BBC millionaires

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It's far to expensive for a start i find the bbc programes are full of drama's Itv is full of reality shows i mostly use my pc or games consoles for in home netertainment. however i do enjoy channels such as discovery itv 2 and 3 have some good films on as far as im concerned and scifi now and then.

Fact is i pay for vm as a service then send me the signal through their cables and i recive it to their equipment which is then displayed on my tv that i bought.

I pay my tv license however i have no choice because if i didnt i could face a hefty fine and possibly loose my equipment.

I dont care what the beeb do with MY money after they recieve it at the end of the day i pay it to them when i hardly watch their programing.

The bbc have as many adverts nowadays as other channels so they earn plenty of revenue from them.
So its a tax then, given that its "classed" as a tax, and referred to as a tax in law.

For accountancy purposes only, do you not get this bit ? do you think the Beeb are an integral part of central government ?
Dont forget, you are not just paying for the programming. You are also paying for analogue and digital terrestrial broadcasting...

so you keep saying but the tv license isnt there only form of revenue is it.

You know as well as i do people in tv earn a fortune and as the op said perhaps if they took a pay cut (and they would still earn a hell of alot) then they wouldnt need license money.
So, you are saying that even though by law its a tax and the ONS says it comes under the definition of a tax - you are saying they are all wrong? Did you even read the link I posted that explains why this is a tax and how it affects the BBC? If you did, then you would understand why it is a tax, as you dont then it is obvious you didnt read it.

Where does it say it was changed "by law" ? what law was changed to make it a tax ?

I only read that the ONS had "classed" it as a tax for the sake of accountancy, and if you are refering to it as some sort of Hypothecation tax then only a government body is permitted to collect such a "tax"
It is the only form of revenue for the BBC.

Dont confuse BBC Worldwide with the one we get in the UK - the money that BBC Worldwide generates helps fund it and provides some for re-investment in the BBC.

People have whinged in the past that the BBC gets money from Worldwide, but I dont see what the big fuss is all about.

Simple fact of the matter is, right now in the UK we all need to pay for the TV license. In the future, I wouldnt have been shocked to see it go, but with the BBC's new plans announced with BT, I think it will be here to stay - and a good thing too.

Chances are its going to be used to help Channel 4 with the digital switch over as well.

So, if the BBC spends money on a national IPTV service with BT and bails out Channel 4, all thanks to the license fee - this is a bad thing?

So you are saying that companys get to advertise on the bbc for free?
Where does that come from?

You said that the lisence is their only form of revenue did you not??

The way i see it it is simply a lisence for having a tv for 2 reasons.

If you want to own and use a tv then you HAVE to have a tv lisence.

And secondly if it were for any thing other than operating a tv why is there a fee for a black and white tv and a colour tv.

I simply want a choice if i dont pay for the tv lisence then i do not recieve bbc tv. If i do pay i recieve the bbc.

After all VM provide me with the bbc i do not recieve it through an ariel and i already pay to recieve it from VM.
Of what? The facts? Its there in black and white for you. You dont agree with it, big deal.

But if you think you are being clever by leaving one liners like this, why dont you just put me out of my misery and just tell me what I am wrong and you are right. It will save a few pages of petty posts.

I can't actually believe I forgot what an arrogant insignificant nerd you are, no wonder you are thought about the way you are.

Will let you work away

Again, how original.

Any chance you are going to educate me as to why I am ignorant, or are you going to stick with smilies and insults?

A statement of fact is hardly an insult to someone of your calibre :Laugh:
Your going to try as hard as you possibly can to make this spill out over many pages arent you? Now that you have taken it completely off topic that is, lets not forget.

It is you that is continuing it, I did tell you to work away, but you simply can't let it drop can you.

Says the man who absolutely has to have the last word.

Its just a shame you have absolutely nothing to contribute.

Go ahead, feel free to be the last post on it if you really must be.

Please Kary let this drop will you, it's getting a tad embarrassing now, now be a good fellow, keep a stiff upper lip and crack on regardless.

Theres a good lad.

In a vain attempt to stop this thread from inflating FUBAR's ego any further, and to bring it back on topic just a shade...

