Cleaning up, please read.


Sheep worrier.
VIP Member
Aug 8, 2001
Reaction score
The edge.
OK, so after going back through months of posts and threads, it looks like this section, instead of being like the rest of DW, has become a room for people to activley slate the TM800.

In every other section of DW, if someone posts for help with something, members seek out answers from everywhere and post what they can find to possibly help the OP, but, in this room, for some reason, its different.

So, from the time of this post, any reply to a post that is not actually offering helpfull adivse to the OP with the equipment they have posted for help with, which because of the room, will be the TM800, will be removed

People brought here via google etc, looking for help with 'how do i......' do not want to read through pages upon pages of posts telling them about other receivers or why members (some who do not even own one) think they shouldnt even attempt to try what theyre asking for help with

People come to DW for help, thats why most of you came here in the first place.

If you are a TM800 owner, and have an issue, there is a dedicated thread on DW here

you can also post a question here

Download center

If you would like to reply to a post on DW to somebody asking for help, please post with YOUR PERSONAL experience of how you achieved what the OP is asking for help with, or, from your own personal experience of how you tried the same thing with another enigma2 receiver that may help

While trying to be impartial to any one brand, this room has gotten to the point of social engineering against a specific product, so as per the rules of DW, any post deemed not to be helpfull or informative can, and will be edited or removed without notice (or reason).

A lot of people own these receivers, and look to places like DW for help with them, so, instead of highlighting the 5-10% of functions that dont YET function 100%, help these people get the most from the things that DO work on them

Past posts / threads will also be edited / moved / deleted, every other section of DW is a library of knowledge and helpfull threads, lets make this section the same for the people who actually WANT to use their receivers
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I have edited my post and ordered a TM 800
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About time this was done.

Could we have dedicated thread for Wifi, HDD, Skins etc so that there is some sort of order and people can sift through a thread to hopefully resolve their issue?

I disagree about this becoming like the other site. Moans and criticism are not being disallowed, they are being placed in one place. People are free to moan and vent their frustration as much as they like.
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Ive always wondered why people who didn't own the box posted negative comments tbh

I can understand them taking an interest as a potential buyer :) but to criticise hardware/software they haven't seen seemed strange

its not nice for members to post for help with an issue to get the reply " I had that, sold my box and got a VU+ best box Ive ever had blah blah blah" that doesn't help the member with the problem they have

I myself have a moan from time to time as I'm sure Manic could quote me on ;)
but on the whole the box does give me a fantastic TV picture and not bad recording but as said in another post dont stop me/us wanting more of what it should do

tbh I think we let things run to far on here sometimes and should maybe nip things in the bud a little earlier
but then we get classed as in TMs pocket or fan boys :err: lol its hard sometimes to know when to step in and when to let things run thats goes for the running of the forum as a whole tbh not just this room
digidude Rat abu-baniaz mickbrush

Best news ever from DW :Clap::Clap::Clap:

Now becoming my favourite forum ,
Forum is for help sharing experience solving problems
I have tm800 full board and very happy with 02-02-11 image really like my box it does what I want from it.
will be happier to have more functions but I can wait,
now and again need help to operate or add new things.
with new DW conditions I can ask for help without being directed to different brand or get slandered .
I hope stays like this and checked each post .
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Totally agree DD, at peak times the ratio of guests to members viewing the TM800HD forum is about 4:1 , I also believe these type of discussion will deter newbies from signing up and posting for fear of being embarrassed by some of the rhetoric about lately.

Also dont forget these are not the opinions of the majority they are two or three in thousands my own poll of 4 owners (bigger sample) is that the box provides what they originally bought the for and are prepared to wait for what could be considered bells and whistles. For example some freesat pvr receivers are similarly priced but only do what is says on the box.
Totally agree DD, at peak times the ratio of guests to members viewing the TM800HD forum is about 4:1 , I also believe these type of discussion will deter newbies from signing up and posting for fear of being embarrassed by some of the rhetoric about lately.

