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Young Brits and their communication skills

I'm not sure if that's tongue in cheek or not, but i think it's worth a reply.

One of my sons is dyslexic(statemented). He has never used his dyslexia as an excuse and has never asked for it to be taken into an account in examinations. He now has a University degree because luckily he was born into the computer age with access to that wonderful tool, the 'Word' spelling and grammer checker.

I really am Dyslexic and I also never really use it as an excuse, if anything it has made me do things better. I went right through school and then 6th form, it was only as I was leaving 6th form was it picked up, since then I also went to uni got a degree. I must admit however I do still try and avoid large documents or pass them onto 1 of my staff to read and give me the rundown on what is required. All my staff know and the tongue and cheek bit was the Dysfunctional bit as it apears in the Dictionary right before Dyslexic a word I can never remember how to spell and always have to look it up.

No offence intended by my comments

I keep my personal attacks for PM's
No offence intended by my comments

No offence taken m8. I just thought it was something that needed saying to offset some of the preconceptions about dyslexics.

As you say "if anything it has made me do things better". I saw that in my own son. He always had to work harder than others, and as a result he usually did better than them.
I am a 21 year old man and I happen to think I have decent communication skills, I can speak in phonetics and I used to work in a callcentre.
If anything, my problem there was I was too blunt. (I did DSLhelpdesk: "No, I won't help you with your printer. Why? Because A, it's not my job, and B, I don't want to.")
In all fairness I do have bipolar disorder :scapegoat:

I've also seen some shocking dissertations - some people still don't know the difference between "they're", "there" and "their" - things spelling and grammar checkers sometimes don't pick up.

One guy has spelled "threw" instead of "through" throughout his dissertation.. I cried out to him "LET ME PROOFREAD IT!" too late, he's handed it in.

The real problem however is that he will probably pass - more and more fucking morons are getting degrees these days. I met a guy with a CS degree who didn't know what FTP was ffs.
It works like this - if everybody got knighted tomorrow, the "sir" title would become instantly meaningless. (a bit like the US Dollar :Laugh: ) It's exactly the same with degrees.

My advice to anyone with a degree struggling to work, get a portfolio going. They prove a lot more to an employer than a degree or HND IMO, if you have a good one.

I'm not saying stupid people should just give up, but if people can't grasp basic logic (such as IF statements in our programming class - it happened...), perhaps these people should consider a career in a more physical role...

Oh I have met intelligent dyslexic people. I'm not talking strictly about dyslexia making you an idiot (just like having bipolar disorder suddenlt makes you shave off your hair and go crazy.. what a crock of shit)
No, I was self-employed for a while before starting my new job last Feb.

I have been in a position to help in the hiring of people though.

Some of the CV's I've seen could have been better constructed by a gorilla using a typewriter with bananas strapped to his hands :)

For the most part, the CV is the first point of contact between Employer & potential Employee, if this is a mess, or is too "busy", then it will find it's way promptly into the circular filing cabinet. (bin)

If this passes, then...

Next step is usually the interview.
Jeans & t-shirt don't cut it, facial piercings/tatoos are usually out as well (It depends on the job though).

During the interview, candidates should maintain good eye contact with the person speaking, also speak clearly, be confident, & don't intersperse your language with things like "know what I mean", "innit" & for up here "ye ken" :)
If you're being interviewed by a panel, then make sure that you give them all some attention while you're being interviewed & answering questions.

If you are able to look at them all at the same time, then you may need some sort of corrective surgery :)

Vicki Pollard & Spud from Trainspotting would not be good interview candidates. :)

Spud in the interview was one of the funniest scenes I have ever seen !! I have interviewed more people than I care to remember and would have loved to interview him !
same here i hate the Indian call centres i think it is pathetic at times lol especially when you as who is calling they will come up with some funny names like once i got one with an alleged name of Scott Harris i thought you Bullsh**ing feckers.

In the end its not the guys at the call centres who are fault it is those companies who go there for cheap labourers imo.

But it does piss me off but whenver i get a telesales call i give them lots of shit lol

Mate I'm all for change and if it helps businesses survive then even better. But why big profit making organisations like banks want foreign call centres is beyond me. They cant understand us and we cant understand them.

Too many cultural differences I think. Rather have the dreaded automated machine which makes you choose a thousand different options before being transferred to the wrong department, at which point you're passed about 10 times before hanging up the phone.
I am a 21 year old man and I happen to think I have decent communication skills, I can speak in phonetics and I used to work in a callcentre.
If anything, my problem there was I was too blunt. (I did DSLhelpdesk: "No, I won't help you with your printer. Why? Because A, it's not my job, and B, I don't want to.")
In all fairness I do have bipolar disorder :scapegoat:

I've also seen some shocking dissertations - some people still don't know the difference between "they're", "there" and "their" - things spelling and grammar checkers sometimes don't pick up.

