not the g/f ??? lol.:love:
An eye for an eye as far as I'm concerned, you both were deceitful at one time or another and you both say you are sorry for them why not draw a line under it and try to forgive ? If she's given you the forgiveness enough to stay with you, which takes a lot because cheating is obviously extremely damaging to a relationship, then I think you should give her the same in return - unless you don't want to be with her. Otherwise I'd say call it an eye for an eye in the fullest sense of the word, but tell her if she does it again you are out of her life for good. Everybody deserves a second chance, but not a third. And as long as you stick to that too and make it clear then hopefully things will be well for both of you m8, especially if you're both being honest with yourselves.

But on the other hand I don't buy it that cheating is an easy mistake to make, it is if you aren't committed when you should be, but otherwise it's just selfish and deceitful in my view. But as others have said you are 19, and to be honest how often does stuff like this happen between people at that age and it's just one of those things....I think either way you need to make a decision and stick to it, I don't think there should be an in between. Don't dwell on it either way draw a line under this and move on. With or without her.

But just remember you did it to her too, also remember that you don't have forever to decide because she could very well meet someone else while you're mulling it over. Last thing you want is to decide you want to be with her after all only to find that she's found someone else. It's your life either way mate. This is just part of growing up more, it's a tough decision for sure, but make it quicksmart decide what you want to do and then stick to it. That's the best thing to do. But you don't have all day bud.