50 polish born a day in the uk :(

People have moved round the world for hundreds if not thousands of years - "Britain" has been under French - Roman - Saxon - Viking control and today we are a mish mash of all these cultures. With travel so easy these days it is understandable that more will arrive - we should really be grateful that we live in a place where the standard of living is high enough that most people dont want to leave here!!

My only complaint about immigration is the constant need of some groups to impose their culture on us but it seems to be a minority of people giving others a bad name. Most people who come here are quite happy to work and earn a better living than they could dream of at "home". To that end I salute their spirit and fortitude that gave them the nerve to go to a strange place and try and have a better life for them and their children!!

As for the polish in general, I was at school with lots of children of polish immigrants born in the 60's and 70's after the last wave of immigration from Poland escaping communism. They all had the same core values as us and apart from their odd consonant filled names you wouldnt have been able to tell the difference!! Today I see lots of Poles - they are all working - doing jobs that most of us Brits would turn our nose up at - they play football in our local leagues and drink in the same pubs - they go to church on Sunday's too. All in all they seem to be a good addition to our society!!

As for lack of space and homes - we have absolutely stacks of space outside the big cities - acres and acres of it - luckily the Poles are also good tradesmen so perhaps they will help build the new homes we all need!!!
A) Daily Star = Your argument is invalid.
B) You're racist
C) I like brackets!
some 1 had to throw the racist card in lol

Of course he's racist, he's being led by the Star to believe that these facts are even remotely true and even if they were, why pick on the Poles, what about the Romainians, and other Eastern block 'scum' who put the card reading machines in our ATMs, the Star would have you believe every single immigrant is doing this.

Brit living abroad? Ex-Pat..... Non Brit here - Thieving scum?
Yer bum's a plum!

why are you checking out my bum , i aint half homophobic you know :)

@gooner71 man utd 8 arsenal 2 (your just jealous enough said)
@bigbadman I'm not racist I hate everyone.
@badman i like the the @ sign
my ancestors left africa at least 40000 years ago , why turn up late for a party :)
Brit living abroad? Ex-Pat..... Non Brit here - Thieving scum?
we agree on something at least :)
why are you checking out my bum , i aint half homophobic you know :)

@gooner71 man utd 8 arsenal 2 (your just jealous enough said)
@bigbadman I'm not racist I hate everyone.
@badman i like the the @ sign
my ancestors left africa at least 40000 years ago , why turn up late for a party :)
we agree on something at least :)

I think the mods should change your avatar to a Very Large Key.
Your reply makes a lot of assumptions: "loads of parasites who are here for an easy ride" - "when britains go abroad they take money and knowledge with them, etc."

Can these be shown to be true? What are "loads"?

There is free movement within the EU for all EU nationals so a Briton enters Poland as simply as a Pole enters Britain

I've entered a Pole, she loved it.

Not just racist but sexist as well, who else can I insult?
People have moved round the world for hundreds if not thousands of years - "Britain" has been under French - Roman - Saxon - Viking control and today we are a mish mash of all these cultures. With travel so easy these days it is understandable that more will arrive - we should really be grateful that we live in a place where the standard of living is high enough that most people dont want to leave here!!

As much as I agree with most of what you said I have to call a point of issue here as it was only England that was under the control of those stated. Scotland NEVER was!
And thats why you lot all prefer Heinz beans in England, 57 varieties lol

As to the 1000's of Polish kids born here (yes Polish dont correct me, my son was born in England but he will be Scottish to his dying day) Yeah as to the 1000's of kids born here, I hope they stay as I will need someone to fund my state pension when I retire!!!
@Kommander - Scotland has been populated by different groups over the ages too - Norwegian mainly but also some Picts - Angles - Normans and Irish Celts. Your son may be Scot by heritage but English by birth!! At least he will have a choice if he's any good at football!!! Also 30 % of men from the Outer Hebrides have a "Norse" marker in their DNA - surely that makes them Norwegian in the same way you claim your boy to be Scottish?
I wonder who the next scapegoats will be. It seems we always need to blame some "other" for our problems.

I would say that creating an "other" is what generally leads to our greatest woes.
Some members in this thread believe the Jews should not be in Isreal, but are quite happy for every Tom,Dick and Harry to come here.