firearm & shotgun licence

what i shouldve said was stop making them all together! :)

knifes do more damage to people on the streets of this country than guns do. should we stop making those also?

banning guns will not have any impact on gun crime in this country. the guns used are illegal anyway.
knifes do more damage to people on the streets of this country than guns do.

and cars & alcahol both kill far more people than knives.

infact i think the police killed more people on the road last year themselves than all the stabbed&shot people combined.
over 200 i read somewhere got killed by there driving.

ban the police.
i was thinking of getting a Browning medalist got one in my gun shop for £600 so was thinking that would make a great 1st shotgun

i have put in for a .22 so was thinking of a Ruger 77/22 All Weather as that look like a nice gun ,,

m8 of mine has just got a Browning Cynergy Synthetic shotgun one hell of a nice shotgun but with a price of £1550 not sure if i would have payed that for a shotgun

group of us are looking into getting land so we can setup a auto clay trap for a bit of fun
guns are tools,
each job has a different tool - you cant just clump them all together.
knifes do more damage to people on the streets of this country than guns do. should we stop making those also?

the difference is the purpose; the original reason why the knife was made. since the times of the cavemen we have needed utensils to hold our food, make into bite size chunks that fit into our mouths and knifes do is just unfortunate it has a dual nasty use.

mate, you can classify guns into whatever you want; a tool or whatever the fact remains guns under whatever subheading were made to kill, they have no dual purpose such as cutting vegetables or meat to make food.

and cars & alcahol both kill far more people than knives.

infact i think the police killed more people on the road last year themselves than all the stabbed&shot people combined.
over 200 i read somewhere got killed by there driving.

ban the police.

now we are getting off track into the realms of immaturity.

guns serve one purpose to kill or mame, whether they are illegal or not is my ass....ban them all full stop.

Unless you participate in the sport you have no idea what you are talking about. Have you ever played the sport, if the answer is no then how can you comment on something that you have no experience in.

IMO violence learnt playing video games (by a bunch of kids) is alot worse than a bunch of responsible adults playing a round of clay pigeon shooting.

This thread is about obtaining a shotgun licence and I actually learnt some really useful stuff from other forums members here. If you want to rant about banning guns start another thread rather than spoil this one.
i was thinking of getting a Browning medalist got one in my gun shop for £600 so was thinking that would make a great 1st shotgun

i have put in for a .22 so was thinking of a Ruger 77/22 All Weather as that look like a nice gun ,,

m8 of mine has just got a Browning Cynergy Synthetic shotgun one hell of a nice shotgun but with a price of £1550 not sure if i would have payed that for a shotgun

group of us are looking into getting land so we can setup a auto clay trap for a bit of fun

60 quid 600 -6000 tbh get a gun that fits you one that feels right if your gona shoot clays get whatever type you like most over-under side by side auto what ever works for you best sod what it looks like for now tbh theres guys @ my club wid 6 grand guns that cant hit shite lol they think they look good tho hahahah fools
my other 1/2 shoots realy well with a old £30 side by side im talking 40/45 outa 50s on sporting reason it fists and it light now wid a heavy side by side after 30 or so she looks like shes picking up a 25kg bag of sand not a 7/8 lb
shoty ,,
now with ya .22 ask a 100 pepole whats best and you will get a 100 diff replys
are you shooting that @ a club or on land if on land make shure all your permissions are sorted before your visit and get some insurance Now realy !! join a recognised shooting association as most have cover included in the price
sorry if im talling ya things ya already know but its just advise
sorry no reponce for the antis as i say its a sport end ov :Kickassro
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This thread is about obtaining a shotgun licence and I actually learnt some really useful stuff from other forums members here. If you want to rant about banning guns start another thread rather than spoil this one.

maybe you should go through the thread once again becasue whilst it began as a discussion about shotgun licences it turned into something else to which i agree. i do not really care what you think about this thread being spolit or not, learn to read and follw relevant discussion, if you can't, take your ramblings into the rant room before spoiling a thread that is logically flowing.
we could go round and round about the bad points of guns but at the end of the day guns do not kill it the man holding the gun that kills so only way to make the world a safe place is to ban man from the world ,
60 quid 600 -6000 tbh get a gun that fits you one that feels right if your gona shoot clays get whatever type you like most over-under side by side auto what ever works for you best sod what it looks like for now tbh theres guys @ my club wid 6 grand guns that cant hit shite lol they think they look good tho hahahah fools
my other 1/2 shoots realy well with a old £30 side by side im talking 40/45 outa 50s on sporting reason it fists and it light now wid a heavy side by side after 30 or so she looks like shes picking up a 25kg bag of sand not a 7/8 lb
shoty ,,
now with ya .22 ask a 100 pepole whats best and you will get a 100 diff replys
are you shooting that @ a club or on land if on land make shure all your permissions are sorted before your visit and get some insurance Now realy !! join a recognised shooting association as most have cover included in the price
sorry if im talling ya things ya already know but its just advise
sorry no reponce for the antis as i say its a sport end ov :Kickassro