One guy has spelled "threw" instead of "through" throughout his dissertation.. I cried out to him "LET ME PROOFREAD IT!" too late, he's handed it in.

The real problem however is that he will probably pass - more and more fucking morons are getting degrees these days. I met a guy with a CS degree who didn't know what FTP was ffs.
It works like this - if everybody got knighted tomorrow, the "sir" title would become instantly meaningless. (a bit like the US Dollar :Laugh: ) It's exactly the same with degrees.

My advice to anyone with a degree struggling to work, get a portfolio going. They prove a lot more to an employer than a degree or HND IMO, if you have a good one.

I'm not saying stupid people should just give up, but if people can't grasp basic logic (such as IF statements in our programming class - it happened...), perhaps these people should consider a career in a more physical role...

Oh I have met intelligent dyslexic people. I'm not talking strictly about dyslexia making you an idiot (just like having bipolar disorder suddenlt makes you shave off your hair and go crazy.. what a crock of shit)

Its great that people with speech or communication impediments make more of an effort and actually ending up learning more than those with no problems. I guess it does kind of illustrate the point that if people make the effort then they will naturally do well.

Some great points raised and now that when you think about it, it is the lack of effort that cause young people to abbreviate everything, or possibly it could be that we are in such a rush these days we don't have time to speak in proper long sentences any more.

Here's my list of things to blame

Education system (teachers should hit kids with a big stick if they talk like rapper with a lisp)
Paris Hilton culture
Rap culture
TV and more

People really need to read more..

Mate I'm all for change and if it helps businesses survive then even better. But why big profit making organisations like banks want foreign call centres is beyond me. They cant understand us and we cant understand them.

I think the 'out sourcing jobs' is another thread but thanks for your input.
Its great that people with speech or communication impediments make more of an effort and actually ending up learning more than those with no problems. I guess it does kind of illustrate the point that if people make the effort then they will naturally do well.

Some great points raised and now that when you think about it, it is the lack of effort that cause young people to abbreviate everything, or possibly it could be that we are in such a rush these days we don't have time to speak in proper long sentences any more.

Here's my list of things to blame

Education system (teachers should hit kids with a big stick if they talk like rapper with a lisp)
Paris Hilton culture
Rap culture
TV and more

People really need to read more..

I think the 'out sourcing jobs' is another thread but thanks for your input.

Wagwan peeps,

This thread has been an interesting one through out . Big up Munkey.

To end this man finks to bring back the cane to many utes on road these days with no respect , all thinking they are bad and from the ghettos you get me. lol safe
Wagwan peeps,

This thread has been an interesting one through out . Big up Munkey.

To end this man finks to bring back the cane to many utes on road these days with no respect , all thinking they are bad and from the ghettos you get me. lol safe

Good afternoon tlogic (or erm big up urself)

Funny mate real funny. :roflmao:
Wagwan peeps,

This thread has been an interesting one through out . Big up Munkey.

To end this man finks to bring back the cane to many utes on road these days with no respect , all thinking they are bad and from the ghettos you get me. lol safe

dat waz well gud m8 - nuff respec an all dat innit, im well findin it sick funny an all dat, dya kno wat i mean mush :Clap:

by jove I think ive got it
Munkey, Im sure the Spice Girls should be in your list too :) it cant really be good for society when you have 9 year olds on TV, mimicking their idols singing "If you want to be my lover..." after that they're hardly going to go to school to learn anything.

Anyway I havent read the whole thread, so sorry if ive missed the point :)
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Hi Monkey, thought about not being ageist & recruiting some older candidates - I know a lot of experienced sales guy's burnt by the tech bubble bursting that woulod consider £30k+ as a good restarting salary.
Hi Monkey, thought about not being ageist & recruiting some older candidates - I know a lot of experienced sales guy's burnt by the tech bubble bursting that woulod consider £30k+ as a good restarting salary.

Thanks for the offer but I hired the sweetest looking graduate, ahh she is so pretty and so so sexy :hubbahubba:

Shes from Cornwall and doesnt speak a word of jive. 2/1 from UCL plus I got her for £22k+bonuses so a good result all round.

Its just not the tech bubble, banks are in trouble, print publishing is really in the shit, advertising revenues are half of what they were 4 years ago. IMO things will really go to shit next year.

I've got something else that you may be interested in PM sent.

