do i need owt else


VIP Member
VIP Member
hey there im just wondering if u can give me a bit ov help ive got a virgin sammy,a card programmer-im off to maplins to get the bits to make a jtagger-got plenty o tuts i just wanna know if i need owt else b4 i get started (i also have the ntl card that was paired with the box no sure if its locked or not)
im in leeds the net id on the box is right for this area-sammy 2100c ntl original card(waiting for my funcards to be delivered)
violentj said:
hey there im just wondering if u can give me a bit ov help ive got a virgin sammy,a card programmer-im off to maplins to get the bits to make a jtagger-got plenty o tuts i just wanna know if i need owt else b4 i get started (i also have the ntl card that was paired with the box no sure if its locked or not)

You might be better of getting the standard jtag from TMC (£10?) and if it's a 'virgin' box the card will be unpaired and locked and will require glitching to open it ....... get an Atmega card instead :)