Anyone tried this?

Ok, I got to the web admin screen for it this afternoon. Set it to DHCP and plugged it into my network, checked the router to see the address and its gone completely tits up.

The address it has right now is a static internal address, so it looks like it is having problems connecting via DHCP. I will connect it back to my PC in a few and set the address manually to see if this will sort the problem.

When I had it connected on my PC, I tried checking the bitorrent screen - it looks like you need to have an active internet connection in order to use it as it just presents a 404. I am a bit dubious about this right now, is the device simply connecting to a service out on the internet to download torrents? If so, why?

I will try and get it at least up and running later this afternoon.
If you can get it working. I am glad that others have found it to download torrents - I thought I was going mad after reading the manual...
Ok, I have this set up and running on my network now. I tried the bitorrent screen and it keeps giving me a 404.

I think that the device needs an HDD qith at least 10gb free on it in order to get this part working. I dont have a drive with this much free on it just now so I think this is something that you need to bear in mind when thinking about this device. I will try and pick up a new USB HDD in the week and attach it.

To be perfectly honest, it has to be one of the most confusing devices I have ever had to work with. The supplied setup utility doesnt work on my network (I think this is a security thing on the router). The best way to set it up is to hook it directly up to your PC and set a static IP. Then go straight to the web admin and give it a static IP that will work on your network. From there, you should be good to to.

At the present time, I have a 4gb USB stick plugged into it which I can share and use via FTP. But thats it.

As soon as I have a capacious HDD plugged in, I will try again with the bitorrent feature. It not like I dont need a new one anyway ;).

More to follow.
actually, you must have an external HDD installed to make use of most of the features.

You cannot setup multiple users with out one, so I am very sure now that this is the reason why I cannot use the bitorrent feature yet.
Right, I just hooked up a 250gb HDD to this thing and the bitorrent page still doesnt show up.

I am now annoyed. I will take a look at the developer forum and see if there is any help to be had there.
it turns out that the reason I cannot access the bitorrent screen is due to Kaspersky blocking it.

I cant pause it right now, as I seem to have forgotten the password for it...
ok, if anyone gets one of these the bitorrent screen will not open if you are using Kaspersky AV. You need to add this to the trusted sites list in the admin screen and it will become available.

You also need to set up portforwarding for the device on your router also to get a good speed. After that, it appears to work a lot faster than utorrent etc. Bear in mind though, I only tested it by downloading a linux via torrent.
so once u get it working its the dogs bollocks?

well, it takes an effort, and you will have problems if using Kaspersky.

You can only download 4 torrents at a time, but the speed is pretty good compared to utorrent on Win2k3. The HDD business is a pain, and you cant use them as a nas (but you can browse the contents through the interface and use FTP).

I am undecided just yet as to whether I like it or not.
would a nas box that has this feature built in be better than the wee thing frae maplin?

it would pretty much be the same thing, but with the added benefit of smb (probably). So yeah, if you see one get it, if it is cheap I guess.
You could save yourself a few pennies and just plug a USB drive into it.

I have had mine for a few months now, and it is not so great...
all i'm looking for is for something i can leave on all the time downloading torrents instead of leaving my pc on all teh time

is it capable of doing that?
