Liverpool Losing Champions League

revenge is sweet glad to see milan win we won't get all the crap in the papers 2morra well maybe what happened to the other 20 seconds to play yeeeha
wtf do u support??
revenge is when u win

as i said before we played and we where the better team not like man u
who got fookin batterdthen as a prelode to the end of season u played in the fa cup which i have heard is changing its name to the snooze cup
because when man u play they send the fans to sleep
wtf do u support??
revenge is when u win

as i said before we played and we where the better team not like man u
who got fookin batterdthen as a prelode to the end of season u played in the fa cup which i have heard is changing its name to the snooze cup
because when man u play they send the fans to sleep
dont mention that fooking FA CUP, jesus im owed 3 hours from chelski and manures... what a pile of crap

while this was not the best champions league final it was a good game and had alot of edge to it!

i wanted liverpool to win tonight, but i can see where the mancs are coming from as if it was chelski or manc's i would of wanted milan aswell lmao

but still you cant argue you probably have the best fans in the world and you will get alot of players wanting to play for fans like that... i said to my mrs arsenal fill a 60000 every week and we dont make as much noise as them scousers lol

also i see its kicking off now after the game.. shame the game was played in very honest and he sportsman like way (well apart from italian diving but comon its to be expected lol... i thought drogba was playing for a min pmsl)

Mickie D
Never mind you scousers at least it's gunna free up some more cash for players as i hear the trophy polishers been laid off till next year LMFAO
Never mind you scousers at least it's gunna free up some more cash for players as i hear the trophy polishers been laid off till next year LMFAO
not really m8 we still have 5 to polish
dont mention that fooking FA CUP, jesus im owed 3 hours from chelski and manures... what a pile of crap

while this was not the best champions league final it was a good game and had alot of edge to it!

i wanted liverpool to win tonight, but i can see where the mancs are coming from as if it was chelski or manc's i would of wanted milan aswell lmao

but still you cant argue you probably have the best fans in the world and you will get alot of players wanting to play for fans like that... i said to my mrs arsenal fill a 60000 every week and we dont make as much noise as them scousers lol

also i see its kicking off now after the game.. shame the game was played in very honest and he sportsman like way (well apart from italian diving but comon its to be expected lol... i thought drogba was playing for a min pmsl)

Mickie D
yes as was stated we had 40,000 fans in the ground how the fook did they all get in
bet the printers where working overtime printing all the press passes lol

the one's i felt sorry for where the liverpool fans who where stuck in liverpool after the fookin plane was buggered
(i bet the pilot was a man u fan )
not really m8 we still have 5 to polish

Nowt this this year tho m8 NOTHING, empty handed not even a carling cup NOT A SAUSAGE.

Liverpool roll of honours 2006-2007 season

Played well enough to win tonight though which is better than NOTHIN
What do ya get for 2nd

Thank god as a United fan we got to be the best team in England or 1st in the premier league (or champions of England whichever you prefer). Always feels better than
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dont mention that fooking FA CUP, jesus im owed 3 hours from chelski and manures... what a pile of crap

while this was not the best champions league final it was a good game and had alot of edge to it!

i wanted liverpool to win tonight, but i can see where the mancs are coming from as if it was chelski or manc's i would of wanted milan aswell lmao

but still you cant argue you probably have the best fans in the world and you will get alot of players wanting to play for fans like that... i said to my mrs arsenal fill a 60000 every week and we dont make as much noise as them scousers lol

also i see its kicking off now after the game.. shame the game was played in very honest and he sportsman like way (well apart from italian diving but comon its to be expected lol... i thought drogba was playing for a min pmsl)

Mickie D

In mid post it states "probably have the best fans in the world" just like carlsbergs probably the best lager lol. Pass me a Stella.
Unlucky to the Liverpool lads. Feel for you guys first half you dominated they got a lucky goal and fooked it up for you lot. Maybe if there was 10 more mins in the end Liverpool may have come back. Anyway you still got 5 trophies guys so no need to worry.

Good luck for next season.
Im only stokin the coals bud im all puff n wind really.
I wonder are you a Leeds fan perchance?
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Nowt this this year tho m8 NOTHING, empty handed not even a carling cup NOT A SAUSAGE.

Liverpool roll of honours 2006-2007 season
sorry to say but we have we won the fa shield and who did we beat

hmmm i wonder oh i know manchester utd

well roll on next yr
we can only get better
sorry to say but we have we won the fa shield and who did we beat

hmmm i wonder oh i know manchester utd

well roll on next yr
we can only get better

The fa shield
lemme think
the what lol
luck forward to next year hopefully the league will be even more exciting.

Hope we sign these 4 players then we have a real good squad.

1. Hargreaves
2. Nani
3. Berbatov/Torres/Eto/Defoe
4. Bale

Hopefully get rid of Silvestre and few others.

reckon if Raf had stuck big man Crouchy on about 10 minutes sooner to join up with Kuyt, we might have been able to take it into extra time.

oh well - no regrets - onwards and upwards...
best thing to say is when u r as sucessfull as LFC come back

oh sorry that will be never

Come on bud FIRST team to enter europe, FIRST to win the european trophy and in between we lost maybe one of Englands finest ever teams in Munich nearly lost the manager too. Without that your 5 cups wouldnt have been possible. And the babes would of won a few more. Lets forget that today is today, at the present Liverpool havent won the league for 18 years 18 years. This the present the sinclair c5 was succesfull once but does mr sinclair still harp on NO. The one eyed baton has definately been passed Liverpool are no longer the best team in England havent been for years 18 ov em open the other eye.

Weve been back for years

Read my signature below
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Pennant, zendan and kewell were all crap and i don't really rate alonzo, milan did'nt play particulaly well but liverpool were too cautious, crouch should have been on sooner with gerrard playing in his normal position and then liverpool could have had a real go, to lose in the final is no disgrace, but to lose without really giving it a go is a disapointment. I suppose milan deserved it for the way they obliterated united in the semi final, but deffo a chance missed for liverpool..