Munkey, Im sure the Spice Girls should be in your list too :) it cant really be good for society when you have 9 year olds on TV, mimicking their idols singing "If you want to be my lover..." after that they're hardly going to go to school to learn anything.

Anyway I havent read the whole thread, so sorry if ive missed the point :)

If you read the whole post you'll soon figure out I pretty much hate everyone LOL. I've ranted about Bratz et al on good few occasions but nobody listens to me I tells ya.

dat waz well gud m8 - nuff respec an all dat innit, im well findin it sick funny an all dat, dya kno wat i mean mush :Clap:

by jove I think ive got it

LOL hawkish you haven't.

by jove is NOT street. PMSL
LMAO, well Munkey you are lucky, all I have for my PA's are 2 * 6'3" blokes they weigh between 20-24 stones each... And they are useless, I cant sack them because I feel sorry for them, so im stuck with them for life... Its good to hate everyone because at least your not being biased :)
maybe look at some younger people too :)

I was turned down for a tech job at a school, when I walked in for the interview I was practically laughed at because I look so young (I get ID'd for co-codamols which are 16 age limit)

I scored highest on the tech test but I wasn't hired because the other candidate had "better communication skills" - bollocks, it's because nobody will hire a tech who looks like an 18 year old.

Not all young people are stupid, ignorant, and care only for getting pissed up and listening to the latest top-40 drivel. some of us do care for knowledge (and wish we were born in the 50's but with modern technology)

but yeah, modern telly is fucking shite, pardon my Modern English, the only thing on my Dreambox is either Sky Classic, Nat-Geo, Discovery Knowledge (I liked it better when it was history based) and the UKTV channels. (ok sci-fi for TNG :))
My brother watches Disney and the pop stuff, and it's basically a capitalists wet dream - programs like MTV promote rabid consumerism and I think this teaches kids to think status, bling, and being an "alpha male" - i.e. a loud showoff are the most important things in life today.


sorry for the rant, and I know I'm a hypocrite when I steal TV and software, but really, I'm sure branson has his fair share of the world's resources.
(I promise I'll post less now. sorry guys! :Blush:)
maybe look at some younger people too :)

I was turned down for a tech job at a school, when I walked in for the interview I was practically laughed at because I look so young (I get ID'd for co-codamols which are 16 age limit)

I scored highest on the tech test but I wasn't hired because the other candidate had "better communication skills" - bollocks, it's because nobody will hire a tech who looks like an 18 year old.

Not all young people are stupid, ignorant, and care only for getting pissed up and listening to the latest top-40 drivel. some of us do care for knowledge (and wish we were born in the 50's but with modern technology)

but yeah, modern telly is fucking shite, pardon my Modern English, the only thing on my Dreambox is either Sky Classic, Nat-Geo, Discovery Knowledge (I liked it better when it was history based) and the UKTV channels. (ok sci-fi for TNG :))
My brother watches Disney and the pop stuff, and it's basically a capitalists wet dream - programs like MTV promote rabid consumerism and I think this teaches kids to think status, bling, and being an "alpha male" - i.e. a loud showoff are the most important things in life today.


sorry for the rant, and I know I'm a hypocrite when I steal TV and software, but really, I'm sure branson has his fair share of the world's resources.
(I promise I'll post less now. sorry guys! :Blush:)

Wow a readable post from a youth. :FRIGHT: There must be hope or either you are middle class LOL. I have to say that Discovery Knowledge is my favourite TV channel as well.
Munkey, Im sure the Spice Girls should be in your list too :) it cant really be good for society when you have 9 year olds on TV, mimicking their idols singing "If you want to be my lover..." after that they're hardly going to go to school to learn anything.

Anyway I havent read the whole thread, so sorry if ive missed the point :)

Dare I post for fear of being mocked for my poor linguistic skills, lol.

The spice girls weren't a very good example, for starters it wasn't 'IF you want to be my lover' it was 'If you WONNA be my lover'.

The real scarry thing is that some of these slang terms are actually creeping into the dictionary! lol.
Dare I post for fear of being mocked for my poor linguistic skills, lol.

The spice girls weren't a very good example, for starters it wasn't 'IF you want to be my lover' it was 'If you WONNA be my lover'.

The real scarry thing is that some of these slang terms are actually creeping into the dictionary! lol.

What type of words? Scary indeed if true.
Being an Exec at a multinational and managing a large WW sales team, I need to agree that in general the level of UK candidates is very low in comparison to most other Countries. Its an International environment and most countries have english as a Second Language, and speak / write English better that native English speakers. Its not enough now to speak one language well but multiple. Sadly the English mentaility of "Foreign Languages are for foreigners still rules".