use to go shotting many years a go but i lost the land i was shotting on so had to give up my guns as i had no land and at the time and no time to find new land but i have now find 3 bits of land where i have permissions to go shotting and land owner has said he is more then happy to let me use a clay trap on there as long as he can use it to :)

auto shotguns are a pain in the bum as you have to pick up all the shells and if you been shotting clays that a lot of shells to pick up

i am a member of basc and have been for many years so yer i would have to say the same to anyone taking this up do join somthing that will cover you
Unless you participate in the sport you have no idea what you are talking about. Have you ever played the sport, if the answer is no then how can you comment on something that you have no experience in.

IMO violence learnt playing video games (by a bunch of kids) is alot worse than a bunch of responsible adults playing a round of clay pigeon shooting.

This thread is about obtaining a shotgun licence and I actually learnt some really useful stuff from other forums members here. If you want to rant about banning guns start another thread rather than spoil this one.

Violence is not because of video games, adults kill more than kids, way more
How can you comment on a sport if you have never tried it ? I have 4 shotguns Lamber over/under aya Franchi. I had to wait just 6 weeks to get a licence Had to get a gun case and bolt it on to a wall and had to have the police come around to make sure it was safe I love the sport of clay pigeon shooting I couldnt shoot anything that breathes there again my x hubby is another matter lol (JOKE) Its a great sport with great people who are responsible Like another post said what about knifes and its not the people who are responsible licence holders that kill.
wow, never really knew that they still allowed guns in this country.

that video on youtube on the xtrema is quality, are you guys as good as that?

seeing some good points being mentioned for and against owning guns.

really, if you ban it, it becoms underworld/black market items. I think they way things are now are ok. Would be better if it werek ept off the streets and just as a sport :(
wow, never really knew that they still allowed guns in this country.

that video on youtube on the xtrema is quality, are you guys as good as that?

seeing some good points being mentioned for and against owning guns.

really, if you ban it, it becoms underworld/black market items. I think they way things are now are ok. Would be better if it werek ept off the streets and just as a sport :(

things now are stupid,
they should all be legal and the license should be given to anyone who isnt insane or charged with a violent offence.

as it is, if you want a gun for shooting at targets - you'l be lucky.

if you want one to shoot some guy who pissed you off or to protect yourself if someone is after you i can tell you that it wont take you long to find one (or a choice of a few)
the sellers charge a shitload and make a lot of money selling them.

the only difference if they are legalised is that you get rid of the dodgy middleman and the police know the serial number of each gun if they need to trace one.

in america now, every gun made has one round fired & that round & it's case is stored by the fbi against the serial of the gun,

if anybody gets shot by that gun and it's legitematly owned they instantly know who did it.

far better than the current situation here.

btw, reading some of the posts here - it seems that buying a gun in britain is a massive ripoff worse than any other product i'v ever seen - going on the prices i'v seen on american gunsmith websites.
guns are tools,
each job has a different tool - you cant just clump them all together.

even shotguns differ,
an under/over double-barel type is prefered for sports,
side-by-side double barel is farmers fav because it's simple & reliable.

pump-action & semi-auto are a bit more questionable - they fall into 2 main uses:
1: self-defence (**** what the law says, i dont want to hear it - better to be prosecuted than dead.)
2: speed shooting - people who fire at sequential targets without pausing & re-aiming.
this is what my friend was into - it's harder than it sounds after a couple of shots.

whilst many would consider that guns are tools, the only work they do is to end life.

I do not understand why anyone would want to own one unless you were is a position that demanded one, such as the armed forces or pest control etc.

I just dont understand why you would need one if you dont have a job that requires one.

As for the comments about the police being criminals and wouldnt it be better if we all had guns - who is going to traing the poplulace of the correct care and use of guns? And then, when everyone knows how they work etc, who is going to monitor this?

Sorry, but I come down on the side of the fence where all the other people who say most guns should be banned sit.

To the guy after his license, this has no bearing on you - so please dont take offense.
whilst many would consider that guns are tools, the only work they do is to end life.

They don't "end life", they shoot bits of metal out at high speed.
That's their job and most of the time, they do it well.

Hell, a fairy cake could end someones life.. Look on the 'near to death' thread.
whilst many would consider that guns are tools, the only work they do is to end life.

