backup sats and bouquets


Inactive User
Jan 15, 2008
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hi guys can anyone tell me how i can back up my sats and bouquets on my dm500s i'm running gemini 4.2
the thing is the file system is slightly different to neutrino images all i hat to do is go into var tuxbox config and add services file and bouquets but when i go in to var tuxbox config enigma theres loads of files what do i do
hi guys can anyone tell me how i can back up my sats and bouquets on my dm500s i'm running gemini 4.2
the thing is the file system is slightly different to neutrino images all i hat to do is go into var tuxbox config and add services file and bouquets but when i go in to var tuxbox config enigma theres loads of files what do i do

Use dreambox edit to backup your bouquets, I use pli i jade images which allows to make a complete backup of everything to a network mount, I would imagine gemini has simillar.
For anyone using pli this might be useful.

This will back up all your bouquets, settings, channel mappings, cccam.cfg ect ect.
Saving you the hassle of setting it all up again should you ever need to reflash the the image for any reason.
First thing to do is create a folder in your network mount named Backup.
The rest is done with the remote as follows.

Menu/6 (systen settings) / backup or restore

select browse and look for your network mount

Select the backup folder you created and press green to save.

Now press green to run the backup, the backup will take less than 2 minutes and a message will appear showing all backed up files when complete.