Getting over a girlfriend


theres one eye outside and one going back in for the change!


That photo's a few month old, they told me the more sex I have the straighter it'll get, you should see it now, I'm knackered I tell you. :proud:

aye youve probably burnt about 3" of skin off yer right hand!!

Grrrr im so raging right now, she went to town today and said ahh im going on my own I wanna go round the shops and look and try stuff on etc.

I was like hmm ok fair enough. So we met each other tonight all was going well, got back home and my mate told me shes been up town with that lad (the 1 shes been accused of cheating on) she didnt tell me and when I confronted her she tried to lie.

Ive took everything her ghd's ipod rings all that I bought! I no its not fair but if she wants to be a lying bitch she can **** off!

Grrrr im so raging right now, she went to town today and said ahh im going on my own I wanna go round the shops and look and try stuff on etc.

I was like hmm ok fair enough. So we met each other tonight all was going well, got back home and my mate told me shes been up town with that lad (the 1 shes been accused of cheating on) she didnt tell me and when I confronted her she tried to lie.

Ive took everything her ghd's ipod rings all that I bought! I no its not fair but if she wants to be a lying bitch she can **** off!


Move on m8 she is not worth upsetting yourself over. She is at the messing with your head stage. Dont appear to be stalking her either. When its over its over. Its hard but the quicker you move on the better both your lives will be trust me.
Move on m8 she is not worth upsetting yourself over. She is at the messing with your head stage. Dont appear to be stalking her either. When its over its over. Its hard but the quicker you move on the better both your lives will be trust me.

[ame=""]YouTube - The Streets - Dry your eyes[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Go:Audio-She Left Me[/ame]
Move on m8 she is not worth upsetting yourself over. She is at the messing with your head stage. Dont appear to be stalking her either. When its over its over. Its hard but the quicker you move on the better both your lives will be trust me.

Yep its the only way to go.
Don't let poison get into your head and don't even bother what she is doing.
She is now your ex and she is history and not part of your life anymore.
Cut all contact with her and delete her number and if she texts or phones, delete the texts and hang the phone up.
If you can do that then you are half way there.
Tell your pals you don't want to hear anymore rumours or storys or even her name.

Treat yourself to new threads and a new hairdoo and keep your chin up and bury any bitterness.
You are lucky as you have got rid off her before marriage or any kids were involved.
Get your arse out and do what all young guys do!!
Sometimes you will score and sometimes you will wake up covered in your own vomit but either way you would have had a good time.
It probably won't be the first time a girl will pull your heart out your arse and jump on it and when you are younger its worse as powerful emotions mixed with hormones and adrenaline don't go well together but its part of becoming a guy.
After a few wild months with the guys you will wonder what all the hassle was about and you will be more mature but she will still be a bint that you got a lucky escape from.

If all else fails get yourself a spatula,bucket,white lightning a sheep and a good sincere drug habit..;)
Yep its the only way to go.
Don't let poison get into your head and don't even bother what she is doing.
She is now your ex and she is history and not part of your life anymore.
Cut all contact with her and delete her number and if she texts or phones, delete the texts and hang the phone up.
If you can do that then you are half way there.
Tell your pals you don't want to hear anymore rumours or storys or even her name.

Treat yourself to new threads and a new hairdoo and keep your chin up and bury any bitterness.
You are lucky as you have got rid off her before marriage or any kids were involved.
Get your arse out and do what all young guys do!!
Sometimes you will score and sometimes you will wake up covered in your own vomit but either way you would have had a good time.
It probably won't be the first time a girl will pull your heart out your arse and jump on it and when you are younger its worse as powerful emotions mixed with hormones and adrenaline don't go well together but its part of becoming a guy.
After a few wild months with the guys you will wonder what all the hassle was about and you will be more mature but she will still be a bint that you got a lucky escape from.

If all else fails get yourself a spatula,bucket,white lightning a sheep and a good sincere drug habit..;)

Cheers mate thats reli made me feel better! :)
Grrrr im so raging right now, she went to town today and said ahh im going on my own I wanna go round the shops and look and try stuff on etc.

I was like hmm ok fair enough. So we met each other tonight all was going well, got back home and my mate told me shes been up town with that lad (the 1 shes been accused of cheating on) she didnt tell me and when I confronted her she tried to lie.

Ive took everything her ghd's ipod rings all that I bought! I no its not fair but if she wants to be a lying bitch she can **** off!


Up town today blowing him tomorrow, this should be moved to the fun and laughter room
Move on m8 she is not worth upsetting yourself over. She is at the messing with your head stage. Dont appear to be stalking her either. When its over its over. Its hard but the quicker you move on the better both your lives will be trust me.


As cruel as it is some people actually get off on fucking with your head and toying with your emotions....just ask the trolls on here! ;) But seriously it's true though and the more you allow it the more you're also to blame, but still I know how hard it is to shake up and move on but IANB is right the sooner you do that the better off your life will be. Change your number if you have to as well. Also the thing you have to remember is twofold - you're young (i say that but so am i lol) and so relationships at that age are more or less puppy love because truth be told most at that age are incapable of commitment or I should say more so at that age. And some people's personalities do a complete 180 spin when it's over which fucks with your head again - honestly with some people it's like you think you know them, but when it's over you quickly realize that in reality you never had a clue about her.

Can do without the bollocks at the best of times really, let alone at 19, trust me I've been there too. I'm sure most of us have. So as others have said try to get her out of your life and the sooner you do that and move on the more you'll enjoy your life. But there comes a time where you have to say and decide that enough is enough and cut her out as people like that will keep coming back the more you allow it. There's a word for folk like that too...and they'd take you for everything you have if they could.
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your young m8 move on theres more to life and you are yet to experience it, you know the score, loads of replies that have given you good advice, if you take the advice you will be fine i know you think its hard to move on and you have feelings but believe me it will just fcuk with your head and when you pull round you will think what a pri** i was should of listened, you only get one life so enjoy it you dont need unnecesary emotional baggage. good luck to ya fella
Some good advice on here adam; Hoppy and Raven 24 are spot on :Clap:Now start living dont fall in the same trap again take it one day at a time m8.Find someone new and switch of from that two timing lowlife. good luck m8.
Basically guys, me and my gf/ex have split up, we were together 3 years I love her very much but people have told me shes cheated on me and I think she has as its the same nite where she lied to me about where she was n so did the lad!

Anyway, what's the best way to get over her? She has always been in my life for the past 3 years she was my best friend and my first. Dont get me wrong I have the lads and we go out every week and get hammered lol! Im 19 now!

get another bird m8 you get over her it take bit of time but you deffo get over her bud
you dont want to go with cheaters m8 she just do it again if you have her back she know shes got a way with it bin her m8 you sound ok guy you can do better than that skank m8
you lucky not kids involved
i went thru same shit m8 i got rid her in end i thort i did get rid of her 5 years down the line she had a kid found me on facebook wanted dna test i had one and paid like a fool and kid was mine i went crazy now she wont let me see him of nothing cause hes got a dad all ready it fook kids head up lol some women are pure evil m8
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Everyman and their dog has been through this mate and when you look back after a few years you'll laugh about it. It' so difficult to let go but you have too, a relationship has to be 2 sided, it don't work when one person loves the other for nothing in return. I went through it and never settled down until I was in my 30's, by the time I did settle I had plenty years practice shagging! :)

Live life while you're young! Get out and rip the hole out of a few burds :)
She finally admitted it last night, ive never seen her so upset in my entire life she knows its a huge huge mistake, and I suppose I really still love her. Its frigging hard!