Cyclists I Hate You!!!!!

i live at the top of a welsh valley, and while there is a bypass dual carriageway, theres also the smaller B roads that link the smaller villages together, and the bikers that use those roads, are utter w@nkers

they dont stop at junctions, at all, they ride 5, 6, 8 across, hogging the whole road, ive witnessed one take a wing mirror clean off. one of the junctions, is a sweeping bend to the right, but there is a road off to the left, if theyre coming towards you, they dont put their arm out or nothing, they just cut straight in front of you, its quite common for one to be knocked down on that bend

these are all the racing clubs, so youd think theyd know better

a few months ago, my 2 boys were going 100M to the shop near their home, and someone on a bike, on the pavement, hit my 5 year old boy right in the face, he looked like hed been hit with a bat, and the c#nt just kept going
We have had two instances with bikes and both ive been left out of pocket big time, I have no sympathy with people on bikes

Mrs was fist, was in a queue of traffic and stationary there were parked cars all along the road, she was about to drive off as the lights had changed and there was a bang. some nutter on a bike had come through the gap in the parked cars and whacked the side of the car rear passenger and front passenger doors both dented and scratched.
She got out and helped him sort himself out and, he apologised and said i thought you were moving etc then gave her a name and address and said he would pay for the repair, needless to say it was a false name and address.
i think it was over £400 for the repair.

Then a year or so later i was driving along and stopped at the lights on the A6 London Rd as they were RED just put the handbrake on and a terrific bang in the back got out and this guy lying in the road and the bumper and rear hatch had damage from the bike.
In away it was fortunate for me a load of people about who administered first aid and were witnesses as the old bill turned up and immediate assumed i was at fault and wouldn't listen to what i said just wanted to give me a breathalyser test, it was only when three people were giving them earache they actually listened.
however the twat gave the old bill and me a phoney name and address independently so i got screwed again, when i tried to contact him it was wrong address so i went to the old bill and tried to get his name and address from the indecent, it was then at that stage they found he had given them the wrong name/address as well.
the pc just shrugged and said "mmm another one"
I used to be a courier on a cycle in london when I was a student years ago and for every idiot cyclist I saw (and yes there are plenty of them) I saw at least 2 or 3 car, motorcyclist, taxi or van drivers who were worse. The safest drives generally seemed to be HGV.

I don't know having to take a test, I have a three year old who rides her bike outside supervised (we live at the bottom of a cul-de-sac), are you saying that she should take a test ? I let my 6 year son ride unsupervised, should he have to take a test ? Don't know what the answer is, I know they do cycling proficiency but its not mandatory and I guess there are adults who have cycled as a kid or havn't cycled for years and due to green, economic, health or whatever reason have decided to take to pedal power again. What do you do for them ?

I have to agree that once the person reaches a stage where they should accept liability (say 16) then insurance should be required, under that age they are the responsibility of their parents.
bottom line is motorists are complete c*nts on the road and they gamble with cyclist's lives due to their aggressiveness and impatience

i pay road tax for my own car but i dare use the road on my bike cos you always get some idiot who thinks it is funny trying to knock you down
Lets be honest, it's just people in general are crap on the roads. Bikers ride like complete c*nts (i'm sure there'll be more than a few accidents on a lovely day like today), drivers drive like complete idiots (cutting people up, using mobile, undertaking etc), van and taxi drivers just as bad. It's no wonder that cyclists are also absolutely useless.

Should cyclists need insurance? I don't think so, there should be some form of transport that remains free (not including walking).
lol. I follow the lights and try to keep as close to the pavement as I can. I use my arms to indicate and shit myself hoping some stupid idiot doesn't try to run me over.

What I take great pleasure in doing is riding in the middle of the bus/taxi lane. Buses not to much but taxi drivers can eat my sh*t. Even when i'm in my van they can wait.

