DARKCORP-v1.1 Help

do i need to put anything else on sd card because its installed but when i press it just get a black screen
the files from post 11 ,
put them on hard drive and the channel should load it from harddrive.
how do i go about that m8 as there drive has 75 games on there so i need to install a forwarder i think not the full thing, as you know i cant get onto hard drive as its formatted in wbfs format.
ah rite, see my hardrrive is formatted to fat32 with games in wbfs folder.

might be easier to use modmii to write you a tut, i dont know much about wbfs formatted drives.. :(

did config load the games?
the files in post 11 on sd card worked a treat throught HBC so i just need to put a forwarder on wii, dont fancy formatting drive and starting again, my hard drive is fat 32 but was formatted through wbfs manager, and wiiflow is on the sd card, was hoping to do the same with config loader as well, my wii is soft modded fine just needs a little something adding :)
i thought you had the channel on now?

all you have to do is put those files from post 11 on your harddrive or sd card ( mines are on harddrive) and it should work..

you shouldnt need anyfiles on your sd card once its done, they can all go on harddrive.. :)
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