11817V Satellite BG


DW Regular +
Dec 12, 2008
Reaction score
Belgium, The land of waffles ! Really ?
I'm having troubles decoding 11817V Astra 3. Some channels give a very good reception others
like eroXX HD and eroXXX HD have a "jerky" image , it is like there is something wrong with the decoding on that channels. The signal gets decoded but the image itself looks like it was put through a "mangle".EroX HD is also working just fine.
My signal is ok and other FTA HD channels on same frequency are 100% stable.
Yeah i know, it is by means of using the plugin CCcam. Maybe Satellite Bg put in some new protection

Could someone please confirm so I can safely asume there is something with the decoding and C cam.

(this has been going on since Tuesday)
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Assume this all a part of the current patch probs with certain HD channels, e.g. PLTV HD on 10E, JSC Sport HD 1 & 2 on 13E - and good old SCT HD channel on 13E which freezes up with latest patches - although wolftje hasnt actually mentioned WHICH patch he's using?:drink:
Never had an issue with jsc hd on 13e?

Well I had JSC Sports HD 2 jerking watching footie last Saturday afternoon mate using Cccam/patch 752P - I also reported it to Phantom - but thats just MY experience mate, obviously you are entitled to yours!! :drink:
Have tried mates original card in tm5402 and works perfect.
Have tried in his 6800 non super and works perfect.
Tried in Openbox S9 Works perfect.
Tried in Golden Media Wizard HD and works perfect.
Thats stb of yours is either crappy patch or crappy cccam.
Cant try any others.
I can confirm I have same problem on Astra 3, withthe above mentioned HD channels.
I can confirm I have same problem on Astra 3, withthe above mentioned HD channels.

Cheers mate, thought maybe it was only ME!! lol!!! Plus pls confirm you have the same TM6900HD Super as myself, using patch 752P?:FRIGHT:
Just 2 let y know, Working fine now ! (although last night a storm knocked out all 4 satellites at once A1 - A2 -A 3 - HB)
going 80 - 70 -40 -0 signal (local very heavy storm with wirhlwind, lightnings & Hailstones - what a show spectacle- here in belgium around 4am) anyway after 10-15 minutes all was fine
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