VM's card swap help page now live !

just on the subject of the kryptview DW800 HD , would you say the people behind the box know something about N3 or was it just really bad timing investing and releasing this box ?.i was always told (i dont know them personally) these guys were the original leading lights when it comes to cable TV and if they sont know its its not worth knowing.

I can only hope :) But its the chance you take when you buy a box. my dm500c dome me a service and if I get a few more months out this one then I will be happy.
hi nozzer i have a few contacts in china that clone stuff .etc

if i sent a card of to them to get dumped under a micro scope

would that be of any use???

just thinking of the options here as these guys clone / crack 10000 pounds worth of equipment .etc

I doubt they would do it for free, typically for this type of work your looking at about 3-6 man months work and a fee of £1/4 Million !

Peeling layers back on silicon wafers and microprobing is not easy work !
just on the subject of the kryptview DW800 HD , would you say the people behind the box know something about N3

lol, why would you think any box manufacturer is particularly clued up or even interested in encryption technology ?

Generally, no box manufacturer is directly involved in hacking cards or cracking encryption systems although it does appear that they may occasionally use (or even pay for) information which gives their boxes perceived value.

I'm sure if you gave the KV guys, or any other box manufacturer a card they would just look at it blankly and ask what you expect them to do with it. Give them the algorithms and necessary keys, on the other hand, and they will probably be happy to do some firmware mods if it means box sales !
It takes an awful lot of time to build up knowledge of a new card, especially when that new card may well be a brand new processor type!

On one sat forum I've read the chip on Rom 180 is identical to Titanium and Funcards which are Atmel based.
I doubt they would do it for free, typically for this type of work your looking at about 3-6 man months work and a fee of £1/4 Million !

Peeling layers back on silicon wafers and microprobing is not easy work !

i was talking to a guy and he said it costs big money but the factory is only willing to do it if they can make double the profit

may b get them to crack it and impliment in a custom reciever made by them
that way they will make money....lol
Re: Could ipt be the way

that would only stop modded VM boxes as surely the streams will still be live on the network for the likes of Dreamboxes to unencrypt?

Hi All,
just spoke with my VM mate to ask if the the streams would still be live.He said the best way that he can explain it to me is that no dodgie dox can receive front row.And that is the route VM is taking with all of the channels so if you can workout how to get front row then you will be able to get all the other channels as well.so that is why he is say it is not n3 but ITP.
hope this helps
Re: Could ipt be the way

It seems as though they may be doing something clever.

By requiring talkback they kill the lot, don't they?

No more more dumb streams?
Re: Could ipt be the way

Hi All,
just spoke with my VM mate to ask if the the streams would still be live.He said the best way that he can explain it to me is that no dodgie dox can receive front row.And that is the route VM is taking with all of the channels so if you can workout how to get front row then you will be able to get all the other channels as well.so that is why he is say it is not n3 but ITP.
hope this helps

whats the new card for then m8 ??????pointless sending out a new card when its not used when ordering ondemand

besides people can get front row as you call it with dodgey boxs, {its not a hack by anyone, its a fuckup by vm}

besides getting front row is quite easy......its who pays for the films thats the problem
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Re: Could ipt be the way

It seems as though they may be doing something clever.

By requiring talkback they kill the lot, don't they?

No more more dumb streams?

well unless they do some major surgery at the headends on verifiying subcribers boxs only, it wont mean a thing if they leave tb as it is now
Re: Could ipt be the way

To me this looks like a 2 year plan for all the linear content to be protected by nag3 (hardware CA) and all the IPTV content to be protected by software based CA, a dualcrypt or simulcrypt system if you like.
A double security measure whereas if one is compromised the other could be implemented quite easily for either or. We will find that any premium or desirable channels will all be IPTV based.
If the IPTV will require a return path then Virgin are going to have a lot of unhappy customers. I for one can't even access on-demand most of the time without it crashing or giving me some kind of error.
Just been reading through this thread and one thing that comes to mind is has anyone not logged the stream. I know with sat tv if two encryptions are used it will show. So by logging the stream you could see both nagra 1 and nagra 3.

Also don't worry about the boxes, it does not matter if the box is a 10 year old ditv100 or the latest sammy V+ box they will both work fine with nagra3.

For me I don't reckon it is nagra3. Not unless its been done free of charge !

Finally your bk wont change so you could always c/s using a db500 and newcs if the worst happened.
Finally your bk wont change so you could always c/s using a db500 and newcs if the worst happened.

BK might not change but its importance is far less with N2/N3 due to pairing negotiation requiring the rsa pairing keys. Without those you cannot do anything useful with the card !
Yes true but with the older receivers we could always dump the RSA key.

I have a nagra 3 Polsat card running under newcs 100% having dumped RSA and BK from receiver.
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I should be getting my new sub box tomorrow or monday as soon as I receive it I will read the card and post what it is. No bulshit from me.
Re: Could ipt be the way

It seems as though they may be doing something clever.

By requiring talkback they kill the lot, don't they?

No more more dumb streams?

what about mac address cloning the boxes similar to bb ?.
found this link on another site hxxp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagravision says vm going to n3
Vm are replacing all the Nagra 1 cards that are in all the boxes at present be it hacked or legit with the new nagra 3 cards. Once they have successfully sent out all the cards then they will cease with the nagra 1 streaming and all those boxes with nagra 1 card will go down and be defunked(kerput, dead, no good and so on)> At present there is no hack for the nagra 3 but thats not to say there wont be soon. The nagra 2 card only lasted 4 months before hacked.
This has not been well though through by virgin media as it will cost millions in order to issue all these cards and the telephones call it will generate will be a nightmare for them to handle!
Its likely they will start in a pure NTL franchise area like scotland or manchester and trial it before rolling it out to the rest of the country in one hit. And from what I know Im not convinced they have purchased the full amount of cards to cover the customers which means they will carry on streaming the nagra 1 and 3 cards at the sametime. That should give most of you with hooky boxes a good few months left unless your in the first area they try.
Anything can be hacked its just a matter of time! the good thing is your hacked modems will still work A ok :banana: