@all members

I didnt get a pm.

Yes you did you, you had them from a member of Admin explaining why your posts were being deleted

Are you trying to stir the shit yet again ? you really don't heed your warnings do you, you were banned last time for shit stiriing and arguing, carry on and you will be gone for a LOT longer
Yes you did you, you had them from a member of Admin explaining why your posts were being deleted

Are you trying to stir the shit yet again ? you really don't heed your warnings do you, you were banned last time for shit stiriing and arguing, carry on and you will be gone for a LOT longer
I only got a PM after I asked about a seperate issue. I asked why my avatar was being changed and why my post asking that question was removed.

So no, I am not trying to stir the shit again, as you put it. As it turns out my question was answered in a subsequent post from MH.
Yes you did you, you had them from a member of Admin explaining why your posts were being deleted

Are you trying to stir the shit yet again ? you really don't heed your warnings do you, you were banned last time for shit stiriing and arguing, carry on and you will be gone for a LOT longer

here, here...........

you're a clever git karym..............but a shit stirrer..............butt out
I seen Bronto's post this morning and agreed with it wholeheartedly! I did't take offence in what Bronto posted, I thought it might be good deterant and hopefully stop all the shite that has been posted here lately.

This is a cable forum that offers help in other area's I.e. consoles & PC's. If peeps want to talk or argue about race religion etc then they should find a different forum to post such drivel.

If you havent been involved in such posts Rod, then don't take offence mate. Bronto's post wasn't aimed at the majority of DW's members although everybody should take the message on board IMO.

Much respecto big dundonian............I didn't take it personally...........I just thought it was ill advised........and ultimately unneccessary...........

Hey, I'm not sticking up for the leechers coz I detest them...........It's Christmas..........just ban the fookers as you normally would without making it public..........
I only got a PM after I asked about a seperate issue. I asked why my avatar was being changed and why my post asking that question was removed.

So no, I am not trying to stir the shit again, as you put it. As it turns out my question was answered in a subsequent post from MH.

Just to set the record straight I deleted most of your posts, I was informed by admin that you had asked why they had gone and that you had had been given an explaination, as far as I'm concerned, End of

As for your Avatar being changed I assure I did not do that at all and you are welcome to ask Admin to check their logs
What's all the fuss about? Bronto's post made perfect sense. I took it in the spirit it was intended and didn't find anything offensive in it.

.....I wouldn't get overexcited rodboy, you're doing your fair share of shitstirring.
Much respecto big dundonian............I didn't take it personally...........I just thought it was ill advised........and ultimately unneccessary...........

Hey, I'm not sticking up for the leechers coz I detest them...........It's Christmas..........just ban the fookers as you normally would without making it public..........

Its not easy to ban an established member, as they have their uses and can be quite helpful (Plus we get backlash from the members). Thats why we put it to a vote as that is the fairest way. If the vote it one sided then the action is taken. If its close a final warning is given.
I only got a PM after I asked about a seperate issue. I asked why my avatar was being changed and why my post asking that question was removed.

So no, I am not trying to stir the shit again, as you put it. As it turns out my question was answered in a subsequent post from MH.

you are a well known pain in the arse in the general section...........please don't become active in the cable rooms............or I for one might just fook off
Can this thread be moved to the rant room please and all of you's fook off in there with it
this is the dbox section ffs
Just remember a Moderators/Admins Job ain't easy we have to make decisions that not everyone agrees with coz we all have different opinions,you cant keep 1000's of members happy all the time lol

we do what we think is right at the time (not always right) but please try to support us ;)
lol I thought about writing that too lol :)