young guns brush newcastle asside!


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
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listened to it on the radio and it should of been 8-0 lmao

if thats what we have just behind the first team well it wont be long before we are back to the top ;)

no offence goerdies i like your team and actually have a geordie pal (dave the chef lol) but hes gonna get it tomorrow lmao ;)

but it was one way traffic in the second half just waiting for the bus to stop in the net lol, if big sam thinks them tactics still work he got an awakening and will need to rethink his ideas for his next game when we roll out the first team lol

comon sam times move on and the sit back and put 10 men behind the ball aint going to work, if not for great tackles and fantastic saves from given you would of got hammered!


arsenal r playin sum football this year henry leavin has been a good thing by the looks of it they r great 2 watch and mabye put in a small challenge for the title but i think utd will b 2 strong :):)

and mabye put in a small challenge for the title but i think utd will b 2 strong :):)

we will see :)

its been a good day allround for the arsenal, the younger youngsters won it dont realy look like wenger will need any of the cash that is slopping around at the club at the moment as his next intake looks ok.

i too listened on radio/watched sly 1, newcastle had 1 real chance i could make out.............

highlights sly sport1 at 00:00 to 01:30 will be all games
we will see :)

its been a good day allround for the arsenal, the younger youngsters won it dont realy look like wenger will need any of the cash that is slopping around at the club at the moment as his next intake looks ok.

i too listened on radio/watched sly 1, newcastle had 1 real chance i could make out.............

highlights sly sport1 at 00:00 to 01:30 will be all games

senderos made a fantstic off the line tackle martins rounded fabianski...
diaby ran round 3 defenders like they was not there to pass a ball into denilson and he smashed it into the same part of the net diaby scored from on saturday from a tighter angle it was class made by diaby.
at the moment i think we could take any of the top 4 no worries at any pitch i just think we will have a bad game against a team like sunderland and our confidence will drop and unlike UTD they bounce right back after a defeat we seem to suffer a few games (and i hope that has changed about arsenal aswell ;))anyway wheres that lizzard girl that was giving it before the match lol... we played our propper kids not our first team kids even lmao
we were given a lesson, for us to get players like those young guns,we'll have to move NUFC south otherwise we've got no chance of attracting players to us who think the smoke is the be all and end all.
the papers think we will win everything but i dont take that attitude i want to see what happens when we lose a game because its then i will know if we can win the league but for me utd are the team to beat.

the winters starting its getting colder and we will need to travel to places soon that are very hard tackling grounds and will arsenal perform the same i a not sure.

for me i dont know where wenger finds these players and he was talking about the 15 year olds today and saying he see's some stars in there that are going to be better than what he has now lol... i dunno if thats true or not or wenger being clever lol.

but what i can say is its good news for all the other teams out there because arsenal are setting a standard where players can be found young and bleeded into the team and we are the most profitable club in england... proving billionaires are not needed to be successful and thats great for the english game even when are team is 99% non english lmao.
Arsenal have played well and signs are ominous dare i say for the title challenge!

One thing i don't get is the fact people keep going on its Arsenals kids this and that sorry they ain't kids anymore the majority have played quite a few games now they maybe young but ain't newbies to the game at this level as they have played for a while.

That boy Fabregas just continues to remind me of Scholes we don't mind taking him once Scholes calls it a day lol!

Good luck for season but you'll finish below the CHAMPS
I do not think that the new @rse will be too bothered by the prepared pitches that we had to endure last season, because we are no longer attemping to walk the ball into the back of the net. Goals from 10,20 yards should negate that tactic
I was listening to it on the radio also & couldn't believe that Big Sam brought on more defence in the second half, it was as if he felt he was going to lose before he started. I guess 2 nil was better that 6 nil, that would of really put the spot light on him.

I must say though we're enjoying it at the moment, too rightly so but we wont get carried away. We have a lot of improvement to make, at least it's a upward curve.
Like mickie has said before in other threads, i think the main test for this young side will be when they have lost a game. see how they pick up. but i will enjoy while all the wins build up. hopefully we can go another season unbeaten lol.
yeah unbeaten would be a great achievement but i dont think it will ever be done again not while im alive, people think its easy to not lose a game for 38 games and i think it wont be done again.

i would like wenger to play bendtner with adebayer for a game just to see what it would be like with 2 big fellas up front because they both cause defences alot of trouble with there height and ball winning.

might not work but he should at least try it out i would not like to be a defender up against adebayer and bendtner fooking hell they would pick everything out of the air.

saying that its not our style to long ball its boring as fook when chelski do it so lets not spoil our football ethics lol

Mickie D
yip toon giving a lesson but sams team selections/tactics still puzzle me at times.

Like why keep playing ameobi??????????? he's total garbage and wish one manager would have the balls to get rid of him,but know all we here from the last 3/4 managers is that he's unreal on the training he's not doing it on the pitch,never has so why keep him???

why not play smith up front?? he scored in his first game for us whilst playing upfront(the only time he has started there since he come). he is not a winger so why keep playng him there?

it annoys me too when they try to go all defensive,taking off milner and putting on just hope joey barton adds a little bit of creativity to midfield.........but in reality we are never going to win anything with that current team.

well done young young gunners would like to see you's go all the way this year and lift it.