firearm & shotgun licence

Right, so a gun is just as safe as a fairy cake. That's either a very subtle point, or the biggest pile of "bs" i've ever found on this forum. Give me time. I'm still trying to puzzle it out. :confused:

a gun is as safe as a fairy cake, its the idiot holding the fairy cake or gun that causes the problem.
Sorry. I don't accept that.

(and btw, I have held a shotgun licence)

nara please dont quote half my posts, im not an idiot and i dont like the fact your editing of my post is trying to make me look like one.

your the first to complain when the shit is directed at you.
nara please dont quote half my posts, im not an idiot and i dont like the fact your editing of my post is trying to make me look like one.

your the first to complain when the shit is directed at you.

I quoted the relevant part of your post. The rest is there for anyone to read. If you want to be pedantic about it then ok, I don't accept the whole post. Happy with that?

your the first to complain when the shit is directed at you.

You've lost me there. Could you give me an example?
firstly i dont need to give an example, every time someone posts something you disagree with your straight in with a reply that rebuffs that view ,maybe complain was the wrong word.

secondly i still stand by the quote, its the person with the gun not the gun itself,
you make out that it isnt, you quoted the first part of the thread and that wasnt and isnt the relevant part of the post, the second bit is.

a gun on a shelf is no more harmful than a fairy cake on a shelf. they dont aim and fire by them selfs.

you carry on with your view i wont disrespect it but if you would like to come up with proof that it is more harmful i for one would like to see it. if i had a gun and a fairy cake (i have neither)i could prove my point with the aid of my camcorder,
every time someone posts something you disagree with your straight in with a reply that rebuffs that view.

........and I've edited your post again to highlight the relevant bit. (sorry about that)

Every time??? I'd have the highest post count on the forum if I did that, but never mind the exaggeration. Are you seriously suggesting that i should agree with everything posted?: shocked2. This is a forum, not a bulletin board.

Anyhow I think we're wandering off topic here so, as far as I'm concerned.:end:
a gun is as safe as a fairy cake, its the idiot holding the fairy cake or gun that causes the problem.

I agree with this anything can become a lethal weapon doesnt matter if its a gun a knife a stone a stick, in the wrong hands it can be a lethal weapon its the idiot holding the object thats to blame not the object itself .
says the airgun owner (stealth shitepower was it lol):confused: suppose yopu shoot paper targets? but wait why would you do that as you state there made for killing...opps

i love guns, i shot for airebourough in the yorkshire leagues and yes it was just paper targets. i owed a hell of a lot of expense gun equipment. ive shot clays also over here in the uk. theres no problems at all its a sport.

ive also shot every imaginable gun over in the usa inc mp5,s taurus raging bull,s etc.... and again it was on a range at bin laden targets (those americans dont do political correctness lol).

most people that slate guns have never had experience with guns or the sports surrounding them, they are not 100% killing tools as many state they are,

the problem lies with the press, you see all these teens shooting each other on the news and subconsciously you are in fear, same with goverment and so called dangerous dogs, media and government hype and reporting drilled into your brain to fear whatever they push at you.

i suggest everyone who has not had any experience not to knock guns or shooting till they go first hand and see and meet people who do shoot, i think you will find they are the nicest people you will meet and they are the ones tarred with the mental brush for the actions of the ones who dont go by the rules, handguns banned why? thousands had them no problems, all shot legally in ranges, one mental head goes on a rampage and the honest law abiding shooters get the punishment.

opinions on this thread are welcome and reasons behind the opinions but posting a 3 word threads saying ban the guns doesnt help and is a waste of bandwidth you should stick to reading the and watching the fear merchants in the sun and on the bbc news then run for cover under your bed as you never know it could be you next..........: shocked2: shocked2

yes, says the air gun owner.

I grew up in the country side, it stays with my parents out there. I live in a city now, so have no need to have it here with me.

At home, it is used for pests like rabbits, rats, weasels and seagulls etc. You notice how I say "wouldnt it be fairer to own a H&K G36 for this"... No, an airgun is fine and the gun power does its job as and when it is needed. Its also incredibly safe to operate - my mum also has signs up to warn people that we use one from time to time.

As it happens I have shot various weapons, from pistols to rifles and shotguns. I even appreciate certain firearms such as rifles - however I dont feel the need to own one or keep one in my home.

I have also mixed with people like you who say dont knock it till you try it. To be honest, there is nothing great about shooting a pistol or rifle or shotgun. The only thrill anyone could get is actually hitting the target with some sucess, regardless of what type of weapon you shoot. For instance, I would get the same satisifaction shooting a .22 rifle with sucess as I would a L96. It doesnt matter what you shoot if, as you say, shooting is the actual attraction.

