..I'm done stick a fork in me

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Whether or not exos needs to 'grow a pair' or whatever that's irrelevant, this is called the rant room, it's for people to post their rants it isn't for anyone to judge it even reply if you don't want to, at no point did exos ask for anyone to voice their opinions so I fail to see where your scathing resentment comes from techquest?

Granted, by posting somewhere online you open yourself up to responses but that isn't the point here, I guess what I'm trying to say is your life may be ten times harder and you may feel quite proud of yourself for keeping your chin held high but that hardly holds any relevance in this thread.

hit the nail right on the head there...

this is exos rant,
guy was letting of some steam and having a rant.. (in the rant room)
he didn't ask for opinion..

@ the trolls, go start yer own feckin rant instead of hijacking someone elses.. ;)
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I think I can safely say this without repercussion, but you really are an out and out tit. If anyone hasn't told you that before and I'm the first, then I really am surprised. Why are you even here, because so far all your posts have either made little to no contribution or been defamatory? (if you need me to explain that as a few of those words have more than four letters, just let me know). I didn't ask for you opinion or need it, in actual fact i didn't post for sympathy or a response but rather as an outlet in the absence of something tangible and if anything, the one thing I can't do is discuss it with people I know, for the very same reasons.

In regards to your attempt at a rhetorical response regarding working hours, I do and I have, in fact most of my days are spent sitting 4+ hours in a car.

You don't know me, my circumstances or any history around why I was venting, which is what it was. I don't even feel the need to explain, because I certainly don't have to to the likes of you, so get off your soapbox and go and annoy someone who cares about your viewpoint.

Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out..
ad off said a hand cherk good job his dad was home from work early !!!!!not exos but the 1 for slating him for this post
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hit the nail right on the head there...

this is exos rant,
guy was letting of some steam and having a rant.. (in the rant room)
he didn't ask for opinion..

@ the trolls, go start yer own feckin rant instead of hijacking someone elses.. ;)

Its hardly a rant. It was more of a 'woe is me' whiny whinge to be honest. Everyone has hard times.

Most people just get on with life rather than moaning about a long day.

You know what pisses me off the most about this type of moan. There are literally MILLIONS of unemployed people in this country,living below the poverty line and trying their best to provide for their kids, who would give their right arm to be in the position that the OP is in. Yet he's moaning about being stuck in a car for 4hrs a day.

I agree with tekquest...man up and be thankful for what you have.
Its hardly a rant. It was more of a 'woe is me' whiny whinge to be honest. Everyone has hard times.

Most people just get on with life rather than moaning about a long day.

You know what pisses me off the most about this type of moan. There are literally MILLIONS of unemployed people in this country,living below the poverty line and trying their best to provide for their kids, who would give their right arm to be in the position that the OP is in. Yet he's moaning about being stuck in a car for 4hrs a day.

I agree with tekquest...man up and be thankful for what you have.

I hardly think the concerted effort you made in an attempt to decipher all of what I was talking about really can be summed up as simply driving for a few hours. I have the greatest sympathy for those people that want to work and cant, but I don't think one has anything to do with the other and really if that's an argument to agree, it's very poor.

Even if it was a "woe is me" whinge, which it wasn't then it's my prerogative.

I've no real interest in arguing over something that you neither understand or are willing to. I've spent many many years putting up with various forms of shit from one employer to the next and one job to the next and it is few and far between that I actually put something out there rather than bottling it up, dealing with it and hoping it will just go away. I posted out of frustration, to release some pent up feelings. I don't expect people to understand, but then I also don't expect people to simply just jump in with ridiculous comments that have absolutely no bearing.

Really, the unemployed? If you feel that strongly about it, give your job to a local community member (if its that easy of course), but I suppose pizza delivery isn't everyone's bag.
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Its hardly a rant. It was more of a 'woe is me' whiny whinge to be honest. Everyone has hard times.

Most people just get on with life rather than moaning about a long day.

You know what pisses me off the most about this type of moan. There are literally MILLIONS of unemployed people in this country,living below the poverty line and trying their best to provide for their kids, who would give their right arm to be in the position that the OP is in. Yet he's moaning about being stuck in a car for 4hrs a day.

I agree with tekquest...man up and be thankful for what you have.

moan, rant what the diffrence?

the op feels aggrieved and posted a rant in rant room ffs.
just because he didn't over use the "f word" doesn't mean its not a rant...

if he wants to moan/rant (in the rant room) then thats up to him....

don't understand why you constantly have this aggerssive posture in threads...
If you feel that badly about life then kill yourself. Take more than a few paracetemol or something worse.

Leave your wife and family knowing that you couldn't talk to them but a bunch of 'internet friends'

Grow up.
If you feel that badly about life then kill yourself. Take more than a few paracetemol or something worse.

Leave your wife and family knowing that you couldn't talk to them but a bunch of 'internet friends'

Grow up.

So your advocating suicide? I mean really. Seriously? I guess you would be the one next to the guy on the ledge saying "go on do it"

You're really showing the level of your intelligence there.
seriously i didnt have an issue with the bloke but that statement is a police involvement type of post... they take this shit seriously.... and he thought his avvy being changed was bad and a breach of privacy.

anyone with a weaker mind could have acted on that line and taken them over the edge... they hunt these people.

never had issues with him but thats not cool not cool at all.
what a horrible little cnut that man/boy is...... chin up exos mate, your not a daft person im sure you'll work out whats best for your situation and deal with it as you see fit... good luck with it...

also whats the bets theres a new member pops up here on this thread and starts backing up ray vinmad, hmmmm, how long will he take!!!
I'm fine, just have days where everything accumulates into one thing and yesterday was one of those days, plus there was some anger there too at events of the day.

Off for a few days now anyway.

If I was really in that frame of mind, that type of comment as Thommo said could just be that element to tip you over the edge, internet or not you simply don't do something like that anywhere at anytime.
Its hardly a rant. It was more of a 'woe is me' whiny whinge to be honest. Everyone has hard times.

Most people just get on with life rather than moaning about a long day.

You know what pisses me off the most about this type of moan. There are literally MILLIONS of unemployed people in this country,living below the poverty line and trying their best to provide for their kids, who would give their right arm to be in the position that the OP is in. Yet he's moaning about being stuck in a car for 4hrs a day.

I agree with tekquest...man up and be thankful for what you have.

Life isn't always as easy as simply saying this annoys me but in future ill just be that little bit tougher and it won't suddenly matter.

I'm sure exos is thankful for what he has but it's ok to feel sad or down sometimes and it's certainly more than ok to vent on a forum called the rant room. In future maybe you should refrain from clicking that link?

Or should I just remember that we are all big 'ard men who put our women in their place and say 'f*cking' after every word when we've had 6 or 7 pints down the pub?
Why the hell are people allowed to post if they have been banned?, Exos has a lot of problems at the moment besides work, he has posted on here to express his feelings and it has not gone unmissed. Now after reading some of the comments on here it has made me realise, how self centred and pathetic some members can be on here. Some members attitudes stinks on here and I really hope life throws a load of shit your way and when it does don't post your troubles on this forum because I for one would just ignore you. Chin up Exos and I really do hope things start picking up for you.
If you feel that badly about life then kill yourself. Take more than a few paracetemol or something worse.

Leave your wife and family knowing that you couldn't talk to them but a bunch of 'internet friends'

Grow up.

It's not often I'll post saying I totally disagree with a post, but what you say on here is so wrong on so many levels.
Also; I don't agree on the police involvement comment, but really Ray Vinmad your comments do require an apology because as already stated by Thommo it could push someone over the edge. Would you really like the thought of an innocent persons life on your consience ?
It's not often I'll post saying I totally disagree with a post, but what you say on here is so wrong on so many levels.
Also; I don't agree on the police involvement comment, but really Ray Vinmad your comments do require an apology because as already stated by Thommo it could push someone over the edge. Would you really like the thought of an innocent persons life on your consience ?

so if someone acted on that statement you wouldnt want the police involved?

if you read my post i said its a police involvement type statement, if someone acted on it they should face the arm of the law.
Its hardly a rant. It was more of a 'woe is me' whiny whinge to be honest. Everyone has hard times.

Most people just get on with life rather than moaning about a long day.

You know what pisses me off the most about this type of moan. There are literally MILLIONS of unemployed people in this country,living below the poverty line and trying their best to provide for their kids, who would give their right arm to be in the position that the OP is in. Yet he's moaning about being stuck in a car for 4hrs a day.

I agree with tekquest...man up and be thankful for what you have.

So why are you here?

Log off, grow a set, deal with your problems, and when you've accomplished that, then you can come back in here and start posting again.

12 hour shifts? Gawd bless your wee cotton socks, try 12 hour shifts on top of 4 hours cumulative travel time.

Get your priorities sorted first, then come back here and trade posts with people who you haven't met before & who couldn't care one iota one way or another what you do.
If you don't know where your priorities lie, then I'm afraid no amount of bleating in here (with your imaginary friends) is going to help you.

Ever heard of tough love?

Here's your portion!!!

Can a mod do the world a favor and ban these whallopers.
Ray Vinmad your comments do require an apology because as already stated by Thommo it could push someone over the edge. Would you really like the thought of an innocent persons life on your consience ?

OK everyone quick we don't have much time. All link arms and create a line. Now at the start of the line, slowly walk into the light and feel around until you can feel D8RCS. Grab firmly and retrace your steps, dragging him back into the real world where the rest of us live.

:) It's only a stoopid joke from stoopid me D8RCS. I apologise sincerely if you think it's inappropriate. I do wonder what other site you've been on for the last 5 or so years if you ever think someone like that will suddenly get a conscience.
OK everyone quick we don't have much time. All link arms and create a line. Now at the start of the line, slowly walk into the light and feel around until you can feel D8RCS. Grab firmly and retrace your steps, dragging him back into the real world where the rest of us live.

:) It's only a stoopid joke from stoopid me D8RCS. I apologise sincerely if you think it's inappropriate. I do wonder what other site you've been on for the last 5 or so years if you ever think someone like that will suddenly get a conscience.

VectorZ I get where you are coming from and no offence taken, but I do live in the "real world" I do have a story of where I am at the moment but that is beside the point. I know what it is like to be one of the "Grow a pair" brigade but I have also been one of those who has been on the edge, so I know both sides of the coin. Do I believe the likes of Ray Vinmad have a conscience ? Yes I do, it might take more to prick it than most other people but yes I think everyone has a conscience.

By the way Thanks for your concerns for me.
but really Ray Vinmad your comments do require an apology because as already stated by Thommo it could push someone over the edge. Would you really like the thought of an innocent persons life on your consience ?

If I felt that I had done something wrong then yes, I would apologise but not on this occasion. I haven't so I won't.

If you don't like that opinion then tough. You've had you're 2 days of ignoring the rules and slagging me off but I'm back now. :proud:
If I felt that I had done something wrong then yes, I would apologise but not on this occasion. I haven't so I won't.

If you don't like that opinion then tough. You've had you're 2 days of ignoring the rules and slagging me off but I'm back now. :proud:
hurry up and kill yourself will ya ;)
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