Your opinions on the popular images (nextgen, sportster, boxcracker etc.)

Ive Used many images in the past, ive had problems in different ways on all, ive used nex-gen for about 6 months and had no problems, except if i flick channels to quickly it freezes up but put it back to channel 1 then back it unlocks it.

Using 1.73 uko2 and found this a hell of a lot better than boxcracker :)
No freezing and more channels with this image...
Sportster 1.73 cryogenic

Got my box in excellent condition from Germany.

Installed the Sportster 1.73 cryogenic image and did a service scan straight away and got all the channels I could expect 240+

All I need to do now is orde them (bouquets).

Took me 2 hours from unpacking to setup. Not bad going for my first dBox2!

I used the forums throughout! Thanks for the help.
useing boxcracker but having a terible time with it freezing. looking to try sportster next.
I think we should try to keep to using one image - it would make everyones lives alot easier. The most common image these days is Sportster 1.7 - unlike the other images it still has alot of support, and because most people use it, it is easier to identify and fix faults that may occur.

Sure, use whichever image you feel best - but I have seen alot of people with high opinions of the Sportster images, and would say that they're probably the most stable images around at this moment in time.

Another point to consider is the default IP address of all these images - they always seem to change! If everyone stuck to the same image then the default IP would be the same for everyone and there would be less confusion!

Then again there are some extreme cases where people HAVE to use a particular image because its the only one that works for them - I guess its all down to personal preference in the end.

Please excuse me for my ignorance...but after reading around ...are boxcracker, sportster et al all versions of neutrino? Cheers:)
sedate said:

Please excuse me for my ignorance...but after reading around ...are boxcracker, sportster et al all versions of neutrino? Cheers:)

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sportster the new one is exxxx-ce-lent, its available in the downloads section , it is far more stable than any other images i seen,
only tried sportster 1.15 not had any problems with my sagem x2
had some freezing problems with sagem x1 tho but that maybe the box
i my self been using sporstar the only problem i have is sticking today i have put zoger will let you no have it is
de_deej said:
Try gavs updated image and leave feedback here:

It'll be great if some people could leave feedback for Gav's image here as well as voting for it on this link. And as this post seems to be an older one, it'll mean most of the peeps who've left feedback here have had there dboxes for a while, so your opinion is mucho appreciated
Well, I've had Gav's Image for for a few weeks, and stability wise, it's fab.
It froze twice, for a split second each time, in the last 2+ weeks. So it's got my thumbs up with sugar on top.

The image I had before was the sportster 1.75, it worked fine for a week but then kept on freezing. My personal opinion is the picture quality of the sportster seemed slightly better than Gav's Update, which is strange as everyone else says the reverse.
For now this has, hands down, got my sugar on top vote.
I can't seem to stream using Gav's image either but that's possibly because I'm doing something wrong (even though I did stream using the sportster) but that isn't one of my priorities at all.

Nice one Gav
sportster doesnt work all that well on my box but boxcracker did the trick until today :(
Using Sportster 1.7+ uk05 for a month or two on my Nokia 2x.
Superb. Only issue I've had is the picture went black and white. Once !