Anyone who likes guns for the sake of guns would naturally appear to be a bit strange. I mean, come on - a grown man salivating over how many different types of he gun he owns?

Whilst tighter gun control doesnt prevent gun related crimes, it does put it out of reach to people who may resort to it.

I stick by my first post, guns shoot and guns kill - thats their job. It might be killing a paper target, a pest or a person. The end result is the same, something full of holes.
I stick by my first post, guns shoot and guns kill - thats their job. It might be killing a paper target, a pest or a person. The end result is the same, something full of holes.

the fascination with shooting is it is a skill to hit a target area no bigger than a 5 pence piece over and over from distance, its not about the gun or pulling the trigger. no different from a dart player, do you see them salivating over there darts?

also you dont kill a paper target???? this thread get weirder by the second.

so in the same sense all knives should be banned after all there job is to cut,whether it be paper,bread a steak or human skin??? the end result is the same, something full of cuts.
yes, says the air gun owner.

I grew up in the country side, it stays with my parents out there. I live in a city now, so have no need to have it here with me.

At home, it is used for pests like rabbits, rats, weasels and seagulls etc. You notice how I say "wouldnt it be fairer to own a H&K G36 for this"... No, an airgun is fine and the gun power does its job as and when it is needed. Its also incredibly safe to operate - my mum also has signs up to warn people that we use one from time to time.

As it happens I have shot various weapons, from pistols to rifles and shotguns. I even appreciate certain firearms such as rifles - however I dont feel the need to own one or keep one in my home.

I have also mixed with people like you who say dont knock it till you try it. To be honest, there is nothing great about shooting a pistol or rifle or shotgun. The only thrill anyone could get is actually hitting the target with some sucess, regardless of what type of weapon you shoot. For instance, I would get the same satisifaction shooting a .22 rifle with sucess as I would a L96. It doesnt matter what you shoot if, as you say, shooting is the actual attraction.

Anyone who likes guns for the sake of guns would naturally appear to be a bit strange. I mean, come on - a grown man salivating over how many different types of he gun he owns?

Whilst tighter gun control doesnt prevent gun related crimes, it does put it out of reach to people who may resort to it.

I stick by my first post, guns shoot and guns kill - thats their job. It might be killing a paper target, a pest or a person. The end result is the same, something full of holes.

A man salvating mmmmmmmm sounds good to me lol look I love shooting I wouldnt shot anything alive just clay pigeons thats it its when u hit the target u feel good and I am a woman not a man
so why keep one at home I go to a club to shoot not just anywhere and to me killing a rabbit is far worse than shooing a clay pigeon and your saying it gun control puts it out of peoples reach if someone wants a gun for a crime they will get one I dont harm anyone doing this hobby I live in the countryside but wouldnt shoot anything that breaths I stick to my earlier post as well anything can be a lethal weapon not just a gun
sorry, I shoudnt have said man etc. I totally understand women also like to shoot.

The air rifle I have back home is used to keep pests away from my mums chickens and to keep the rabbits from completely destroying the vegetable garden. Sounds corny, I know.

The rabbits get used to feed the dogs and the rats go in the compost heap.

My main reason for input on this thread was simply to say I dont know why people feel the need to own guns purely for the sake of it. I probably wasnt clear.

However, I do firmly believe that strict gun control will prevent some gun related crimes.
i personally dont have issues with people shooting or should i say hunting animals for sport and pest control, just i chose the target option.

my main input in this thread wasnt to say shootings good or defend shooters as there wasnt any need as we have not done anything wrong. my input was for all the people saying ban guns who know nothing on the subject. guns are already banned (well certain types) everyone else needs a license and those folk dont break the law.

whether guns are banned or not the people who shouldnt have them will get them and gang shootings and armed robbery will still happen.

i mentioned earlier that handguns are banned but nearly all of the shootings in the media were from illegal held handguns, now do you doubters see banning all guns wont solve any of the problems this country already has. criminals are not going to think oh there illegal i better not get one.

all a ban would do is take away from the legal law abiding shooters..much like the handgun ban.
i dont really think it is a question of banning guns, more about controlling guns.

The real question is this: if there was stricter control, would we see a decrease in gun related crime?

However - that question is off topic. The thread is about the trials in which someone has gone through to get a license. So I think I have helped it get off topic...
just to say, i do have a problem with people shooting animals for sport.
where's the sport if it cant fire back?
only kill something if it threatens you or you intend to eat it.

btw, what's more dangerous - a man armed with a fairy cake or a man armed with a pretzal? :Devil: