Can't open encrypted channels...


VIP Member
VIP Member
Mar 15, 2010
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Hey guys,
My dm500s server box went crazy today so i reflashed it,
put cccam 2.2.1 on, set it as default cam under softcam management.
put in my channel list etc
and i'm only getting fta, so are my clients.

I can ftp to and from the box so network may not be the issue.
i even have a cline that should give me all of the channels, but i can't open up any channels on my local or the server to which i am connected :S

entitlements are also updated for another couple of months....
i can see that from my dm500s, it gives me all of the cardinfo but won't open anything up.

clients are even connecting to the box and are requesting new ecms every 7 seconds but again.... they can't see anything either...

I've rebooted the box/router/modem several times too.
really hit a brick wall with this one,
but i bet its summat stupid.

can anyone please advice me?

I'm using pli jade 3 max var.
has not failed me since i first put it on in november.

did you put your boxkey back in cccam correctly!
Hey big-hol
I just lifted my old working cccam config straight from my computer and ftp'd it into my box.

Even if it was a boxkey issue, i should still be getting the regular encrypted channels no?
Your new box got the same ip as your old one?

I'm guessing its a port forward issue.
there is no new or old box mate,
its the same box that crashed today...

i reflashed it but only fta.

port forwarding is lock stock
I dont see how port forwarding can affect whether or not the local box can open the encrypted channels though :S
Your new box got the same ip as your old one?

I'm guessing its a port forward issue.

But that wouldn't explain why his own local isn't decoding channels on his own receiver, unless the card isn't in his DM500, as port forward does not apply when you are trying to decode channels on your own receiver. Plus he has a C: line from another server which isn't working either. Try another version of CCCam instead of 2.2.1 Crazyfool.


thanks Liam.
i just reflashed a backup image of my box from about a month ago. (it used to work flawlessly then)
that had cccam 2.1.4 on it.

that didnt work.

just to see if the box is faulty, i just reflashed one of my client boxes with the same image and that isn't working either... :S

so its not the box.

what could it be?

i will try and reflash the box again from scratch and put an older copy of cccam on it...
see if that will fix it.
Hey guys,
this is what that cline I was recieving looks like on my cccam webpage thing:

| Host | Connected | Type | Version| NodeID | Cards | CAID/Idents |
| | |CCcam-s2s| | | 0 | |

does that mean that the server is down?
because it could be the case that my card might have gone down some time ago, and all of this time i have been watching and sharing using the reshares from the cline i have been hoked up to.

maybe if that server has gone down then thats why i'm not getting anything...?
yup confirmed...
that server is down.

so that means that my card is frakked! either that, or cccam isn't reading it... :S

how do i diagnose this guys?

entitlements are valid until may......
Does the card work in the original box? and do you have any other cards that you could try in the DM500? Just to make sure the card reader is working. I assume you can view the entitlements page in cccam info?


Thanks again for the reply mate...
i think the card reader is fine because both boxes i have show the card info etc...

I dont have the original stb on hand though
so i'll be putting the card in there tomorrow morning,
if it doesn't update then i ring sky and tell them i've been on holiday with my box unplugged right?
but entitlements have updated, so how do you explain that? and what could be the cause of the problem?

i'm not recieving emms from my clients, my fline looks like this:
3 0 0 { 0:0:1 }

just a couple of questions:
1) i only have a single feed coming into the house,
which tuner do i plug the sat feed into??

2) in reflashing my box i lost a couple of flines from my cfg, just so i dont have to go over to my sisters house and give her a new cline... is there anyway i can ask her to extract it from her dm500 using tuxbox commander or anything like that?

Thanks again,
If the card is receiving updates via the Dreambox it may have received a "killer" ecm as the Dreambox cannot filter out any ecms that are sent to the card. Whether this is a myth or not nobody knows, so this may be the problem. As for the tuner issue, if its a Sky HD box then you can switch it to single tuner mode in the menu of the receiver, otherwise I would use input 1 if its a Sky Plus Box, read my post here on switching a Sky HD box into single tuner mode. If your familiar with WinSCP then get your Sister to use that to browse to the cccam.cfg and open it up in WinSCP and it will give you her C: line. Otherwise use Filezilla, Tuxbox commander or whichever FTP software you usually use to drag the file onto her computer. Obviously you will need to tell her the Username and Password for the box. You could always get her to open a port up in her router which will allow you access to her Dreambox anytime you want. Also sent you a PM about the Killer ECM issue as I may not be able to post the link in an open forum.

Put this line into your CCcam config to stop the card from updating again and only update it in the origiinal receiver.

B: /dev/sci0 07


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Thanks for that Liam,
I thought the killer ecm's had died down but thats no longer the case i see (if that is what this really is).
i myself have become a bit complacent when i saw that peoples cards stopped going down.
otherwise i was actually planning on updating in the original box when entitlements run out...

with regards to my sister,
i remembered that i have already port forwarded her router so i just whizzed in and sexed her box up with a new cline ;)
Nobody actually confirmed the killer emm was even in existence, it may have just been a rumour or scaremongering, I didnt see any solid proof or logged emms/ decrypted emms to prove that a killer emm was in existence.

I carried out the same procedure as you exactly, backed up my server cfg file from CCCam 2.1.4 reflashed a dm500c with a new image installed CCCam 2.2.1 copied the same backed up cfg file across and no issues, worked fine. Still getting EMMS from clients and entitlement updates without any issue.
hey guys,
sorry i havent been about.
gonna put my card in original box now, see if the card gets sorted,
will take it from there.
will post results tomorrow morning.
if it does come to the stage where i have to ring sly,
what am i telling them?>
U just got back from holiday?? U had a good time there?? ;)