The title race

Can't see Man U slipping up now.

I predict a Man U League and Champions League double, beating Liverpool in the final.

will let them have the league but the champions league is ours
yeah david i agree i think valencia will beat chelsea and rafa being a spaniard will know how to overcome them so i fancy our chances of meeting any of the others in the final
we cant afford any more slip ups as chelsea are now breathing down our necks , come on the reds
I am glad the next 2 games in the league are at home and hopefully we win both go on a litlte run and kill it of. Lets not forget Saha is back as is Smithy the more the merrier at this stage. Evra also back so things lookin good lets hope we can beat Roma on Tuesday then i will say normal service has been resumed.

Boy oh boy do we miss Vidic or do we miss him that lad is pure quality?

Come on united its ours we came all this way and i hope we thrash Chelsea when we play them at Bridge i personally would be happy just winning the league as in my opinion it will be the most difficult league trophy we'd have won for a while so lets hope we do it. These 5 are the players who can win it for us in my opinion

1. Ronaldo
2. Rooney
3. Scholes
4. Giggs
5. Neville

Come on lads!!!

Keep faith in the red devils
Ok fair enough but did you lose lets say Carvalho, Terry and Ashley Cole at the same time???

Terry is like us losing Neville
Carvalho is like us losing Vidic in fact Vidic is better
Cole is like us losing Evra although Evra is better now then Cole as his attackin play is sensational: colors1

lol so your the only ones with injuries then ? if we had not lost both our 1st and 2nd choice keepers with head injuries, John Terry with back, joe cole with foot, Robben with knee .. the list goes on, had we not had those injuries when we did I doubt you would of even been close to us at this stage .. same as the last 2 seasons it was all but over at Easter lol .. Chelsea are just coming into form again m8 and you seem to be going out of it .. our game at the bridge ? no worries for us, Arsenal is our hardest game as they will want revenge from the carling cup but hopefully their goal drought will carry on a few more weeks lol it's gonna be closer than any of your lot thought a few weeks ago and everyone now knows your shite under pressure lmao
Ok fair enough but did you lose lets say Carvalho, Terry and Ashley Cole at the same time???
Yeah I agree you are gonna miss Vidic he is a quality player

I predict a Man U League and Champions League double, beating Liverpool in the final.
Can't see Man U beating Liverpool in the final IF that is the final as theres some big games to go before that, Liverpool are the in form team at the Moment Playing some quality football
fooking hell we been without the best player in the world almost all season .... van persy 3 quarters of the season, gilberto was out for 1 month.... gallas was injured for 2-3 months... eboue was sidelined 7 weeks.... clichy missed 1 month aswell.. walcot now out for the season rosicky was injured for 5 weeks, diaby almost a year.

dont fooking talk about injuries pmsl
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please Mickie D Henry ain't the best in the world top 5 yes but not best Ronaldo is best at present.

Oh and who says Liverpool are even going to progress to the CL final they don't stand a chance against Valencia or Chelsea. Man Utd if we beat Roma tomorrow we are all but in the final i reckon as Bayern and Milan ain't all that in my opinion but Roma could prove a tough nut to crack.: colors1
one season and ronaldo is number one PMSL your the one off key fella!

greatness is not achieved over night, at the moment you cant even speak ronaldos name in the same sentance as henry's it would be a disgrace to henry and his achievements!

edit was a bit harsh but your still about 17 and want to put your cock up ronnies bum!
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He's right though, Henry isn't the best player in the world.
Ronaldo has been without a shadow of doubt the best player in the premiership this season. I don't watch other leagues so can't state he's currently the best in the world.
henry has been injured you cant measure his performance on that basis

on his day he is a better player than ronaldo and proven it!

im not denying ronaldos class but he dives so how can you say the best player in the world is also a diver - you cant its stupid!

what about drogba and i cant stand the fooker lol, he is top scorer and looks like breaking the fooking record you deny he dont deserve to be best player in the prem ?

you do a stepover and your the best, i dunno
Have to Admit that Ronaldo is a class class player (gay though lol) but I have to say if Henry was fit Ronaldo couldn't hold a light to Him
Well i reckon if Portsmouth can turn united over then bring on a liverpool man u final !! Liverpool are hitting good form at just the right time and on their day can beat anyone I bet their aren't any teams left in the cup who fancy taking us on
henry has been injured you cant measure his performance on that basis

Best cancel the player of the year award this year then due to Henry being injured!!

As I said, Ronaldo will be named (and rightly so) player of the year.
Drogba will come a close second.
and i go back a season or two but henry scored about 40 goals and setup 30

if ronaldo ever ever ever does anything like that or that kinda stat ill give this site to ronaldo1234imaplumb thats what henry is about

i cant even believe im having this convo henry is the best player to ever grace the premiership the most prolific player you will ever see lmao
I'm not doubting his talent but you seem to be doubting Ronaldo's.
It would however have been interesting to see Henry play for a good team, imagine what he would have achieved then!!

/tongue in cheek comment
@garym no son its not about who wins it this year and then if henry is injured he must be the best injured player in the world lmfao rofl

im saying henry is the best player in the world based on performances and my loyalty to my team... and i hope he is fit and playing for the gooners next year and you will see where ronaldo stands up then!
yeah but garym ffs class also depends on players ability and attitude...

his skill and ball control is pure class (happy m8y)

his attitude and diving is the lowest of the low (its true)

so while he is a class player in alot of respects he wont ever be real class player until he stops diving and actilike like a **** lol

toungue in ass comment ;)
Son? How patronising. How dare you!! LOL

Now get your tongue out of your ass (comment) and stop being so blind to the fact that Ronaldo is a bloody good player and is currently setting the Premiership alight.
Would Wenger find a place for him in your squad?

EDIT - Just read your last post, we both accept he's a good player and I also accept he drops to the floor a little easy but when you look at close camera footage he does take a lot of stray tackles due to his quick feet.
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nice edit son ;)