Which Sat will show premiership footie?


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
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as the title says what will be the sat in the sky that will host the footie next year

i heard a few times lol, that art wont be showing it next season ?

is that conclusive now ?

also what will show it will i show 3pm games ? and hoy much is a card etc

cheers people just trying to find out when i need to install my new motor lol because if its not any time soon i will leave my monoblock on astra and hotbird for now until i need to switch
the last i heard was that supersport would be showing it on 7 west, i think this is part of the orbit package, please correct me if im wrong, i notice art cards are now available for £79.00 for 12 months, thats a big drop since they lost the football rights
well you still get it on the supersport package on the digitalb service on 16.2e .....dont think it is conclussive that art have lost the rights i 'm sure that they still will be transmitting footie its just the rights are open to other providers correct me if i'm wrong i heard it on the grapevine lol
m8 its not conclusive that ART is out of the picture yet.....my understanding is that the rights are sold on a regional basis ....the region in question is North Africa and the middle east( 1 region as far as rights are concerned up until now at least-whether it continues that way????) Pinkhelmets will correct me if i'm wrong. Anyway.....up to now ART held all pl rights to that area and broadcast its channels to the mid east on nilesat and north africa via hotbird...obviously it is the north africa situation of most interest to us.

The new rights for that region have been sold to Showtime Arabia....they only broadcast from nilesat and i believe ud need a 3 or 4mtr dish to receive that in UK....but that also means that north africa are in danger of being left dark too without replacing existing equipment and the rumour is that matches could be sublicenced back to art for north africa on hotbird..i have read somewhere it may be limited to 3 or 4 games a week -not the range of choice that we've been used to....so its no different to other years really with misinformation and rumour and its a waiting game...
Even if art lose the prem they would replace with something....bundesliga/serie a ?? they already carry french league...so it may be worth a gamble on art as a 12 mnth card is £79 on some sites now....
I have also read claims that there is still 18 months to run on the current hotbird agreement but whether this is right is anyones guess.....id say that they all get renewed at same time time myself and so would ignore that for now....but very much hope i'm wrong though as i bought a couple of cards whilst they were cheap last summer and gambled on next season.

divvyalb(eutelsat 16e) have defo got it (next 3 seasons i think) as theres no competition left in albunia now....but they only show 1 sometimes 2 sat aft matches -reception can be dodgy in these parts tho sometimes...west uk

supersport gr(hotbird) will prob have it but then theres not much dif btwn cost of their subs and a british one...so its a choice based on content rather than price there....

premiere(astra1) may carry it too but their coverage seems hit/miss...as they tend to show 1 match at a time and it could be uk/italy/holland/

d+ (astra1) are another option but no uk audio-and more expensive than sky
(but not for tm owners)

tps or canal+ in france will surely carry it- think they are on both hotbird and astra1 at the mo.......no idea what the prices of the new merged company are..

Whatever the outcome I think we'll be paying a bit more for our cards anyway-regardles of the route we use.....
cheers bert ;)

i dont mind paying the extra as long as i can watch the gooners at 3pm, TPS was great with them being french they was so biast lol which worked in my favor

i bought a years sub to ART lol and find they will not be showing it anymore (maybe) which was great because they have the enlgish commenty dont get me wrong i dont mind the french on TPS but its bloody annoying.

but hey cant moan lol

Mickie D
m8 art are going to have to get something to fill their chans......we see 6 on hotbird and tthere are already 7 on nilesat...plus im sure ive seen they intend to add more sport chans (maybe nilesat only) but that suggests they intend to have more output not less.....so it could still be far from the worst investment yet.........i wouldnt mind if they went for a bit of cricket(fox may have got there first tho) but the way our boys are playing now those 40mins highlights is about all i can stomach...... : shocked2
i beleive art sport has lost rights to premier league football for next season.but premiere ,if still open woll have it,as one door closes another on opens: multi :
nothing conclusive as yet ive heard rumous that ART SPORT want to buy out the company whom have got the rights next year for the life of me i cant remember , its a channel on Hispasat , ill keep u in formed
regards biffo
it was showtime that have secured the rights but Art sport want to buy showtime
I've only just bought 3 months ART to see what its like and because Toon V WHU recently was on ART SP 5 only. I've always managed up till now with chans that open with a patch (I go to every home match). If you support a big club, like the Arse, I'm pretty sure you don't need a card, unless you really really want to hear the pundits talking rubish.
Premiere will also be showing Premiereship football and they have won the rights to show it until 2010 according to this info I found on another site.

Premiere secures itself rights at the English Premier League football until 2010 Premiere will expand the reporting over English point football starting from the next season. This is made possible by a new contract with the Premier League. Premiere has itself the rights of cession at the Premier League up to the end of the season 2009/10 secured. Thus also the two German national players will have to be seen Michael Ballack (Chelsea London) and Jens Lehmann (arsenal London) further with premiere. The agreement plans that premiere per season up to 320 that can transfer altogether 380 plays from the Premier League, 280 of it exclusively. With simultaneous instead of finding portions premiere will show also further the popular conference circuit. Carsten Schmidt, executive committee sport and new one Business with premiere: "England football league is one the most attractive world. We are pleased that we remain as partners of many years the Premier League also in the coming three years in the motherland of the football at the ball. We will even expand our program offer from the Prime Minister League starting from the coming play time and still more live-spiele than so far will show. Thus premiere remains also future of Germany number one in things of international live-fussball."
Premiere sport can only be good news of course english commentry, but more competition for supersport who are slightly higher on price than art have been so keeps them on there toes cos otherwise they will have the european market all to there own, cos there's no way in hell art can buy out showtime art is dead im afraid.
premiere sport is ok, but this channel is hacked and there is no guarantee that it will be open next week never mind the back end of this year,art was great because it was a official sub, if they buy supersport with their football rights, then that can only be good, i would rather pay out a bit to be certain of continued watching