Blade Trinity V2 IMAGE Feedback

I am trying this out tonight. I got the last blade trinity working better. I deleted scan.conf and put on cables.xml and I was able to select scanning options (had tried this before and only had UK scanning). I tried a few Irish scanss (I am NTL dublin) but they didnt work. Then tried UK 6887 and got all the channels back.

NTL have done a bit of work recently, people might have problems with setanta 1, golf and jetix. They are all back now with the recent channel bubble hits.

I checked the service.xml file and the frequencies have changed, all have the 4th digit as 0 no 5's.
e.g. 363500000 is now 363000000
I have noticed this difference in previous scans but it resulted in jumpy pictures on one of the scans. But now I have 2 service files that work. My old standard one had the 5 in it on 50% of channel groups. Perhaps this was incorrect and this is what might have been causing the "blackout pauses", that self recovered.
Got this from the D/L section today and it froze half way through flashing, guess I will have to take a trip to get a null modem and crossover cable :(
Got this from the D/L section today and it froze half way through flashing, guess I will have to take a trip to get a null modem and crossover cable :(

?? how were you flashing? IFA only needs a cat5 crossover to work. And I think it can work with only a null modem too.
The Dbox ia connected on the other side of my router so i can connect wirelessly from my laptop. I just put the image over by FTP and selected the option to flash without bootloader from the Dbox, its worked with all the other images i'vr tried but this one froze :(

I have every confidence in the image must of just been one of those things, from what i've read I thought you needed both cables for IFA to work. As I said I will just have to pick one up next time i'm at the shops.
Just downloaded IFA and it flashed through my router anyway, its all working again now :)
Thanks for the image, works a treat, will test stream to xbox whe i go to bed.

just 1 problem i have, i feel a right noob but i cant find the way to change the way the box responds when you press ok to bring up channel list. I have had to change this setting on all my previous images, but cant seem to do it on this one. just cant find setting.

the search didnt help because i dont know what the fu ction is called.

My hnead hurts after looking at settings for ages over and over again, i can live with it but the wife cant.

great image matey shame im a numbskull.

Dbox-settings-key setup-bouquet control.
Think thats what you are after.
Thank You

installed this image on a sagem 2x that has had probably every image none to man installed and countless hours pissing about with ucodes cams and everytrick in the book, boosters modem removed etc and it chirped like a dozen budgies after a minute on virtualy all channels for well over a year infact it was stuck in the shed for the last 6 months its now been working solid on every channel for 3 days using 001a and gbox what an amazing image thanks Xenafan your a genius!:eater:
just 1 problem i have, i feel a right noob but i cant find the way to change the way the box responds when you press ok to bring up channel list. I have had to change this setting on all my previous images, but cant seem to do it on this one. just cant find setting.
I think Xenafan saved it with the option "not visible".
To get it press dbox, now settings.
now near the top is something like user preferences.
Pin is 0000

Go in there and you will see a big list of options with visible, not visible or pin protected on them. Select what you want to be visible, then reboot and the key binding setup should be available.

I like this hidden feature, could protect against idiots messing up images you installed for them.
I was trying to do a scan on blade 3V2 last night, kept coming up with no transponders, I had scanned correctly and then forgot to save or something. Then I kept getting no transponders when trying to scan again (I was just messing about). I then clicked on "restart neutrino", then when I went into the scan section I was offered all satellite stuff, astra etc, and couldnt get the cable providers at all.

Reboot sorted it all out, odd though
Dbox-settings-key setup-bouquet control.
Think thats what you are after.

star man, thanks.. key setup was hidden too, so i forgive myself for not finding it ;)

cheers fella.

I checked my frequencies against my pace box, turns out they were right all along. I didnt get a single blackout-recover freeze on the new blade. But this morning it froze completely on a FTA channel. I have always had more trouble with FTA than encrytped channels.
As usual a brilliant image for chirping sagems. I am now able to stream my dbox over the internet with this image and get sound, which I have never been able to do before.
Many Many Thanks Xenefan.
Philburn, can you confirm that you have sound on all channels? If so good news. Are you using Yweb what version of VLC etc etc.

Thanks a lot
hey guys

ive just flashed the image and my remote dont work, anyone got a cure? thanks really wanna start a scan
Only had it on a couple of day,had to as last image could not get Rangers and Celtic tv to work properly but with this image al working great no freezes stream from pd to dbox gr8 but still cant get it to record to PC yet will give it another go later.In my opinion its the best image so far.

Thanks for hard work

I know its not in the description, but does this image support IDE HDD?

Downloaded this image a couple of days and its fantastic. I liked the Blade a lot and this Blade Trinity has surpassed it. Gr8 work m8.

Blade Trinity V2 Nokia_2x

thanks for an excellent image, i think its the best one out :)

keep up the good work.
Still no joy with streaming to the PC. BBC2 works fine (with sound) all the other are no sound.