firearm & shotgun licence


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VIP Member
Mar 11, 2006
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what a joke this is been waitting now for over 16 weeks to find out if there have giving the ok for the licence ,,

so i phoned them upto day and ask them and there said yes all is fine you have passed all the checks we just need to print out your licence and send it to you

so great i am thinking 2 days might be 3 tops so then she says going to be about 1 or 2 Months as we have a bit of a back log

1 or 2 months just to print them out ffs

i give up :-(
what a joke this is been waitting now for over 16 weeks to find out if there have giving the ok for the licence ,,

so i phoned them upto day and ask them and there said yes all is fine you have passed all the checks we just need to print out your licence and send it to you

so great i am thinking 2 days might be 3 tops so then she says going to be about 1 or 2 Months as we have a bit of a back log

1 or 2 months just to print them out ffs

i give up :-(

i'll remember to stay away from you then lol
lol i got mine in 8 weeks flat had a hell of a grilling from the FEO He said i know some right scallywags :banana: and there intel told them who where when i had been with them , tbh i dont get involved in there line of business and never had thank fook lol . i told them this exasperatedly and they where sorta ok with it , now got a 686 and Beretta Xtrema 1 would have had the Xtreme 2 but funds and the other 1/2 said no :licka: You a member of the BASC or CPSA If you are you could ask if they would they phone up for you ask if theres anthing you could help them with ..TO speed things up .. btw what did you apply for on your fac ?
you got some permissions sorted ?
where you based if ya fancy a round of skeet / sporting in the northwest just giz a shout ...
i hope it goes well M8,

a friend had a license until recently, he got rid of it because of constant harrasment.
every time there was a guncrime in the area the plod would turn up at 6am the next morning to ask if he had loaned them or taken them from the house and then they would "inspect" his gunbox.

eventually he just got sick of it.

btw, what's the reg's regarding auto-loaders or semi-automatics such as spas12 or saiga's?
got mine in about 4-6 weeks in Glasgow/Renfrewshire area had an old Lanber sporting and Browning medalist, but now only have a Beretta 686 white onyx
i hope it goes well M8,

a friend had a license until recently, he got rid of it because of constant harrasment.
every time there was a guncrime in the area the plod would turn up at 6am the next morning to ask if he had loaned them or taken them from the house and then they would "inspect" his gunbox.

eventually he just got sick of it.

btw, what's the reg's regarding auto-loaders or semi-automatics such as spas12 or saiga's?

he could have told them to gtf as they have now powers or rights to check
ref spas12 there a tactical shotgun and there barrel is to short to be legal also and have a foldable stock also not allowed l in the uk saiga is ok as its barrel is longer and has a fixed stock version has to be on a fac as its over 3 shots obviously why you would want sutch a item for sport is beyond me but there ya go have a look @ [ame][/ame]
for some top semi action lol
I got mine in around 6 weeks. No problems and no 6am knocks on the door just yet. Man I love owning a shotgun :Kickassro

I do need to buy another shotgun though as this one gets mighty hot after a few rounds. Any advice on a new one for around £1500-£2000. I prefer the up/unders
he could have told them to gtf as they have now powers or rights to check
ref spas12 there a tactical shotgun and there barrel is to short to be legal also and have a foldable stock also not allowed l in the uk saiga is ok as its barrel is longer and has a fixed stock version has to be on a fac as its over 3 shots obviously why you would want sutch a item for sport is beyond me but there ya go have a look @
for some top semi action lol

that's good info,
i thought the right to random inspection was written into the license agreement.
also, i'm surprised about the spas12 barrel, it shure dont look short to me.

thing about the saiga that got me asking is this,
because it's basicly an ak47 and uses a mag, the capacity is down to the user.
3 round custom mag, 7round standard mag, 9 round extended mag or 15round drum-loader are all interchangeable.

another question then, are silencers legal? for shotguns i mean,
i know they arent for pistols/rifles.
A shotgun is defined as a smooth-bore gun (not being an air gun) which:

1. Has a barrel not less than 60.96cms (24 inches) in length with a bore less than 50.08cms (2 inches) in diameter;
2. Either has no magazine or a fixed magazine not holding more than two cartridges; and
3. Is not a revolver gun.

Shotguns within this definition require a shotgun certificate.
The Franchi SPAS12 barrel = 21.5 inches
so would require firearms "if its approved which i think its not" as what the fook would you tell the firearms officer you require that for ?? as with all firearms class guns you have to give and have a valid reason to own the type of gun you ask for if ya look the Saiga 12K shotgun has a 24" barrel ... so thats ok
tbh you would have a real prob trying to tell a firearms officer you want that gun
its avil in airsoft tho hahahah
ref rights of entry not on my licence thats i have in my hand right now !!!
see for mutch more good info
I'd rather there were no guns at all.
I'd rather there were no guns at all.

fair enough,

but there are - so it's only smart that they arent just in the hands of criminals & lunatics.
and i include the police in those groupings.
i tihnk they shud be outlawed full stop! just my opinion.
When you outlaw something, the criminals don't just suddenly say, "hey this is outlawed, lets get rid of it". You are only outlawing the people who have a passion for guns, not stopping gun related crime.
thats fair enough there are lots of antis i can deal with that ive spent a lot of money on my sport and enjoy it greatly my firearms are all licensed and i had to go through a very very stringent checking processes even going back many many years you can hide nothig its quite an eye opener they check with police national computer ,Criminal Record Office, Doctor ,Special Branch,Dvla , and more yehh theres more google Firearms licensing - procedural good practice guide (ACPO 2002)and had to install a a high security gun safe in a hidden place theres films on the web page i got it from with pepole with various tools taking around 2h to open them so there fairly safe where there stored , now if i wanted an ilegal
firearm i prob would be able to find one with less effort than it took to get my legal ones this i fully agree is VERY wrong ie there should be no ilegal guns but i can tell you a very vary small amount of legaly owend firearms are ever used in crime CHECK This Critique Gun Crime 2007.pdf
now bear in mind pistols are totaly ilegal with or without firearms ticket except inexceptional circumstances so that rules out all crimes with pistols linked to registerd pepole ILEGAL Guns this is where the problem lies
hit them hard with big jail and there maybe a chance to sort it out but a slap on wrist well what can ya say
guns serve one purpose to kill or mame, whether they are illegal or not is my ass....ban them all full stop.
guns serve one purpose to kill or mame, whether they are illegal or not is my ass....ban them all full stop.

guns are tools,
each job has a different tool - you cant just clump them all together.

even shotguns differ,
an under/over double-barel type is prefered for sports,
side-by-side double barel is farmers fav because it's simple & reliable.

pump-action & semi-auto are a bit more questionable - they fall into 2 main uses:
1: self-defence (**** what the law says, i dont want to hear it - better to be prosecuted than dead.)
2: speed shooting - people who fire at sequential targets without pausing & re-aiming.
this is what my friend was into - it's harder than it sounds after a couple of shots.