Also dont forget these are not the opinions of the majority they are two or three in thousands my own poll of 4 owners (bigger sample) is that the box provides what they originally bought the for and are prepared to wait for what could be considered bells and whistles. For example some freesat pvr receivers are similarly priced but only do what is says on the box.

it has now gotten to the point where people who dont own a receiver are posting as much, sometimes more, than people who actually own one, one member for example has over 5 pages of posts just in this one room, but doesnt own a TM800, and most of the posts are not actually helping or contributing to what the original thread topic was

you dont see people in the xbox 360 room, not owning that console, but constantly telling people that due to the RRoD they should get a PS3 as their ZX spectrum was more reliable, and consoles have some of the biggest 'fanboys' in forum land

this is being done to make this room an informative place for TM800 owners to read up on their equipment, and ask for help with it, NOT as a place for a few to keep banging on about other receivers, they have their own sections as well
So you've deleted my legitimate post asking for help with box being sluggish since getting it back from jtagging, instead of editing it because others took it OT.

It's all very well having 1 'moan' thread but it's ridiculous to think that people are going to read through dozens of pages until they stumble upon your dilema. And now unless it's directly helping people, it will be deleted. What happens when 5 people post "yeah, having same prob" letting you know that there is a fault that's not a one off relating to you.

I agree that those who no longer have a box have no reason to post having a moan but censorship or kettling is not going to help the poor people that are unfortunate to have this box with all it's troubles. Those of us that have this box have right to moan about the way things are without going ott. Stuff it all into a 20 paged thread and those poor sods that do stumble in here aren't going to wade through that to realise how bad things are before buying one.
So you've deleted my legitimate post asking for help with box being sluggish since getting it back from jtagging, instead of editing it because others took it OT.

It's all very well having 1 'moan' thread but it's ridiculous to think that people are going to read through dozens of pages until they stumble upon your dilema. And now unless it's directly helping people, it will be deleted. What happens when 5 people post "yeah, having same prob" letting you know that there is a fault that's not a one off relating to you.

I agree that those who no longer have a box have no reason to post having a moan but censorship or kettling is not going to help the poor people that are unfortunate to have this box with all it's troubles. Those of us that have this box have right to moan about the way things are without going ott. Stuff it all into a 20 paged thread and those poor sods that do stumble in here aren't going to wade through that to realise how bad things are before buying one.

the thread hasnt been deleted, and once its cleaned up, will be reinstated m8

people posting on a thread telling someone that they have a problem that the thread is talking about will be left, the threads that will be removed are the ones that say

'yeh its sh!t get a xxxxx instead' 'itll never work so stop wasting your time' and ones like that

the moan thread is just that, somewhere for people to moan, general help / advise / problem threads will continue to be used as normal
So will this owner of TM still be allowed to post pro TM800 stuff then?

As long as its actually helping people or explaining procedures to get things going, yes

Also start trawling through the spider slagging posts in Spider section and remove those blatantly posting rubbish..
Whats good for one is good for another.

thats no problem, a simple search for 2 maybe 3 users posts in the section will be all thats needed, and that only lasted for a few weeks while other members were also 'baiting' each other, and since some of those members no longer post in that section, the spiderbox room has returned to normal, but, for some reason, similar behaviour has carried on in this room, which is why this decision has been taken
By refusing to admit that ############ is the owner of TM you are allowing biased and conflicting views in here.
I thought the idea was a level playing field.

if he was running round posting 'dont buy this, buy a TM instead' in all the other sections then fair enough m8

but all he is doing is posting tried and tested ways of getting the receiver running before adding further plugins etc

if he wants to publically announce to everyone who he is, thats up to him, untill then, or untill a situation arrises that changes all this, he is entitled to be as anonymous as any other forum member
with new DW conditions I can ask for help without being directed to different brand or get slandered .

It's not slander to say a box doesn't do what it is advertised Dr Linux.

I find your slander comment to be defamatory, rule 11 quite clearly states this
is not allowed

You are welcome here but you must adhere to the rules please, we are not allowing excessive moans it does not mean you can plug the box and make excessive claims in favour of the box unless the claims are true.
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about time DD, i like my tm800 and my 6900 super im a techno fan and have had many a helpful post on here keep up the good work guys