Sorry if your a nice taxi driver.
bottom line is motorists are complete c*nts on the road and they gamble with cyclist's lives due to their aggressiveness and impatience

i pay road tax for my own car but i dare use the road on my bike cos you always get some idiot who thinks it is funny trying to knock you down

huh ... ?!? thats completley ridiculous !!
I pay complete attention to cyclist and give them PLENTY of room !
You cannot tie all motorists with the same brush .
unless the cyclist got fukkin lycra on , then they willl get a nudge of my wing mirror on the way past . no excuse for looking like complete pratts , especially old people in lycra ..i just dont get it !
huh ... ?!? thats completley ridiculous !!
I pay complete attention to cyclist and give them PLENTY of room !
You cannot tie all motorists with the same brush .
unless the cyclist got fukkin lycra on , then they willl get a nudge of my wing mirror on the way past . no excuse for looking like complete pratts , especially old people in lycra ..i just dont get it !

A got an official warning years ago in one of ma old jobs because of an old git wearing lycra.
He must have been 70 and 8 stone and he walks in with all the second skin gear on the helmet the lot.
This pale skinny, wrinkly old guy who should be dodging coffins not buses and he got offended on the account that a nearly pissed myself laughing at him.
A couldnae stop even when ma manager came out a was still head down on the trade counter gutting myself.
A few builders came in and they just burst aswell and the old git left in a bad mood and nearly got splattered by our truck driver on his way out for not lookin where he was going...:proud:
used to ride a mountain bike on the roads but decided it was safer to stay on the pavement, till old biddies on there mobility scooters continualy drove at me. phsyco nanas?
Used to cycle everywhere until I got my licence, would still like to ride my bike but theres just no way. The roads are far busier than they were even when I was a kid 20 years ago.
Oh and by the way in case some people were unsure it is against the law to ride a bike on the pavement.
It's just a problem that bike riders in general seem to think that as they are in the minority they rule the world. Is there a word for being biker racist.
I have respect for bikers. I try not to kill them whenever possbile but it seems like a one way street with a great majority of bikers almost trying to fling themselves under my car wheels.
There used to be a school highway code thingy for bike riding but I think this has been scrapped for crappy health and safety reasons. Now kids just don't have a clue about what danger they are putting themselves in.
The Jackass generation has ARRIVED!!!!
A got an official warning years ago in one of ma old jobs because of an old git wearing lycra.
He must have been 70 and 8 stone and he walks in with all the second skin gear on the helmet the lot.
This pale skinny, wrinkly old guy who should be dodging coffins not buses and he got offended on the account that a nearly pissed myself laughing at him.
A couldnae stop even when ma manager came out a was still head down on the trade counter gutting myself.
A few builders came in and they just burst aswell and the old git left in a bad mood and nearly got splattered by our truck driver on his way out for not lookin where he was going...:proud:

PMSL .... nearly fell off sofa reading this post haaaaa
if anyone is close enough to touch me as they go past I kick **** out of the side of their car.

Popped a few mirrors of the wankers who fly past 30yds before the lights and then pull right into the kerb.

And as for the wankers who drive right behind my wheel they find out how far disk brakes have advanced the stopping power of todays bikes.

Yes its always an eye opener to get kicked in the balls with a pair of cycle shoes on, they are quite sturdy.

Wankers the lot of them.

Oh sorry, am I generalising a bit like the OP ?
if anyone is close enough to touch me as they go past I kick **** out of the side of their car.

Popped a few mirrors of the wankers who fly past 30yds before the lights and then pull right into the kerb.

Then you should be charged with criminal damage.

I hate cyclists.I think they put on their ball hugging spandex in order to attract other cyclists whom they bum in a forest.

When you pay a tax to actually be on the road and when you actually obey the rules of the road then I'll respect your wishes.
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I drive a car, but I cycle to work through choice/fitness, and to generalise cyclists is nothin short of utter shite!

The amount of times I've had to second guess car drivers cuttin corners, etc, is unbelievable. When I cycle, a lot of the time the highway code book needs thrown out the window due to motorists.

Example; a guy I knew was on a main road, wanting to turn right up a country road. All the correct gear on, indicating his intentions, and, as the road was clear, proceeded to turn and cycle up the road. A couple of cars stopped behind him.

Only for some fuckwit driving too fast to see the cars waiting behind him, decided to go on the wrong side of the road to avoid the cars behind him, only to take him out.

After doing that, he drove on. Only for the emergency services to (sorry for the graphic detail) scoop his brains off the road and break the news to his wife and two kids that their dad died while cycling to work.

They eventually got him and he was jailed, but the point is, the guy cycling was obeying the highway code, and he got wiped out by a driver doing the opposite.

