BBC millionaires

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Dec 2, 2008
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HI all, I have reached the age of (no more television license fees to be paid,) 75 years young But it still grieves me that everyone has to pay a license fee whether or not they watch BBC television or listen to BBC radio.
And the BBC pay 14 millions of pounds to one man for performing his bit on BBC Television
they also have more weather forecast presenters giving all the same info all day and all night
if truth were known they probably have 50 presenters all paid fancy sums of money for what
if you were to forecast that the weather would be similar to yesterday but an hour later
you would beat the forecasters for correct predictions. what gives the BBC or the government the right to rip viewers off by collecting enough money to pay the ridiculous salaries to comedians forecasters and all the various overpaid organisers of the BBC.
you can go anywhere in the world and receive BBC but it does the average working man who pays their wages not an atom of good. never mind the argument that other companies
pay similar salaries that is not good enough if the BBC did not pay their silly salaries someone else would do it for considerably less I am sure.
probably cause its a tax you can`t get out of till your 75.
you don`t pay for itv do you?
Well as far as I can see every other channel holds it's own financially so it's just the Beeb abusing an out of date law, I cannot remember the last time I even watched any BBC channels.
I think that local radio should get a shake up, the presenters dont appear to be in the real
world,sometimes patronising to the listeners but some of the tv programming is outstanding [not regional]
Thats why Im in favour of the licence fee
I think that local radio should get a shake up, the presenters dont appear to be in the real
world,sometimes patronising to the listeners but some of the tv programming is outstanding [not regional]
Thats why Im in favour of the licence fee

are u fooking mad!!

paying for a service that you may or may not watch?????????

what drugs are you taking?

if i want sky i pay sky if i dont want it i dont pay.

i should have the choice, not some corporation using it as an excuse to tax you. if they want money get sponsorship!!!!
wait a minute, take away bbc tv and radio. what am i paying for? its a glorified tax for having a tv!
god knows how sky ever got off the ground, how much of my tv license goes to the sky corporation £0.00

if you want it pay for it if you dont want it dont pay.
Its not a glorified tax at all. It is a tax.

And whilst it is a tax, there is nothing you can do about it is there? So untill it changes, and in all likelihood it will change, whats the point in whinging about it?

sorry for being pedantic but after all this is the Rant room :)
My mate has no tv in his house, but he has a computer but he still can watch eastenders etc with
bbc iplayer.
sorry for being pedantic but after all this is the Rant room :)

a bloody out of date tax for fat cats and an over bloated service.
i bet you could get rid of half the employees and still carry on as normal.
just because the bbc has been around a long time doesn`t mean we have to carry on paying for it.
let them go commercial , and if they can`t keep all the crap going then they have to get rid of it won`t they? like bbc3,4, 24hr news radio 1, jon ross etc
Deep breath now - we are not just paying for the programming, we are also paying for the broadcasting.

I don't care if it all went on the CEO's poo paper, it's a joke.

Lets pick on the French for a bit, do you think they would suffer a TV license like this? Surely not, they would blockade a port or something wouldnt they?

Nope, they dont. Their license fee gets picked up in their taxes. And they have adverts on as well.

Do you think anyone actually cares what the french do ? they are used to taking it up the butt and lovin it, it don't mean we have to.

The "license" is an utter farce and should be scrapped asap :Kickassro
I personaly think its money well spent, the standard of production far exceeds any of the other channels, how many entertainment programs are actually produced by the other networks, excluding ITV its very little (and its already been mentioned how much trouble ITV are actually in).
Besides a lot of members on here are in no position to complain considering the amount of television they actually do pay for ;-)

Also there is a lot of infrastructure that is provided by the BBC, if the BBC didn't foot the bill then it would be picked up by the Government and ultimately the tax payer, so we all pay anyhow.
I personaly think its money well spent, the standard of production far exceeds any of the other channels, how many entertainment programs are actually produced by the other networks, excluding ITV its very little (and its already been mentioned how much trouble ITV are actually in).
Besides a lot of members on here are in no position to complain considering the amount of television they actually do pay for ;-)

Also there is a lot of infrastructure that is provided by the BBC, if the BBC didn't foot the bill then it would be picked up by the Government and ultimately the tax payer, so we all pay anyhow.

ok, i agree that bbc is a decent service, however my complaint is that if i want a service i pay. if i dont want it i dont pay.

i bet there would be a queue around the block to get into the bbc's pants if they were offering to sponsor tv shows. hence we wouldnt need to pay a tv licence. fat cats would be fatter and a great tv service would turn into excellent. the ifrastructure would be phenomenal.
forgot to say about the tv i pay for ;0)

i pay a cable company a substantial amount each month, broadband and phone service. i dont technically steal it all. i pay for some keep the host alive. i am a parasite i dont want to kill them.
Well said 'Stevemac'

It is not a tax it is a licence to use receiving equipment.

If we don't pay for the BBC then nobody watches any TV because all the signals including Sky go through BBC's equipment and transmitting stations in the same way that ALL broadband goes through BT's equipment.
my complaint is that if i want a service i pay. if i dont want it i dont pay.

i do see where you are coming from and agree to a certain degree, but by the same token most of us have been fortunate that we have never had a fire in our house so should we not pay for the fire service.
i dont have any kids so i dont want to pay for any schools or colleges buildings or teachers.
i have been lucky to have only ever been to the hospital once and very rarely trouble our doctor so i don't want to pay for the nhs...........................the list is endless.

just have to work on the principle that someday there may be a brilliant program on the beeb and you watch it and really enjoy it and it makes it all worth while......
Some good points there hatab. There are many things in life we dont really want or need, yet pay for. This is one of them. And it is hardly the most expensive thing in the world.

@pipsqueaker, technically the TV license is a tax under law.

Literally!! It is a licence
the staff there or the fat cats get a nice party out of it and what do we get bloody repeats and poor programs time it was scrapped the fee
are u fooking mad!!

paying for a service that you may or may not watch?????????

what drugs are you taking?

if i want sky i pay sky if i dont want it i dont pay.

i should have the choice, not some corporation using it as an excuse to tax you. if they want money get sponsorship!!!!

I dont have sky because it relies on advertising and the programming in my opinion is poor
I am supporting outstanding programming which is paid for with the fee
Can't believe anyone would condone paying for something they don't use, and it aint the same as an ambulance or hospital because there is a chance you would be forced to use these services.

Plain and simple the Beeb are robbing Bast*rds, it's about time they got up off their fat arses and actually done some work

Remember EL Dorado ?

Also think it is criminal that people (usually single mothers) actually end up in jail for not paying for such drivel.

And by the way it aint a tax, it was only "classed" as a tax for accountancy reasons, its a license.
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