I have just been reading about Freeview and Freesat. If it were not for the license fee obtained by the BBC, it would be highly unlikely that the UK would have any free digital terrestrial TV (freeview) or Freesat or any free HD content. Without the BBC and its license fee, would we be stuck in a land of subscription TV?

Again though what if i dont use freeview or free to air channels i pay for vm's service monthly and thats what i watch. That said it is the wife who watches it mainly.

I dont use freesat i dont use freeview and i think the only time the beeb is on is for eastenders pah.

So i guess im saying it's all about choice people should be able to choose if they pay it or not like a subscription i guess yes but then at least we have a choice.

Right now its pay up or else.
But you wouldnt have any freeview, or for that matter freesat without the TV license. You wouldnt even have any BBC channels.

Not everyone wants subscrition TV or cannot afford it. The TV license is a cheap thing and gives you a good selection of channels.

Even if you went for sunscription TV and there was no license, you would still have to give the service provider extra money to pay for the BBC's broadcast.

Pretty much every country in the world has a TV license fee, so there is nothing odd about us having one. Some countries have a license fee, and the channels they pay it for carry advertising.

Ive made my point thats how i feel and im entilted to that you dissagree with me and thats fair enough i cant be arsed to go round in circles about it.

Im pretty sure the beeb could manage just fine without the lisence money i cant prove that but im pretty certain look how much chris moyles earns for fooking about on a radio show. look how much jonathon ross and russle brand were getting paid and it about proves how much money the beeb has.
Must you be so ignorant ?

Good shout mate, i fully agree with you about "karym6", and i know iam not alone.

Also mate, I agree with shutting the piece of shite that is "bbc" down, well not shut it down, but stop sucking our money off us, they should go it alone without our money, if they float they float, if they sink they sink, who really gives a shit ??? probably 1% of britain, i bets ya that if there was a public vote allowed all over the uk about the licence fee, i bet people would vote at least 99% against the licence fee, its a cert...

The bbc is total shite, always has been and always will be, that goes for the radio too, i could count on one hand how many times i watch a programme on the bbc in the space of a year, infact, i cant even remember last thing i watched on there, there ya go.

I do like some interesting and factual programmes similar to one or two the bbc make, but i can find these kind of programmes elsewhere, and if push came to shove we can watch the bbc on the internet without the need for any licence (so long as the programme isnt being watched at same time as broadcast on tv, what a load of pish that is too, as if people are going to wait until the programme ends, lol, another bbc howler).

Personally i would prefer to pay my licence fee towards my sky or virgin subscription should i choose to do that, thats more realistic, and get bbc to fook right off the air, good ridence to bad rubbish.
Pretty much every country in the world has a TV license fee,

Total crap, globally speaking countries that pay a TV license are in the minority.

Good shout mate, i fully agree with you about "karym6", and i know iam not alone.

Oh you aint alone chum, trust me

And as members have said, it is totally repugnant that in this day and age that so called "stars" are paid huge sums of "tax" payers money for pretty much the square route of shit.
How astute of you SLASHER.

If the BBC sinks, then where does that leave the likes of Freeview and Freesat? Or, dont you care as you are getting your TV from VM?

The BBC is far from 'shite' as you put it.

Personally, I would love to see a referendum on the license, something needs to be doen to modernise it - as I have stated already. However, I think you will find that not everyone shares your narrow minded views on this subject.

you want to bet ??? you talk so much shite man, biggest shite talker ive ever heard in my puff, even steaming drunk guys in the pub are better to talk to than you, now why dont you go over and sit in the corner with your thumb up your arse like the good little shit talker you are, ohh and thanks for the negative rep you gave me, dont make any difference to me mate, my rep is at rock bottom because of tajjers like you, so i aint got nuffin to lose, keep posting neg rep all day long if it gives your little maggot a tickle.
Not quite true there FUBAR. As you can see from our good friend Wikipedia, there are quite a few countries who employ a TV license: Television licence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As to your personal feelings towards me, I am happy you have found a freind in SLASHER. I hope the two of you have a lovely relationship together.

Quite a few...yes....majority/nearly, so you were wrong in your statement.

the 2 of us ?.... lol if only you knew how wrong you were mate
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