Fooking Kids and Snowballs


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VIP Member
Mar 23, 2007
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the little bastards

Went to car this morning to find a broken wing mirror the the fookers pelted my house last night and hit my wing mirror.

I know they are only having fun but when i was a kid i had respect for other peoples property and didnt throw snowballs and cars etc

Luckerly i know who it was and will be demanding the money it costs me to repair but if i didnt know who it was then i would be out of pocket.
Same thing in Scotland. Dug my car out of the garage only to have it pelted by about 100 kids as I drove past school. Little s--ts.
I know they are only having fun but when i was a kid i had respect for other peoples property and didnt throw snowballs and cars etc

unfortunately this is the society we're currently living in... However throwing cars is a bit of an exaggeration dont ya think? lol
A few years ago I saw school kids pelting a bus with snowballs, I know they were only having a laugh but they pelted the windscreen and the driver couldnt see and drove into a parked car, no one was hurt but it could have been more serious. They all run like hell.
Do what i do, turn round and drive though the slush at side of road....Sods cant see my number plate cos its covered in snow. That teaches the little gits.: snowman
i had that last night couple of bastard kids down the road (right areses) nearly put a snowball through my pass window...

was more like block of ice..

i just planted my foot to the ground and spun snow and sludge in theri faces,...
I was just about to post saying i can't believe nobody has had a rant about the snow yet but then i found one.

Off topic but I used to live in Bavaria and living in real snow really does get on your tits, having to get up early just to dig your car out of the garage or worse still when the wind has blocked your front door.

Wet trousers and shoes all the time etc real pain in the ass
Only a wing mirror?
You're lucky the wheels were still on it lol


unfortunately this is the society we're currently living in... However throwing cars is a bit of an exaggeration dont ya think? lol


some kids threw a snowball at my car today so i slammed the brakes on and stopped, shoulda seen the feckers run. i like to have the last laugh lol
Little girl took one in the eye today at school, didnt see it coming as she was talking to a friend and its really fooked her eye up.

On another note, me and mi mate were about 18 and on the way to the pub when we clod some snowballs at a lounge window, the buggers went straight through.

We legged it and hid but went to servey the damage later and got collared by the bloke, he said our boots matched those of the culprits but we said 'pal these are doc martins everyone is wearing them, plus dont u think we are a bit old ?' and he bought it.

Always felt bad about it.

one **** just snow balled my 6 yr old daughter so i dipped is head in my freezing pond.

then told the fuka go get is dad ,bros ,homos ,or ever the fook they are and i,ll do the freakin same to them.

my word is gold. btw the lad was 16 who pelted my daughter-**** him
i threw one up in the air, said to the g/f 'look at that' and as she looked up, landed square in the face lmfao, it was only a soft one, i thought it was funny as fook, nearly killed myself laughing

shes not talking to me now


Lol @ Digidude. Love it m8, made I larf!

Was in the back garden with my three year old this arvo, and he scraped some snow off the trampoline edge, and I said, no, not like that, do it like this, and scraped the whole section off, trouble was, it bleddy covered him too. Couldn't help but laugh, but boy did I feel guilty when I realised he wasn't chuffed. Had tears and everything. Poor bugger...!
Hi, Dont be tempted to kick any football sized snowballs lying at the side of the road. My brother done it yesterday and nearly broke his foot, there was a brick in it.
Laugh, I nearly wet myself.
I have to pass a high school on my way to work so if it's been snowing there's usually about 100 kids pelting cars as they pass.

It initially pisses me off until I remember that I was one of thoses kids 27 years ago :)

We were all young once! ;)
Had some little sh*t throw a snowball when I went to pick up my lad. I stopped the car but the lads were just so damn cocky. I had my little daughter in the car and she jumped suddenly. Definitely true as dazling says, no respect and regards for others nowadays. I chucked loads when I was a kid but never at people's property.
The local old bill is advertising on double decker buses in our area with 3 large size images of officers on the side panels, and I noticed they where plastered with snowballs not sure whether it was kids or adults probably adults lol