Biometric Passports

A passport allows me to travel outside of the UK,personally at the most its used twice a year and sits in the cupboard the rest of the time.
I'd be more bothered using a cloned modem than a chip on my passport.
Would rather Glasgow than Edinburgh lol......nothin personal lol:banana::banana::banana:
for instance, should I be a banker and he wanted a bank accont with me, then yes I would.

he doesn`t need an id card for this.

I didnt know that this being a free country means that we all need to be anonymous from eachother.
being a free country means just this,if he wants to be anonymous to you he has that right

Anyway, whats the problem with carrying an ID card?

i have no problem with the id card,it`s just the bullsh*t the government tells you about why we must have them
your right dave, he doesnt need an ID card to open a bank account, one reason is that they are not available and the more sensible reason is that he can also do it with a utility ill, passport and some other form of ID, such as a drivers license.

And bullsh*t, exactly what dont you like about the reasons an ID card has been proposed?
it will not stop terrorists.
it will not stop benefit fraud.
it will not stop illegal migrants.
so why are we actually having these ID cards?
your right dave, he doesnt need an ID card to open a bank account, one reason is that they are not available and the more sensible reason is that he can also do it with a utility ill, passport and some other form of ID, such as a drivers license.

And bullsh*t, exactly what dont you like about the reasons an ID card has been proposed?
it will not stop terrorists.
it will not stop benefit fraud.
it will not stop illegal migrants.
so why are we actually having these ID cards?

Hmm, dont know how you can categorically say that the ID card scheme wont have any impact on these things. The UKPA's website has this to say:

The points on opening an account and claiming benifits actually make sense to me, I have opened two in recent years and they both required different forms of ID.
Perhaps ID cards would be useful to prevent 'holidaying tourists' using NHS resources to which they aint entitled.
i cannot,like you cannot say that it will you just believe what the government has told you,and with this governments track record i wouldn`t believe much of what they say.I won`t bother reading that link you gave me as i presume it`s just something they won`t you to hear or read.

Hmm, dont know how you can categorically say that the ID card scheme wont have any impact on these things. The UKPA's website has this to say:

The points on opening an account and claiming benifits actually make sense to me, I have opened two in recent years and they both required different forms of ID.
The only point I can see that hasnt been answered is how will these things speed up immigration checks and how do we know if the person carrying the passprt is the correct person if no-one actually looks - well - The photo image contained on the chip probably also contains relative measurements between facial features and this is about as unique as fingerprints so a camera can look at you as you go past the check in and determine within seconds if you are the correct person on the passport!!

I guess this is the start of it though and iris and fingerprints will become compulsory at some point aswell as a dna profile too!!

Its no good most people wanting the goverment to crack down on illegal immigration and terrorism and then complain at the first thing they try to introduce!! Sure - we all know that the system can probably be hacked by some clever dudes but if we ruled our lives on that basis anything that can be hacked wouldnt be made in the first place!"!!

I for one like the idea of anonimity in a free society but I fear those days are going fast and we will just have to put up with it or start to colonise the sewers as some sort of renegade underclass!!!
doesnt being part of the EU preclude this though? I mean, if someone from France comes over here for treatment, doesnt their insurance pay up for it?
Does anyone actually believe the government give a toss about this

travel abroad
open a bank account or apply for a loan
collect a package from our local sorting office
join a library
apply for benefits

Apart from Benefits, the government do not have any liability in any of these fields, therefore don't give a monkies.

This is a sales pitch, in order to bull**it us into believing they actually care how hard or easy it is to join a bank or apply for a loan unless that is it was headin directly into Hain's personal slush fund.

This is the Securocrats at their work, there is only two agendas here control & £££££ and anyone who thinks different needs a reality check!!!
doesnt being part of the EU preclude this though? I mean, if someone from France comes over here for treatment, doesnt their insurance pay up for it?

If they have insurance yes,but its well known the nhs is abused by people with illness's such as HIV the drugs cost a fortune.
Does anyone actually believe the government give a toss about this

travel abroad
open a bank account or apply for a loan
collect a package from our local sorting office
join a library
apply for benefits

Apart from Benefits, the government do not have any liability in any of these fields, therefore don't give a monkies.

This is a sales pitch, in order to bull**it us into believing they actually care how hard or easy it is to join a bank or apply for a loan unless that is it was headin directly into Hain's personal slush fund.

This is the Securocrats at their work, there is only two agendas here control & £££££ and anyone who thinks different needs a reality check!!!

apart from join a library, I would imagine that the government (or at least parts of it) would be very interested in these points.

Also, as many of you will no doubt groan over, countries like the US need to you have a biometric passport to get a tourist visa (or at least a machine readable pasport).

Come on guys, sceptisicm is good but full blown paraoia ges you no where.
it will not stop terrorists.
it will not stop benefit fraud.
it will not stop illegal migrants.
so why are we actually having these ID cards?

its way to get more tax now alot of people have stop smoking and the price Will keep going up browns mates will not know where to stop