Dreambox 600

Ive had it on for around 10 minutes and am still only getting FTA channels, could I have missed something?
No, it could just be it isnt working for you.

Can you FTP to your box and check /var/keys? Let me know what is in there.
stick the roms in scce and keys folder as thats where they are in my jade image

there is a plugin that you can backup image and service files and reload them nice little plugin :) ill see if I have it knocking around


ive now added the rom files, ill see how it goes
Try removing the one from the keys folder and restarting your box.
Thats how it was originally, just in the scce folder and not in the keys, still had the same problem.

Really fustrating me now, why cant things just work first time
It happens.

It doesnt work for me either, which is a slight pain. But one I can live with.
It happens.

It doesnt work for me either, which is a slight pain. But one I can live with.
So any Ideas as to where I could be going wrong? All the channels are listed and everything just a black screen?
Are, the other name for it is a cam I think. Evocam, Mgcamd etc.

From looking at the contents of your keys folder, its possible you dont have one installed right now.

What image are you using?
press the blue button
softcam setup
green I think to restart
on sky sports 1

try that,unless we are missing something here :err:

ahh didnt know you hadent downloaded a cam
connect to pli and download evocamd 2.13 m8 and you should be fine
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Ok, press the blue button and go to software management. Now choose downloads, followed by softcam/card server. Select Evocamd and press ok.

This should install it for you.

Also, make sure you are connected to the internet.
I see that after m8 and edited my post ;)

No luck, downloaded evocam 2.13 just as RAT suggested, eventhough there was newer ones. Really Peeing me off now, What else could it be? I dont understand?