So, please don't catagorise all cyclists as road vermin, when there's plenty of them behind the wheel as well.
I drive a car, but I cycle to work through choice/fitness, and to generalise cyclists is nothin short of utter shite!

The amount of times I've had to second guess car drivers cuttin corners, etc, is unbelievable. When I cycle, a lot of the time the highway code book needs thrown out the window due to motorists.

Example; a guy I knew was on a main road, wanting to turn right up a country road. All the correct gear on, indicating his intentions, and, as the road was clear, proceeded to turn and cycle up the road. A couple of cars stopped behind him.

Only for some fuckwit driving too fast to see the cars waiting behind him, decided to go on the wrong side of the road to avoid the cars behind him, only to take him out.

After doing that, he drove on. Only for the emergency services to (sorry for the graphic detail) scoop his brains off the road and break the news to his wife and two kids that their dad died while cycling to work.

They eventually got him and he was jailed, but the point is, the guy cycling was obeying the highway code, and he got wiped out by a driver doing the opposite.

So, please don't catagorise all cyclists as road vermin, when there's plenty of them behind the wheel as well.

Why is it utter shite to generalise cyclists? The vast majority of them are inconsiderate arseholes with arrogant 'I'm helping the planet' attitudes.

I'm sorry mate for your 'X-Factor' tale but to be blunt,it doesn't wash. Motorists have also been killed by the irresponsible cyclist and their actions. What does it prove? You name a sad tale,I could do the same.

If you wish to operate a 'vehicle' on a public road then get a licence same as motorists HAVE to. Pay a fee for use of the said roads and observe the highway code that every other motorist in the UK has to abide by.
Until that happens then you should keep your spangly lycra balls off the road and leave it for the people who actually pay to use it.
Why is it utter shite to generalise cyclists? The vast majority of them are inconsiderate arseholes with arrogant 'I'm helping the planet' attitudes.

I'm sorry mate for your 'X-Factor' tale but to be blunt,it doesn't wash. Motorists have also been killed by the irresponsible cyclist and their actions. What does it prove? You name a sad tale,I could do the same.

If you wish to operate a 'vehicle' on a public road then get a licence same as motorists HAVE to. Pay a fee for use of the said roads and observe the highway code that every other motorist in the UK has to abide by.
Until that happens then you should keep your spangly lycra balls off the road and leave it for the people who actually pay to use it.

1. First things first... I pay Road Tax as I drive a CAR!!!!... read the post you twat!!

2. Read the post again..... and again.... and again..... and again... or get your mum to read it for you to explain what I'm saying.... my post isn't anti-motorist or anti-cyclist....

Drivers of cars are just as bad as cyclists sometimes. Time for you to wear this.... :Dunce:

Oh.. and to generalise what happened to my work collegue.... well done you keyboard warrior!! Big brave lad behind the PC you are!
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1. First things first... I pay Road Tax as I drive a CAR!!!!... read the post you twat!!

2. Read the post again..... and again.... and again..... and again... or get your mum to read it for you to explain what I'm saying.... my post isn't anti-motorist or anti-cyclist....

Drivers of cars are just as bad as cyclists sometimes. Time for you to wear this.... :Dunce:

1) I saw the fact you drive but you also cycle. No need for the offensive posting BTW.

2) You had your cyclists head on when you made your post. When you state 'to generalise cyclists is nothin short of utter shite!' then its a fair bet to say that. Don't try to sit on the fence when you've been found out lycra boy!!

Take your tampon from up your arse lycra boy and admit when you've wrongly posted before blaming me.

Nicely edited by the way. I've not generalised anything,just stated my opinion. If you don't like my right to do that then you should **** off home to mummy!! Tell her to take your internet away.
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Yip... yet another keyboard warrior.... :roflmao: Is it not way past your bedtime yet?
Yip... yet another keyboard warrior.... :roflmao: Is it not way past your bedtime yet?

Sad sad man. I have no problem with anyone mate and certainly not a keyboard warrior.
Snapman,you are categorically right in everything you say. I have no right to air my opinions on a forum and I apologise for differing from your most 'holy' opinions.

If any mods read this tomorrow can they delete my comments please cos I am in the wrong and Snapman is always right.


Bit of a dicker.
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