I do not understand why anyone would want to own one unless you were is a position that demanded one, such as the armed forces or pest control etc.

I just dont understand why you would need one if you dont have a job that requires one.

As for the comments about the police being criminals and wouldnt it be better if we all had guns - who is going to traing the poplulace of the correct care and use of guns? And then, when everyone knows how they work etc, who is going to monitor this?

Sorry, but I come down on the side of the fence where all the other people who say most guns should be banned sit.

To the guy after his license, this has no bearing on you - so please dont take offense.

says the airgun owner (stealth shitepower was it lol):confused: suppose yopu shoot paper targets? but wait why would you do that as you state there made for killing...opps

i love guns, i shot for airebourough in the yorkshire leagues and yes it was just paper targets. i owed a hell of a lot of expense gun equipment. ive shot clays also over here in the uk. theres no problems at all its a sport.

ive also shot every imaginable gun over in the usa inc mp5,s taurus raging bull,s etc.... and again it was on a range at bin laden targets (those americans dont do political correctness lol).

most people that slate guns have never had experience with guns or the sports surrounding them, they are not 100% killing tools as many state they are,

the problem lies with the press, you see all these teens shooting each other on the news and subconsciously you are in fear, same with goverment and so called dangerous dogs, media and government hype and reporting drilled into your brain to fear whatever they push at you.

i suggest everyone who has not had any experience not to knock guns or shooting till they go first hand and see and meet people who do shoot, i think you will find they are the nicest people you will meet and they are the ones tarred with the mental brush for the actions of the ones who dont go by the rules, handguns banned why? thousands had them no problems, all shot legally in ranges, one mental head goes on a rampage and the honest law abiding shooters get the punishment.

opinions on this thread are welcome and reasons behind the opinions but posting a 3 word threads saying ban the guns doesnt help and is a waste of bandwidth you should stick to reading the and watching the fear merchants in the sun and on the bbc news then run for cover under your bed as you never know it could be you next..........: shocked2: shocked2
who is going to traing the poplulace of the correct care and use of guns?

they come with damned good instruction manuals - with advice the police could do with reading.
such as "do not put your finger on the trigger or in the loop until the gun is pointing at the target and you intend to fire"
yea - pretty obvious unless your standing at heathrow in your kevlar trying to "strike a pose"

here is some manuals for anybody who wants to learn something.

the ck scorpion machine pistol & the glock manuals are some of the better ones for user safety instructions.
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there was a great stage sketch by chris tucker at the opollo theatre once.

he said:
guns dont kill people, bullets kill people.
put a $1000 tax on bullets and the shootings will stop.
can you imagine a driveby with an uzi after that?
"hey - you , i'm gonna get a job and come back in a few months and kill you"
yea, if firing an uzi at somebody costs $30,000 then who's gonna be able to afford to do it!

if was danmed funny - someone propably has it on google or utube i imagine.
LOL - My first application took about 5-6 weeks.

My first renewal was quite amuzing...

I had a tennant living in a house I rented that had an FAC but forgot to tll his original force that he had moved and he got grassed up by the neighboor as having guns and tehy didn't like him carry pheasants home how he did???

They seized all 5 of his guns including a nice Beretta OU, an AYA SS and some other Russians incluing a 20 Baikal. After a few weeks they wrote to him telling him they would be destroying them unless he provides the name of a person who can take them on his behalf - well that person was me.

The trouble is my cert was off in the system and the dealine was looming. All I ddi was phone headquarters and the FASL and the said it had been approved and all was ok and they will print it. They then said I could pick it up that evening. Which I did in person from Headquarters.

The saga continued when I got the guns - my tennant dissappeared but the licence said they had been loaned to me. A quick trip to the local nik changed that to GIVEN and now they are mine - that was 8-9 years ago!!!

My third renewal was funny - I moved 1 month prior to renewal and notified the FASL - they wanted to come round and inspect and I suggested that I could just do the renewal now and lose a months ticket. They couldn't do that - they issued a new licence and then 1 month later he came back to do another renewal - well had a cup of tea and a chat about dogs!

My renewal has just gone off again - they worte to me 3 months prior to the date - I took 3 weeks to respond with travel etc and they wrote again with a reminder - they are now in process.

They can be a bit a ANAL at times but I think it is a good thing - we don't want idiots getting them and ruining our ability to have them. I'm happy with the service - lets se how this one goes.
They don't "end life", they shoot bits of metal out at high speed.

Hell, a fairy cake could end someones life.. Look on the 'near to death' thread.

Right, so a gun is just as safe as a fairy cake. That's either a very subtle point, or the biggest pile of "bs" i've ever found on this forum. Give me time. I'm still trying to puzzle it out. :confused: